Kinka Computer

태국/베트남 요리


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전화 번호

정보제공원: NTT TownPage Corporation.


  • Superb
    5.0 게시일 : 2018.12.27
    I havent been to Thailand but I do come from Sydney Australia where Thai food is as ubuitious as a meat pie in a bakery and this is the best Thai Ive ever eaten. The set menu we chose built from...
  • Dinner at Kawaguchiko
    3.0 게시일 : 2018.11.17
    This is the closest thai restaurant from gem museum. It is on the 2nd floor, upper level of Indian Restaurant. We had our dinner here. The food is mediocre. Service is fine. Nothing to highlight
  • Doesnt really come close if you know your Thai food
    2.0 게시일 : 2018.06.06
    If you are visiting Japan and feel like a change of cuisine, and your experience of Thai food is what is served up in run of the mill joints in Europe or the US, and you like that, then you may enjoy...

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