Universal Studios Japan

Takamatsu Express Kobe Go [Expressway Bus] for Takamatsu Sta. Highway BT.

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37 Click on the time to see the stop stations click on the time to see the stop stations


  • 30
    Expressway Bus
    Expressway Bus Takamatsu Express Kobe Go
    Takamatsu Sta. Highway BT.
  • 19

  • 30
    Expressway Bus
    Expressway Bus Takamatsu Express Kobe Go
    Takamatsu Sta. Highway BT.
  • 20

  • 20
    Expressway Bus
    Expressway Bus Takamatsu Express Kobe Go
    Takamatsu Sta. Highway BT.
The timetable reflects the latest data received from Kotsu Shimbun as of 2024-06-27. A timetable revision will be implemented throughout Japan on Saturday, March 16, 2024. Please note that timetables are subject to change.

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