Benzaitendo House and Enkanchi Pond

Historical Monument
Benzaitendo House and Enkanchi Pond are cultural properties located inside the Shuri Castle Park in Naha City, Okinawa Prefecture. Enkanchi Pond is a manmade pond which was built in 1502 to collect spring water and rainwater within Shuri Castle. Benzaitendo is a red-roofed shrine located in the middle of Enkanchi Pond which enshrines Benzaiten, a water goddess controlling safe sea voyages.

Spot details

Okinawa prefecture Naha city Shuri Shuri Castle Park map map Map
open everyday
※You can also take a walk outside OpenHours. However, the parking lot is open everyday.
Parking Lot
※Shuri Castle Park Charge parking lot (8:30-18:00)
[Shurijo Castle Park Management Center] 098-886-2020
Shurijo Castle Park and all facilities in the park, including the Charge facility, are currently temporarily closed due to the Tuesday disaster that occurred on October 31, 2019. Please refer to the official website of Shurijo Castle Park for the latest information on the opening of the park.

Information Sources:  NAVITIME JAPAN


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