
Soba / Udon

Spot details

Kanagawa Pref. Kamakurashi Komachi 2-9-22 map map Map

Information Sources:  NTT TownPage Corporation.


  • An excellent little restaurant with a brilliant trad menu.
    5.0 Reviewed : 2020.02.09
    Discovered this excellent place by happy accident while wandering the old shopping streets. Its close to the railway station so, once youve got your bearings, its easy enough to find. Look for the...
  • Great Budget meal
    4.0 Reviewed : 2019.03.31
    Restaurant is somewhere along one of the side streets and not too far from the station.Most of the set meals are around 1000 yen, and it tastes good. There are a lot of varieties to choose from the...
  • Worth going back so we did
    4.0 Reviewed : 2017.10.28
    The first time we ate here we followed a group of older school children, who seemed to know where they were going. It’s down a small side street. Good food at a great price. It is always busy. We...

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