NARUTO & BORUTO Shinobizato in Awaji Island



Everything you need to spend some great time immersing yourself in the world of the internationally beloved anime series Naruto and its spin-off and sequel series Boruto: Naruto Next Generations, is now possible at The Naruto & Boruto Shinobi-Zato (Ninja Village) in Nijigen no Mori (Awaji Island Anime Park). At this village, visitors will be able to take on ninja training through various attractions.

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    At Shinobi-Zato you can expect to see a whole range of Naruto and Boruto themed references including Hokage Rock and full-size statues of characters from the series. Of all the attractions offered here, a range of athletic activities using AR (augmented reality)and a three-story maze is a training that all visitors must tackle. When arriving at the village, visitors will receive two scrolls, Ten-no-maki (The Scroll of Heaven) and Chi-no-maki (The Scroll of Earth). Using these scrolls, visitors will solve quizzes and tackle a mission in the maze. There is no need to worry about the language barrier because you only need to look at symbols and pictures to solve them. Plus, there is a English guide too.
    The Scroll of Earth involves participants to solve quizzes along the mission to find the "Fragments of Chakra" spread across 7 locations and have them transferred onto the "Scroll of Earth" to return it to its complete original form. There are clues at each location and participants will need to run around the village to solve them all. These quizzes are not too difficult to solve and it is enjoyable for both adults and children.

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    What better way to make this mission a fun and memorable experience is using the smartphone app "Aim to be Hokage!" where participants can take some awesome pictures that make it look like you're actually using ninjutsu techniques at various AR spots inside the village. Get dressed up in your favorite character and find the best AR spot that matches the ninjutsu you are about to use for the character you are dressed as.

    Sasuke kneading chakra for his Chidori attack 
Ⓒ岸本斉史 スコット/集英社・テレビ東京・ぴえろ

    Sasuke kneading chakra for his Chidori attack Ⓒ岸本斉史 スコット/集英社・テレビ東京・ぴえろ

    Sasuke doing his Great Fireball Jutsu
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    Sasuke doing his Great Fireball Jutsu Ⓒ岸本斉史 スコット/集英社・テレビ東京・ぴえろ

    Upon completion of the mission, you will receive a certificate and a sticker. There are 5 different designs which are given randomly.

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    For the other part of the missions, The Scroll of Heaven makes the participants go through the athletic maze just behind the Hokage Rock to collect stamps of the characters mainly from Boruto: Naruto Next Generations. This three story maze offers 2 courses to choose from; Uchiha and Uzumaki course. Uchiha course is a more intellectual course, as you can kind of guess from his character, and has different mechanical tricks and hidden doors all around the place, testing your wisdom and intellect as a shinobi. On the other hand, Uzumaki course is a more active course involving climbing, going low to duck under the wall, and more to test your physical strength as a shinobi. Participants can choose to do both or just either. Do not forget to collect all the stamps before exiting as you will not be able to return for a second try. Each participant gets to try each course only once. These courses take from 30 minutes to however long depending on how well you do it.

    Left: Uchiha course
Right: Uzumaki course  
 Ⓒ岸本斉史 スコット/集英社・テレビ東京・ぴえろ

    Left: Uchiha course Right: Uzumaki course Ⓒ岸本斉史 スコット/集英社・テレビ東京・ぴえろ

    Can you climb up before the explosive tags blow it up? 
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    Can you climb up before the explosive tags blow it up? Ⓒ岸本斉史 スコット/集英社・テレビ東京・ぴえろ

    It is very rewarding to find all the stamps of the characters and present it at the goal where Sasuke and Naruto await. Once at the very top, you have two options to exit the maze, either going down by stairs or the most fun way, using the winding slides. This slide is quite slippery and will get you down to the ground in seconds.

    All stamps have been collected by doing both courses
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    All stamps have been collected by doing both courses Ⓒ岸本斉史 スコット/集英社・テレビ東京・ぴえろ

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    Hidden Leaf Village Areas

    Based off Naruto Uzumaki’s favorite ramen shop, “Ichiraku”, a reproduction based on the anime of the shop where most fans were expecting is in this village. Ramen comes with shio (salt), miso and tonkotsu(pork based) flavors but if you are a true fan, you know which flavor to choose; definitely the tonkotsu just like Naruto.

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    There is also a special souvenir shop that offers different types of Naruto merchandise with special items that can only be obtained here. In some seasons, there are limited time events and merchandise made specially for these events are very rare.

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    Photo Spots

    Aside from keeping the visitors busy with their ninja training, there are many locations for a kodak moment with your favorite characters. Originally, this place was used to be a stone park within the Hyogo Prefectural Awajishima Park. These stones left behind from the previous park had gone well together with the theme to create Naruto & Boruto Shinobizato. Making use of those stones left behind, the natural material harmonized well with the statues of the characters recreating the world of Naruto in such details.

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    NARUTO themed suite: Hokage's Villa in Awaji Island
    Anime / Manga / Ninja
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    Nijigen no Mori
    Kusumoto, Awaji City, Hyogo Prefecture 656-2301 (Nijigen No Mori)
    It is highly recommended to go by rental car, however, it is possible to go via bus and train from Akashi Station on Sanyō Main Line (JR Kobe Line) . For details, check here.
    ※If you are taking your car, E Parking Lot is the closest parking from the Naruto & Boruto Shinobizato

    Awaji Island Anime Park (Nijigen no Mori)


    67 Reviews
    Hyogo Awaji-shi Kusumoto 2425-2 Hyogo Prefectural Awajishima Park
    10:00-22:00(depending on the…
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    Nijigen No Mori Crayon Shin-Chan Adventure Park Ticket


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    Update date:2024/05/06

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