History / Culture / Tour Spots in Tosan Area

  • Okuboji Temple
    85 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Kagawa Pref. Sanukishi Tawa Kanewari 96
    Okuboji Temple located in Sanuki City, Kagawa Prefecture is a temple of the Shingon sect Daikakuji school and the 88th temple of the Shikoku 88-temple Pilgrimage. It is the place for completing a Shikoku pilgrimage, and the kongozue (sticks) and hats which belonged to pilgrims who completed the pilgrimage are dedicated next to the main hall. It is said that Gyoki established the temple in the Yoro period (717 to 724), and Kobo daishi built an edifice and enshrined a statue of Bhaisajyaguru carved by him later. It was popular for the principal image of Bhaisajyaguru which is said to blow away calamity and sicknesses, and also as a Nyoninkoya where women can access the mountain. The main hall and a two-story tahoto pagoda line up are backed by Taizogamine Peak, and it is said that you can receive the same fortune as with the pilgrimage of the 88 sites when you walk one lap around the Osunafumidojo (sand stepping field) of Daishi hall. It is also well-known for fall foliage.

    第88番札所 大窪寺 結願のお礼にお伺いしました。最初にお伺いしたのが5年前、久しぶりのお参りです。 境内は広く見ごたえも十分。8月の四国とは思えない雨で寒さもなかなかでしたがゆっくりとお参りさせていただきました。

  • Botaraku-san Shido-ji Temple
    53 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Kagawa Pref. Sanukishi Shido 1102
    Located around seven minutes’ walk from JR Shido Station on a site that looks out over Yashima Island and Mt. Gokenzan, facing Shido Bay, Botaraku-san Shido-ji Temple is the 86th temple of the Shikoku 88-temple Pilgrimage. It is the oldest of the 88 temples, having been founded in 625. The statue of the bodhisattva Kannon with eleven faces, flanked by guardian attendants Fudo Myo-o (Acala) and Bishamonten (Vaisravana), which was donated to the Temple by Matsudaira Yorishige, the lord of the Sanuki domain, the statues of the Nioh Guardians which were carved by Unkei, the Hon-do (Main Hall) and the Nioh Gate are all designated Important Cultural Properties. There is no admission charge for entry to the Kyokusui-shiki Garden, a garden constructed in the Muromachi period which resembles a traditional landscape painting and which is located in a corner of the Temple precincts, or to the Muzen-tei Garden, a Zen-style dry landscape garden.


  • Nagao-ji Temple
    42 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Kagawa Pref. Sanukishi Nagaonishi 653
    The Nagao-ji Temple is the 87th temple of the Shikoku 88-temple Pilgrimage. There are several different stories regarding the Temple’s origins, but the most widely-quoted story is that the Temple was founded when the bodhisattva Gyoki carved a statue of the bodhisattva Kannon and built a temple to install the statue in. Subsequently, when Kobo Daishi was preparing to travel to China to study Buddhist teachings there, he spent a period of seven days at the Temple, starting from New Year, performing the Gomakito fire ceremony to pray for a successful journey. A Daieyo ceremony is still held at the Temple every year on the seventh day of January in commemoration of this event. During this event, there is a competition in which participants compete to see who can carry a huge rice cake, which weighs 150 kilograms and is decorated with the Three Jewels, for the longest distance.

    補陀落山観音院長尾寺(ふだらくさんかんおんいんながおじ)は、香川県さぬき市長尾西(かがわけんさぬきしながおにし)にある天台宗の寺だ。 四国八十八ヶ所霊場第87番札所で、本尊は聖観世音菩薩(しょうかんぜおんぼさつ) 2020年11月13日、この日は志度寺に参拝した。 そこから車で、長尾寺にやってきた。 駐車場はとても広い。 第87番札所ということで、順番に回っていたら大詰めだ(区切り打ちだけど...

  • Outdoor Music Plaza Theatron
    8 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Kagawa Pref. Sanukishi Kamoshou 1-20
    This versatile open-air theater is the largest in Chugoku and Shikoku regions. It faces the Seto Inland Sea, letting visitors enjoy the natural beauty of Seto Naikai National Park while taking in plays, concerts, and more. The parking lots used for events vary, so it's a good idea to confirm the location in advance when driving to the venue.


  • Shiratori-jinja Shrine
    8 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Kagawa Pref. Higashikagawashi Matsubara 69
    This shrine is in Higashi-Kagawa City, Kagawa Prefecture. Stories tell that the spirit of Yamato Takeru became a swan and alighted at this shrine, and the grounds now hold garden lanterns donated by generations of feudal lords. It also has Mt. Miyama, which boasts of being Japan's lowest mountain at 3.6 meters, and the shrine offers certificates as evidence of your mountain climbing.

    猪熊邸を見るために車を走らせているとこちらを発見。 こちらは日本武尊(ヤマトタケルノミコト)の魂が白鳥になって降り立ったといわれる神社で、春・夏・秋に、盛大な大祭が開催され、また、神社内にある通称「みやま(御山)」は標高3.6m。日本一低い山として地域おこしをしており、白鳥神社では登山証明書を発行してあるそうです。 境内には大きな御神木があり、近寄ると体にビリビリ感がありました。

  • Maeyama Henro Exchange Salon
    14 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Kagawa Sanuki-shi Maeyama 936 Maeyama Chiku-ku Revitalization Center
    This rest area is situated along the Shikoku 88 Temple Pilgrimage between Nagaoji Temple, the route’s 87th temple; and Okuboji Temple, the 88th temple. The rest area serves as a place for pilgrims to exchange information as well as a gathering space for local residents. Inside, there’s a pilgrim museum where visitors can video Edo period travelogues and maps, votive tables left behind by past pilgrims who were offered food or accommodation, and old pilgrimage stamp books and handprints. In addition to pilgrims, the facility is used for group study events by local elementary and middle schools, and as a training space for lifelong learning groups.


  • Hiraga Gennai Memorial Museum
    9 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Kagawa Sanuki-shi Shido 587-1
    This memorial museum is dedicated to Hiraga Gennai – sometimes the inventor, sometimes the writer, and other times the potter, he was a dyed in the wool free spirt who was active in a broad array of fields. Inspired by Hiraga, who hiked across the country to engage in natural history research, the museum is designed around the theme of “walking.” Newly remodeled in 2009, the museum consists of two locations – a main building, and an annex whose grounds enclose Hiraga’s former residence as well as a medicinal herb garden. Here visitors can learn about Hiraga’s extensive achievements through videos and activities. Hiraga’s former residence is located around 500 meters west of the main building and has been designated a National Tangible Cultural Property.

    琴電志度駅から徒歩3分。2階建ての建物の1階部分が展示室となっている。入館料は500円(平賀源内旧邸との共通券)。 平賀源内は1728年に志度に生まれた。「エレキテルを発明した」と教わった記憶があるが、「壊れたエレキテルを修理し、改良品を作った」というのが正しいようである。源内は非常に多才な人で、様々な発明品の他、自身が書いた小説(戯作)や絵画も展示されていた。 展示物は多いとは言えないが、ここを...

  • Sanshu Izutsuyashiki
    8 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Kagawa Pref. Higashikagawashi Hiketa 2163
    Your home base for sight-seeing in Hikida town, this facility was created by renovating the manor of Izutsuya—a prosperous Edo period merchant who sold sake and soy sauce. The main building has classic tatami rooms and a garden you can visit. Enjoy the restaurant and specialty shops, or experience local traditions with wasanbon die-cutting, and making original gloves or other leather items.


  • Hiraga Gennai Memorial Museum
    Travel / Tourism
    Kagawa Pref. Sanukishi Shido 46-1
    "A museum which memorializes Hiraga Gennai, a renaissance man who was prolific in such fields as natural history, engineering, painting, and literature. The museum's exhibits are designed around the theme of ""walking"" and are divided into four areas - Shido-Takamatsu, Nagasaki, Izu-Chichibu-Akita, and Edo. This popular museum also has an activity corner."
  • Kagawa Tebukuro Museum
    Travel / Tourism
    Kagawa Higashikagawa-shi Minato 1810-1
  • Hiketa no Cityspace
    Travel / Tourism
    Kagawa Higashikagawa-shi Hiketa
  • Museum of Astronomical Telescopes
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Kagawa Sanuki-shi Tawa Sukemitsu Higashi 30-1
    This is the world’s first museum dedicated to telescopes. Operating out of a closed elementary school building, the museum displays over 200 telescopes of varying sizes. The museum doesn’t just display telescopes but also holds events in which they are used to look at sunspots and prominences. Situated near the border between Kagawa Prefecture and Tokushima Prefecture, from the museum’s roof visitors take in a beautiful night sky unspoiled by light pollution. Visitors note that here you can see nebulas and star clusters only visible in an area like this with such dark skies.
  • Entsuji Temple
    11 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Kagawa Sanuki-shi Shido 1107


  • Tawa Shrine
    4 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Kagawa Sanuki-shi Shido 121


  • Shido Ji (Dai 86Ban pilgrim stamp office)
    Travel / Tourism
    Kagawa Sanuki-shi Shido 1102
  • Yoda Ji
    4 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Kagawa Higashikagawa-shi Nakasuji 466


  • Fumonin Temple
    3 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Kagawa Sanuki-shi Shido 1097


  • Shingakuji Temple
    3 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Kagawa Sanuki-shi Shido 48


  • Jizoji Temple
    3 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Kagawa Sanuki-shi Shido 545


  • Shakuzen Bo
    3 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Kagawa Higashikagawa Hiketa 524


Kagawa Areas


Japan’s smallest prefecture, Kagawa, may take up just a small corner of Shikoku, but it has grown increasingly popular with the recognition of Naoshima, its "art island" in the Seto Inland Sea between Shikoku and Honshu. Just a stone’s throw from the islands, mainland Kagawa’s prefectural capital, Takamatsu, holds history in its castle ruins and its pride and joy, Ritsurin Garden, is known as one of the country’s best gardens.

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