History / Culture / Tour Spots in Kitakawachi / Higashi-Osaka Area

  • Ishikiri-Tsurugiya Shrine
    102 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Osaka Higashiosakashi Higashishikirichou 1-1-1
    Ishikiri-Tsurugiya Shrine, located in Higashi-Osaka City, Osaka Prefecture, has been beloved by locals for ages for Ishikiri-san, who is revered as the “god of boils.” It is famous for the “hyakudo-ishi” (stone used as a marker for hundred times worship) at the entrance, as well as the practice of vising the main shrine a hundred times in a ritual known as “ohyakudo-mairi.” It is said to have been founded during the reign of Emperor Jimmu, and the shrine name means “a sword and arrow that can pierce stone.” In front of the main shrine are camphor trees that are about 470 years old, and they are registered in Higashi-Osaka as a Natural Monument. The approach to the shrine has a shopping street with a retro feel and is filled with visitors year-round.

    Ishikiri Shrine is based in the area of Osaka called Ishikiri. This is the main shrine itself but there is an upper shrine under the same temple, if you can get there by walking and climbing up the...

  • Hiraoka Shrine
    59 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Osaka Higashiosakashi Izumoichou 7-16
    This shrine is located up the stairs just east of the Kintetsu Nara Line's Hiraoka Station. It is in Kawachi Province (before 1868), the main deity is Amenokoyane no mikoto. It is said that the shrine was built three years before the crowning of the first Emperor, Emperor Jinmu. To the south of the shrine is a ume (plum) tree forest, the scent of which caused it to be selected as one of Japan's top 100 aromatic landscapes. It is a very popular tourist destination. At the end of the year, a religious comedy festival is held at Hiraoka Shrine. In this event, the participants laugh continuously along with the head priest for 20 minutes. The media gives a special report on the event, and the number of visiting tourists increases year after year.

    神社の由緒は他の方がかなり書かれているのでそれ以外の部分を書きます。 神社の立地として近鉄の平岡駅の改札を出た所に二の鳥居が有り参道となりますので電車で来る方はそのまま進めば良いのですが、車で行った場合は駐車場が参道横の中腹となります。 その為、駐車場には参拝道左とありますが、そちらへ行かずに右方向に1-2分ほど坂を下って二の鳥居をくぐって参道を通って参拝されることをお勧めします。 河内国の一之宮...

  • Iwafune Jinja-Shrine
    37 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Osaka Katanoshi Kisaichi 9-19-1
    This shrine is located about 3.5 kilometers from Kisaichi Station on the Keihan Katano line. The shrine is dedicated to a massive boulder, Ame no Iwafune (Stone ship of heaven), measure about 12 meters long and 12 meters high. Legend says that Nigihayahi no Mikoto, patron deity of the Mononobe clan, descended to earth on a ship that then turned to stone, and was sanctified here. Visitors can also see the shrine's boulder filled stone caverns, long known as spots for follower of mountain Shugendo Buddhism, preserved as-is on the Stone Cave Tour.


  • Onji-jinja Shrine
    11 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Osaka Yaoshi Ondinakamachi 5-10
    This is a Shinto shrine situated near the Tenno Forest, a 20-minute walk from Onji Station on the Kintetsu Line. The shrine was established in 470 to worship for the protection of the country of Kawachi and with a history of over 1,500 years is one of the oldest shrines in Japan. At the top of the 131 stairs is the worship hall and maple trees, and on either side stand the God of Rabbits and God of Dragons. It is thought that stroking the statues after worshipping at the shrine will bring good luck and ward off illness and calamity. Inside the precincts there is a well called Akaido that has a connection with Kobo Daishi. It is a mysterious well where the water flows a brownish red color before it rains.

    今年2023年は ウサキ年であることから こちらに1月2日参拝しました。こちらでは《兎》は神様の道案内、⦅龍⦆は幸せな人生へ導いてくれるご利益があるそうです。石段は 131段あるそうですが この石段を上がると 右手に手水舎があり 最初に《兎》が出迎えてくれます(添付 写真参照)。 正面に《拝殿》があり、左手に《神兎》、右手に《神龍》があり なでながらお詣りをします(添付 写真参照)。 次に《拝殿...

  • Shijonawate Shrine
    11 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Osaka Shijounawateshi Minamino 2-18-1
    This shrine is located 15 minutes' walk from Shijonawate Station. It is one of the Naniwa Seven Fortunes, and the 20th shrine on Osaka's Sacred Places of Shinto and Buddhism pilgrimage. Masashige Kusunoki's eldest son, Kusunoki Masatsura is the primary deity of the shrine, along with the other 24 deities from the same clan. The shrine was named in 1889, and the current main shrine built approximately one kilometer east of the grave of Masatsura, known as Kusuzuka. The camphor tree planted by the grave is an ancient tree, almost 600 years old. It is a designated Natural Monument of Osaka Prefecture. There are many cherry and maple trees in the grounds, and a great number of people visit in the cherry blossom and autumn leaves viewing seasons.


  • Naritasan Fudoson Temple
    Travel / Tourism
    Osaka Neyagawashi Naritanishimachi 10-1
    "This Shingon Chisan Buddhist temple is located in Neyagawa City, Osaka Prefecture. Dedicated to Acala, called ""Fudo Myo'o"" in Japanese, the temple is known as the ""Osaka Narita-san Fudo-son"" and is the 28th station along the Kinki 36 Fudo Temples pilgrimage route. The temple was founded in 1934. Famous as the first temple in Japan where drivers come with their cars to pray for traffic safety, in addition to the temple's main hall, there is also a dedicated traffic safety prayer hall with parking spaces for 100 cars. Each year around New Year's, the temple's front gate is adorned with stunning traditional decorations made from 13-meter-high pine trees still bearing their roots and old plum trees. During the first three days of the new year, the temple welcomes around 750 thousand worshippers."
  • Shiba Ryotato Memorial Museum
    4 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Osaka Higashiosakashi Shimokosaka 3-11-18
    This memorial archive of materials related to Shiba Ryotaro is just an eight-minute walk from Yaenosato Station on the Nara Line (Kintetsu). Enjoy exhibitions inside this building designed by Tadao Ando situated right next to Shiba Ryotaro's home, and appreciate the garden based on groves of various trees that Ryotaro loved. The cafe offers hot coffee in mugs designed with paintings by Shiba Ryotaro, which you can enjoy with baked desserts. You can also purchase many original items.


  • Takaidayama Burial Mound
    9 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Osaka Kashiwarashi Takaida Within the 1598-7 historic site Takaida Yokoana Park
    This Kofun (ancient tomb) inside Takaidayokoana Park is located in the Ando-cho area of Kashiwara City, Osaka Prefecture. A designated national historical site, the excavated items have been designated tangible cultural properties of Kashiwara City. As a result of an excavation survey carried out in 1990, it became clear that it was a round burial mound from the middle of the Kofun period (250-538), and that there were many funeral items such as irons and mirrors. It is now possible to tour the stone chamber, and you can carefully look inside the room. The actual excavated items are on display at the adjacent historic museum.


  • Yao City Cultural Hall Prism Hall
    Travel / Tourism
    Osaka Yaoshi Hikarichou 2-40
    This multipurpose hall is a five-minute walk from Kintetsu Yao Station. The building was opened in 1988 and arose from the region's burgeoning art scene. The building has two floors below ground and five above. Its prism motif has given it the nickname Prism Hall. The hall has facilities including a 1,440 seat grand hall, a smaller auditorium with 390 seats, a reception hall, and conference rooms. It is the site of many concerts, plays, and lectures. It is also the home of the Yao Philharmonic Symphony Orchestra and was chosen as one of the top 100 music halls by SEAS, the Sound Engineers and Artists Society of Japan.
  • Jokoji Temple
    6 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Osaka Yao-shi Honmachi 5-8-1
    "This Rinzai Nanzen-ji Buddhist temple is the fifth station of the 13 Buddhist Sites of Osaka. According to records, the ancient temple was founded in the Nara period by the great priest Gyoki at the request of Emperor Shomu. The temple's principal object of worship, nicknamed the ""Yao Jizo (Kshitigarbha),"" has been said to have the miraculous power to grant women safe child birthing since ancient times, and even today many hold unshakeable faith in this statue's power."

    臨済宗南禅寺派で南禅寺塔頭金地院の末寺です。常光寺の地蔵盆で踊られる流し節正調河内音が河内音頭の起源とする説があるとのことです。 立派な三門があり、大阪府八尾市の文化財指定に登録されています。商店街の中に入口があり、入り口は狭いのですが、三門をくぐると境内が広いことにおどろかせられます。

  • Tomb of Kusunoki Masatsura
    Travel / Tourism
    Osaka Shijonawate-shi Kariyaminamimachi 27-5
    This tomb is located in Kariya Minami-machi, Shijonawate City. The tomb belongs to Kusunoki Masatsura, a Nanboku-cho period military commander and eldest son of the famous samurai icon Kusunoki Masashige. Records state this is the place where Masatsura died during the Battle of Shijonawate in 1348. A camphor tree over 500 years old growing on the grounds has been designated a Natural Monument by the prefecture.
  • Kudaraji Temple Ruins
    Travel / Tourism
    Osaka Hirakata-shi Nakamiyanishinocho 4340
    This site of a ruined temple adjoins Kudarao Shrine. The temple is believed to have burned down between the 11th and 12th centuries, and today only its foundations remain. The grounds in their entirety have been designated a National Special Historic Site. The ruins are one of only two Special Historic Sites in Osaka Prefecture.
  • Panasonic Museum matushitakonosukerekishikan
    43 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Osaka Kadomashi Kadoma 1006

    京阪電鉄の西三荘駅から守口市方向に少し行ったところ。 Panasonicの敷地の一角にあります。 入場料は無料。 松下幸之助さんの教え、生い立ちなどからなる館と その西側にPanasonicの製品の歴史などからなる館があります。 Panasonicというか、松下電器の製品や流れているCMは 懐かしいものが多いです。 松下幸之助さんの教えには共感することが多いですが、 凡人としては、言うは易し行うは...

  • Asakusa Kannon Sensoji Temple
    Travel / Tourism
    Osaka Higashiosaka-shi Ajiro 1-3-1
  • Hoshida Myoken Miya
    19 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Osaka Katano-shi Hoshida 9-chome 60-1

    Myoken is a shrine which is dedicated to Great Dipper. And Hoshida Myoken was founded at a site where a meteorite had hit. The precinct which covers a whole mountain is quite large and you can enjoy...

  • Nozaki Kannon (Jigenji Temple)
    21 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Osaka Daito-shi Nozaki 2-chome 7-1

    JRの駅からまっすぐ歩いていくとたどり着きます。ハイキングコースにもなっていますので案内を見ながら行けば迷うこともないと思います。。久しぶりにいったのですが、階段がこんなに急に感じるとは思っていもいませんでした。雨の日は要注意です。 ご朱印も書いてもらえました。

  • Higashiosaka Public Arts Center
    Travel / Tourism
    Osaka Higashiosaka-shi Mikuriya Minami 2-3-4
  • Hyotan'yama Inari Shrine
    15 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Osaka Higashiosaka-shi Hyotanyamacho 8-1

    ご祭神は祭神 若宇迦乃賣命(保食大神)とのことです。自称三稲荷で辻占総本社とのことです。古墳である瓢箪山に沿って建物が建っています。伏見稲荷や豊川稲荷と並び評される規模はありません。秀吉が大阪城建設の際に勧請した歴史があるそうです。狭い境内に多くの摂社末社と祠がぎっしりあります。地名や駅名にもなっていますが、駅には案内も特にないので、電車で訪れる際は事前に場所を確認しておいた方が良いと思われます...

  • Morii Shrine
    15 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Osaka Moriguchi-shi Doicho 2-22


  • Konoike Shinden Kaisho
    13 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Osaka Higashiosaka-shi Konoikemotomachi 2-30


Osaka Areas


While Osaka prefecture is the country's second smallest prefecture, its capital, Osaka City, is the country’s third-largest and arguably one of the most popular in the Kansai region thanks to its vibrant nightlife, the Osaka people’s openness, and its much-loved cuisine, which has earned it the nickname "the nation’s kitchen."

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