History / Culture / Tour Spots in Tochigi Area

  • Tsukada Memorial Hall
    15 Reviews
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Tochigi Pref. Tochigishi Yamatochou 2-16
    This exhibition facility located in Yamato-cho, Tochigi City makes use of the Tsukada family's storehouse. They were prominent lumber dealers during the Edo period (1603-1868), and this hall displays some of their important items. There is also an exhibit featuring a robotic dolls performing the tragic story about Uzuma River, and a robotic grandmother that tells stories while plays the shamisen (a three-stringed traditional Japanese musical instrument). The facility has a restaurant, too.

    蔵の街の象徴といえる鯉のぼりの架かる川に沿って、この塚田歴史伝説館の壁が100メートル以上続きます。 入口でチケットを買った直後に入る部屋では、三味線語りをするおばあさん人形とそれを眺めるおじさんの人形がとてもリアルでした。これがインパクトのピークだった気がします。最後の人形劇はそれほど印象的ではありませんでした。 とは言っても栃木市に来たらこちらを訪問するのはオプションだと思います。

  • Shimotsuke Yakushiji Historical Museum
    5 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Tochigi Shimotsuke-shi Yakushiji 1636

    三戒壇の一つとされる国指定史跡の「下野薬師寺跡」に関する入館無料の歴史館です。外観はこじんまりとしていますが中に入ると、発掘物を始めとして充実した展示を見ることができました。 ビデオによる説明もありまして、熱心に見ていると1時間くらい直ぐ過ぎてしまいそうでした。屋上からは周囲を眺めることが出来ます。外に出て5分くらい歩くと「下野薬師寺跡」に着きまして、当時の伽藍配置の図が地面に表示されていたり、復...

  • The site of Ashikaga School
    Travel / Tourism
    Tochigi Pref. Ashikagashi Shouheichou 2338
    These are the ruins of Ashikaga School—said to be the oldest school in Japan—which was abandoned in 1872. The original building has been reconstructed and designated as a Japan Heritage. It is open to the public, so you can see where students studied back during the earliest days of education in Japan.
  • Kanuma Municipal Art Museum of Kawakami Sumio
    11 Reviews
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Tochigi Kanuma-shi Mutsumicho 287-14
    This art museum was founded in 1992 with the donation of some 2,000 works of art from Katsusaburo Hasegawa (1912-2001), a Kanuma City native who was a student of Kawakami Sumio. The museum was built with fukaiwa stone quarried in Kanuma. Its exterior, which resembles the western-style buildings of the Meiji period, was designed based on one of Kawakami's woodblock prints. Its interior was finished with generous amounts of wood. The museum rotates its exhibits four times per year, allowing visitors to explore a variety of different themes.

    がっしりとした立派な体躯の持ち主で、若き日には北米の缶詰工場で肉体労働をされた事も、又教師時代は確か野球部の部長も長く続けられたという男の中の男という写真ではニコリともしない風貌の川上澄生画伯だが…その感性はガラス細工のようであったような気がするのである。 氏の作品のファンで版画も二点所有、で長年この美術館を訪れたく思っていたが東京からあと一足伸ばすのがなかなか勇気のいる事で先延ばしになっていた...

  • Torinokosansho Shrine
    Travel / Tourism
    Tochigi Pref. Nasugunnakagawamachi Yamata 1948
    This shrine, on the peak of Mt. Torinoko, is built astride the border of Ibaraki and Tochigi Prefectures and is known as the Shinto Shrine of the Owl. When arriving at the top of the stone stairs, you can see a cute but enormous owl statue, which is considered to be a power spot for good luck and monetary fortune. The central pillar supporting the great owl is said to bring monetary fortune, while the surrounding four other pillars is to ward off calamities and bad luck.
  • Shounji Temple
    10 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Tochigi Utsunomiya-shi Higashitomatsuri 1-1-16
    This ancient Soto Buddhist temple sprawls just to the north of the Tochigi Prefecture Government Building. The temple's vast, 50 thousand square meter grounds enshrine a statue of Kannon which is the 33rd stop on the Saigoku Kannon Pilgrimage. Founded in the Muromachi period, the temple's history stretches back some 550 years. The temple is also famous for its weeping cherry which is over 350 years old. An unending stream of local residents comes to see the ancient tree when it blooms in early April. It is also said that Meiji period prefectural ordinance Mishima Michitsune engaged in cherry blossom viewing parties under the tree with eminent personages from across the prefecture as well as large numbers of geisha from Utsunomiya. The tree has also been selected for inclusion in the Tochigi 100 Famous Trees list and has been designated a Natural Monument by the prefecture.


  • Hagurosan Shrine
    3 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Tochigi Utsunomiya-shi Imazato Cho 1444
    "This Shinto shrine is located at the top of 458-meter high Mt. Haguro towering on the western side of Imazato-cho, Utsunomiya City, Kawachi County, Tochigi Prefecture. There are various theories about the origin of the shrine, but in general it is believed to have been founded sometime during the Kohei era (1058-1065). The shrine is dedicated to Ukanomitama and has been a destination for worshippers since ancient times. Today, it is nicknamed ""Ohaguro-sama."""

    道の駅塩原をスタート、羽黒山神社に向かいます 創建は,康平年間(1058-1065)。宇都宮氏の初代当主・藤原宗円によるものとされる。上河内で篤く崇敬され,愛称は「おはぐろさん」。毎年11月23日,24日には,300年以上の歴史をもつ梵天祭が行われ,梵天が奉納されるそうです。 標高458m羽黒山の山頂に立つ神社です 康平年間(1058-65)創建の名刹で、本殿に向かう石段脇に樹齢450年になる夫婦...

  • Greatest Ebisusama in Japan (Osaki Ebisu-jinja Shrine, Osaki-jinja Shrine)
    Travel / Tourism
    Tochigi Pref. Mokashi Higashigou 937
    The Osaki-jinja Shrine, located in Mooka City, Tochigi Prefecture enshrining both Daikokusama (Okuninushi deity: God of Wealth) and Ebisusama (Kotoshironushi deity: God of Development) is registered in the Engishiki, a registry of ancient shrines. This 1500-year-old shrine is said to bring various types of luck, including health, matchmaking, and marriage blessings, and better fortune. The inner shrine, gilded with noted engravings, is not to be missed. Also known as ‘the shrine where you win the lottery’, many visitors come to worship here every year.
  • Futarasan Jinja Shrine Chugushi
    Travel / Tourism
    Tochigi Pref. Nikkoushi Chugushi 2484
    This shrine on Mt. Nantai near the shore of Lake Chuzenji in Tochigi Prefecture’s Nikko City lies in between the honsha (main shrine) and okumiya (rear shrine) of Futarasan Jinja Shrine. It was established in 784 after Shodo Shonin climbed to the summit of Mt. Nantai. Next to the honden (inner sanctuary) is a path (trailhead) that leads to the okumiya on the mountain’s summit, and the trail is only open from May 5 to October 25. In addition to architectural structures on the premises such as the honden and chumon (central gate), which have been designated as Important Cultural Properties, the Homotsu-kan (treasure hall) also exhibits various treasures that belong to Futarasan Jinja Shrine.
  • Kubo Memorial Tourist Bunka Community Center
    7 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Tochigi Moka Aramachi 1105-1


  • Kosugi Hoan Museum of Art, Nikko
    7 Reviews
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Tochigi Pref. Nikkoushi Sannai 2388-3
    This art museum can be found along Prefectural Route 247 in Sannai, Nikko City. Hoan Kusugi, an honorary resident of Nikko City, was a prolific painter produced western and Japanese paintings, manga, illustrations, and more. In addition to his works, the collection also contains works by Gizo Yoshizawa, Hiroyuki Saito, Naoto Nakamura, Shunya Akiyama, and others. In addition to planned exhibitions, there are performances and rakugo comedy shows as well.

    There was less than 50 paintings here and you couldnt take photos! Not many of the paintings were by kasugi hoan.

  • Konoha Fossils Museum
    6 Reviews
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Tochigi Pref. Nasushiobarashi Nakashiobara 472
    This outdoor science museum is located in Nasushiobara City, Tochigi Prefecture. First opened in 1905, the museum preserves and displays the fossils that have been excavated on its grounds. The exhibit room displays a wide variety of fossils and minerals collected from around the world, mostly notably the many fossils produced locally in the Shiobara area. One of the museum's attractions is a corner where visitors can enjoy breaking open fossil rocks in order to look for leaf fossils.


  • Izurusan Manganji Temple
    Travel / Tourism
    Tochigi Pref. Tochigishi Izurumachi 288
    This Shingon Buddhist Sect Chizan School Temple in Tochigi City is dedicated to the Thousand-Hand Kanzeon Bodhisattva. It is known as being a powerful spiritual location surrounded by forests and water with perpetual services offered for the deceased, zen meditation, and waterfall meditation. The main temple hall has been designated a Prefectural Cultural Property whereas the Deva gate has been designated a City Cultural Property and the Izuru limestone caverns have been designated as City Natural Monument.
  • Futarasan-jinja Shrine: Futara Reisen
    6 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Tochigi Nikko-shi
    This sacred spring is located to the rear of the precincts at Futarasan-jinja Shrine. Futara Reisen consists of the Yakushi Reisen spring which flows from a cave on Mt. Korei rising behind the main shrine, as well as Sake-no-Izumi, a spring flowing from the precincts at Takinoo-jinja Shrine toward the Nishishin-en garden. From ancient times it's been thought to relieve eye diseases, as well as rejuvenate youth and impart wisdom. The adjacent Azumaya tearoom offers beverages prepared with the sacred water like matcha green tea, coffee, and amazake (a sweet fermented rice drink). The water is also regarded as being superb for making sake, and prefectural breweries swear by it. Empty bottles are available for purchase to bring some of the water with you.


  • Shimotsuke Fudoki-no-Oka Museum
    6 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Tochigi Shimotsuke-shi Kokubunji 993
    This museum displays artefacts excavated from the adjoining sites such as the National Historic Site-designated Shimotsuke Kokubun-ji Temple Remains and Amadera Ruins, and the Tochigi Prefecture Historic Site-designated Maruzuka Kofun and Atagozuka Kofun. The artefacts on display range from the Kofun period to the Nara period. Many ancient burial mounds, temple and provincial office ruins, and other sites connected to the prefecture's history and culture can be found in the area around the museum. The museum presents the history of Shimotsuke City from a variety of viewpoints, including government administration and the lives of everyday people in the distant past, the relationship between the region and more central areas of Japan, and the development of civil engineering and construction technologies.


  • Utsunomiya Fairy Museum
    6 Reviews
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Tochigi Utsunomiya-shi Baba Dori 4-1-1 Utsunomiya Omote-sando Square Citizen Plaza 5F
    "This museum dedicated to fairy-themed art is located on the east side of the Nikko Futarasan-Jinja shrine. On the fifth floor of Utsunomiya Omotesando Square, the museum displays fairy-inspired ceramics and paintings. The beautiful stained-glass artwork near the entrance was designed by videogame and anime character designer Yoshitaka Amano. The museum was created in 2003 in order to ""make Utsunomiya a charming city which fosters dreams"" after prominent fairy researcher Kimie Imura offered to donate rare, historically valuable items concerning fairies. The adjoining museum shop sells notepads and clear files bearing Amano's stained-glass artwork design, and more."

    イギリス・フォークロア学会終身会員。ケルト・ファンタジー文学研究家。明星大学名誉教授。フェアリー協会会長の「井村君江氏」が名誉館長を務めている「うつのみや妖精ミュージアム」。出身地の栃木県宇都宮市に寄贈された妖精関係資料を展示するため2007年に開館した、世界的にも珍しい妖精をメインテーマとした美術館。 私が圧巻と思ったのが寄贈された膨大な蔵書類。オスカー・ワイルドやシシリー・メアリー・バーカーの...

  • Karasuyama Washi Kaikan
    6 Reviews
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Tochigi Nasukarasuyama-shi Chuo 2-6-8
    This workshop makes Karasuyama washi, a type of Japanese washi paper whose history dates back to the Nara period. The workshop's German-inspired building features double-hung and dormer windows. Inside, the facility contains exhibits on the history and production of Karasuyama washi and also sells Karasuyama washi products. A product of the area's abundant natural resources, Karasuyama washi is officially supplied to the Imperial Household Agency to be used for the annual New Year's poetry reading. The workshop's hodomura Karasuyama washi paper is considered one of the best thick washi papers around and has been designated a National Intangible Cultural Property. The workshop's building was originally built as the Karasuyama Hospital in 1923. The building's pseudo-Western-style gabled roof has been designated a Heritage of Modernization by the city.

    栃木県へのドライブ旅行の際、那須烏山市を訪問したので、こちらの「烏山和紙会館」へも行ってみました。 グレーの立派な建物(元は病院だったようです)に入っており、展示内容も良く、ショッピングもできるようになっていました。

  • Utsunomiya Castle Ruins Park
    Travel / Tourism
    Tochigi Pref. Utsunomiyashi Honmaruchou 1-15
    A historic landmark in Utsunomiya City, this is a restored part of Utsunomiya Castle's keep, which was originally built in the mid Edo-period. The moat, earthen embankment and watchtower have been restored and from the top of the tower you can look out at the city of Utsunomiya and Mt. Myojin. There is also an exhibition room on site with displays information about Utsunomiya's history and places to see. It is the site of annual festivals including the Utsunomiya Castle Festival and the Gyoza Festival.
  • Rinnoji Taiyuin Mausoleum
    Travel / Tourism
    Tochigi Pref. Nikkoushi Sannai
    The mausoleum of the third shogun of Tokugawa, Iemitsu, located at Nikko-zan Rinno-ji Temple. It was built by the 4th Shogun, Ietsuna, in accordance with Iemitsu's will. Although the color tone is more subdued than that of Toshogu Shrine, there are many important cultural properties such as the massive Nitenmon Gate and the Kokamon Gate that looks like the ryugu Dragon Palace, and the Main Hall is designated as a national treasure. The temple grounds are lined with 315 lanterns, offering a different atmosphere from that of Toshogu Shrine.
  • Nakagawa Municipal Nasu Fudoki no Oka Museum
    4 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Tochigi Nasu-gun Nakagawamachi Ogawa 3789
    """Fudoki"" were originally reports on the various plants, animals, and specialty products of Japanese products, first compiled on the order of Empress Genmei during the Nara period. Today, ""Fudoki no Oka"" preserve and maintain large historic sites which represent local history and culture. This museum's standing exhibition looks at the rediscovered ancient culture of the Nasu area as well as its development, and visitors can view Nasu' ancient culture from the Jomon through the Nara and Heian periods. Situated near the convergence of the Naka River and Hoki River, the surrounding area is also the location of sites such as the Komagata Otsuka Tomb, zenpo-koho-fun double conjoined rectangle burial mounds, and the Nasu Government Office Ruins, and the area is believed to have been the center of the ancient Nasu Province."

    栃木県那須郡那珂川町(とちぎけんなすぐんなかがわまち)は那珂川流域に沿って数多くの文化遺産が残されている。特に那珂川と箒川が合流するなす風土記の丘周辺には、栃木県で最も古い時期に築造された駒形大塚古墳をはじめ前方後方墳が狭い範囲に残されており、この地域が古代那須国の中心地だったと思われている。 2021年10月11日、この日はそば処ふれあいの舎でランチを済ませた。 そこから那珂川町なす風土記の丘...

Tochigi Areas


Most visits to Tochigi revolve around Nikko, a small city home to the spectacular, lavishly decorated Toshogu Shrine and Nikko National Park with its mountains, lakes, waterfalls, onsen, and wild monkeys. Neighboring Oku-Nikko is an extension of the fantastic scenery famous for its autumn leaves, while Tochigi’s capital, Utsunomiya, is the only place in the world where you can find oya stone beautifully exhibited in temples and the Oya History Museum.

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