<Chiba・Kujukuri Ichinomiya>Starry sky photo and space walk in Chiba~Kujukuri Ichinomiya~Participants will have their photos taken with the stars in the background☆ *Summer is just around the corner! Discount extended


9,800 日元〜


We will escort you to a place in Chiba called ‘Ichinomiya‘ where you can see the starry sky and take as many photos as time allows, so you can pose like a model or show off your memorable commemorative photos. Couples, spouses, families, and friends can participate and enjoy taking photos while we explain the stars and the sky. We even do starry sky photos for weddings, which is quite rare! ! Adults: 9,800 yen Elementary school students: 4,500 yen Preschool children: 2,000 yen *Summer is just around the corner! Discounts are being extended *We are unavoidably affected by the weather, so we do not charge cancellation fees, and we will change the photo plan and cancel it flexibly, so please feel free to contact us. We will talk about the sky, replace some of the star photos, and make light art, etc.
Astronomical observation
provided by ACTIVITY JAPAN


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          <Chiba・Kujukuri Ichinomiya>Starry sky photo and space walk in Chiba~Kujukuri Ichinomiya~Participants will have their photos taken with the stars in the background☆ *Summer is just around the corner! Discount extended


          9,800 日元〜
