[Tokyo, Toshima-ku, Komagome] Soba making experience with a complete reservation system-small number of people, with children-


3,300 日元〜


Experience making soba and udon empty-handed, indoors, so you can do it regardless of the weather! In the hands-on class, the flow is such that even those who have no cooking experience and children can enjoy it. You can eat your own soba or udon on the spot. The number of participants is 2 or more. Participation by families with children and friends is especially exciting. Let‘s have a fun time.
Soba noodles making
provided by ACTIVITY JAPAN


          没有周边的站。 没有周边的巴士站。 没有周边的停车场。 没有周边的立交。

          [Tokyo, Toshima-ku, Komagome] Soba making experience with a complete reservation system-small number of people, with children-


          3,300 日元〜
