[Okinawa Tokashiki Island] A nature guide cycle tour with plenty of history, culture and nature, even over mountains with an electric assist bicycle!


7,700 日元〜


A nature guide registered by the Japan Cycling Guide Association (JCGA) (certified class Trainee-3) will guide you through Tokashiki Island with an electrically power assisted bicycle. Since it is moved by an electrically power assisted bicycle, what is the reason for crossing the mountains of Tokashiki Island? We will guide you through the island while explaining the nature and history of the mountains and sea of Tokashiki Island. Along the way, there is a tea time in a scenic spot (hot coffee or hot lemon tea is available here). Tokashiki Island, which is a small island with a total length of 9 km, has a history and culture as well as nature.
provided by ACTIVITY JAPAN


          没有周边的站。 没有周边的巴士站。 没有周边的停车场。 没有周边的立交。

          [Okinawa Tokashiki Island] A nature guide cycle tour with plenty of history, culture and nature, even over mountains with an electric assist bicycle!


          7,700 日元〜
