[Tokyo / Asakusa] Oiran transformation experience / GEISHA BOY


35,000 日元〜


‘GEISHA BOY‘ is an Oiran transformation experience plan supervised by Ukon Takato, the second generation of the creative Japanese dance Takato style, who is also active as a female onnagata on the world stage. A member of the professional dance company UKONYA led by Ukon will transform you into a wonderful onnagata. In addition to full-scale costumes, we will help you create your work from the first meeting to shooting in a private space that requires reservations. Flow of the day ① Entering the store ② Meeting (explanation of shooting contents and flow) ③ Hair makeup ④ Dressing ⑤ Shooting (Oiran studio) ⑥ Makeup remover ⑦ Shooting data (SD card) ⑧ End
Oiran experience
provided by ACTIVITY JAPAN


          没有周边的站。 没有周边的巴士站。 没有周边的停车场。 没有周边的立交。

          [Tokyo / Asakusa] Oiran transformation experience / GEISHA BOY


          35,000 日元〜
