[Okayama / Bizen] Small kiln firing course ‘hand-binder experience‘ is safe even for the first time! Groups are also welcome!


3,850 日元〜


Why do not you experience the good old tradition Bizen ware at Mugen-an Bizen ware workshop ♪

Bizen ware is a rustic and handmade warmth created by the fusion of the earth and fire, which is a natural combination of carefully baking high-quality clay without glaze.

In the vast site surrounded by the rich nature, you can freely use the substantial pottery equipment and enjoy from the twist of the first time to full-scale creation. Small Number of participants We will wait for the use of a group of up to organizations like.
Ceramics Experience ・ Ceramics class
provided by ACTIVITY JAPAN


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          [Okayama / Bizen] Small kiln firing course ‘hand-binder experience‘ is safe even for the first time! Groups are also welcome!


          3,850 日元〜
