[Hokkaido Furano] ☆ calibration two Oningu & with hot spring ☆


8,500 日元〜


☆☆ Comes with a nice hot spring to soothe your tired body ☆☆ A very popular outdoor leisure activity in Hokkaido in the summer! This tour allows you to truly become one with nature and experience Hokkaido‘s nature at the source of nature, by climbing streams, climbing waterfalls, diving into waterfall basins, and entrusting yourself to natural waterslides. This is an adventure course where you can experience nature. Experienced guides will support you, so even first-timers can participate with confidence. ~~ Time Schedule ~~ *Currently, there are no morning tours. 〇Meeting/Reception 8:50/13:20 Gather at the Petit Hotel Blanc Rail operated by FUN. After filling out the necessary items on the application form, please complete the payment in advance. Afterwards, please change your clothes in the changing room. (After arriving at the site, you will be wearing a wet suit, so please put on a swimsuit etc. inside your clothes in advance) When you are ready, depart. Arrival at the site: 9:30/14:00 The journey will take approximately 30 minutes. Move by private car and arrive at the upper reaches of the Fube River. After putting on the necessary equipment such as a wet suit, life jacket, and helmet, start canyoning. 〇 End 11:15/15:45 Change clothes in the prepared tent 〇 Dismissal 12:00/16 :30 Arrive at Petit Hotel Blank Rail and disband
Canyon rafting
provided by ACTIVITY JAPAN


          没有周边的站。 没有周边的巴士站。 没有周边的停车场。 没有周边的立交。

          [Hokkaido Furano] ☆ calibration two Oningu & with hot spring ☆


          8,500 日元〜
