Din Tai Fung Kyoto Takashimaya

Chinese Cuisine / Tea

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Kyoto Kyoto-shi Shimogyo-ku 4 Jodori Kawaramachi Nishiiru Shincho 52 Kyoto Takashimaya 3F map map Map

Information Sources:  NAVITIME JAPAN


  • Dumping and fried rice are the best
    5.0 Reviewed : 2017.11.09
    The quality of food in general are of high quality and are consistent no matter which shop you visit. Dumpings are the best money can buy. Fried rice is excellent too. It is not cheap compared to...
  • Pricey Taiwanese food
    3.0 Reviewed : 2017.08.09
    The food is good, but is just like any other Taiwanese place, only way more expensive. My only real complaint here though is the braised beef soup. They do not put the beef tendons in the soup (which...
    4.0 Reviewed : 2017.06.30
    Din Tai Fung is a restaurant chain originating in Taiwan. It specialises in xiaolongbao or steamed dumplings and there are branches throughout Asia. We hunted down this one situated on the third...

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