[Hyogo, Amagasaki] 2 minutes walk from the station! Amagasaki Monta Studio‘s most popular plan! Pottery experience (electric potter‘s wheel course to make 2 pieces) ☆ Private rental available (^^)/

활동 요금

3,630 엔 〜

활동 소개

This is the most popular plan for the Amagasaki Monta Studio experience course! You will make your clay using the same molding method as the craftsmen. We have ‘Shigaraki clay ceramics‘ and ‘porcelain clay (4,400 yen) available. *If you do not specify in advance, Shigaraki clay ceramics will be used. You will feel like a potter and make your clay using a spinning electric potter‘s wheel. If you do not concentrate, it will get squashed, so concentrate while you make it. The instructor will help you make it, so even beginners can rest assured! The next step... ‘Animal plate‘ transformation & traditional technique Icchin experience (880 yen) can also be done on the same day. It can be reserved exclusively. Please contact us (^^)/ *Children under elementary school age cannot participate alone. Please bring a parent or guardian with you. We also accept parents and guardians only (550 yen) in special circumstances. Same-day reservations OK Please contact us by phone 06-6417-3303080-6109-8238
Ceramics Experience ・ Ceramics class
provided by ACTIVITY JAPAN


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          [Hyogo, Amagasaki] 2 minutes walk from the station! Amagasaki Monta Studio‘s most popular plan! Pottery experience (electric potter‘s wheel course to make 2 pieces) ☆ Private rental available (^^)/

          활동 요금

          3,630 엔 〜

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