WINE&CAFE DINING sakuramachi bar

Creative Cuisine

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Nara Pref. Narashi Konishichou 15 Zhongshan Building 2F map map Map

Information Sources:  NAVITIME JAPAN


  • Great steak with soft jazz playing in the background. Rivals top California restaurants
    5.0 Reviewed : 2023.11.29
    Great steak with soft jazz playing in the background. Rivals top California restaurants. Service:10/10. English menu on iPad makes it super easy to order and with a press of a button you can order...
  • Special in its own ways
    4.0 Reviewed : 2022.12.26
    I would like to give this a five star ready, especially given the reasonable price, but it didn’t quite make it. We ate fairly light and didn’t try many dishes, but the carpaccio was very good, this...
  • Excellent food and service
    5.0 Reviewed : 2015.09.02
    The entrance looks little sketchy but once you walk up the stairs, you will see the shelf with all kinds of wine. They have excellent choices of wine. And the food is just excellent. We had pasta...

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