Koedo Kurari (Kawagoe City Industry and Tourism Center)

Complex Facility / Commercial Facility
A shopping facility located in 1-Chome Shintomi-cho, Kawagoe City. The facility is housed in three National Tangible Cultural Property-designated storehouses built in the Meiji, Taisho, and Showa periods which once belonged to the Kagamiyama Shuzo sake brewery. Facilities include the Omiyagedokoro Meijigura storehouse, which hosts a cafe and shops selling local sakes and sweets; the Makanaidokoro Taishogura, which hosts a restaurant serving choice sake and meals designed around the concept of local production for local consumption; and the Kikizakedokoro Showagura storehouse, where visitors can purchase sake from 35 breweries located in the prefecture; plus the Tsudoidokoro building, which has a conference room and gallery.

Spot details

Saitama Pref. Kawagoeshi Shintomichou 1-10-1 map map Map
Depending on the facility
open everyday (temporary days closed)
Parking Lot
Not available
※Available for sightseeing buses only (2 spaces), reservation required
Credit Card
Available(VISA, MasterCard, JCB, AMEX, others)
Not available
Available(kawagoe free Wi-Fi)
Temporary closure:Currently closed (information as of August 3, 2020)
*Information may be changed, so please be sure to check the official information.
Temporary suspension of operations:For the time being, it is closed (according to September 8, 2020)
*Information may be changed, so please be sure to check the official information.
Average budget
[Lunch] 3,001-5,000 yen
[Night] 3,001-5,000 yen
Estimated stay time
120 minutes or more
Wheelchair accessible
Infant friendly

Information Sources:  NAVITIME JAPAN

Articles about this spot

Itineraries about this spot


  • Some nice kawagoe souvenirs
    4.0 Reviewed : 2022.11.04
    The souvenirs are a bit more pricier than the departmental stores but worth to buy one and try. The black crispy mochi with red wrapper is tasty. It was gone when i walked past it a two hours later.
  • お酒好きにはたまらない場所
    4.0 Reviewed : 2022.05.04
  • 白壁の大きな蔵は、土産屋と食事処と酒屋でした
    4.0 Reviewed : 2021.03.05
    川越駅から北に向かって真っすぐに伸びている商店街、クレアモール。その北の端近くに、白壁の大きな蔵が数棟連なっている、こちらの小江戸蔵里がありました。この小江戸蔵里は、明治8年に創業した旧鏡山酒造の建築物を、当時の面影を残しつつ改修した施設です。川越のおみやげが並んでいる蔵、食事処が入っている蔵、埼玉の地酒がたくさん並んでいる蔵などがありました。 私はこれから観光で歩くので買い物は控えましたが...

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