How to buy Tickets
  • Select Shinkansen and express trains
    Select Shinkansen and express trains
    Enter the date and route to search for trains, and select the train name and seat type of the preferred Shinkansen or express train.
  • Enter your details
    Enter your details
    Enter customer information required for the application, such as the email address for the ticket.
  • Payment
    You can use credit cards, Apple Pay, and Google Pay.
  • Application confirmation (e-mail)
    Application confirmation (e-mail)
    A confirmation email will be sent upon application. After ticket issuance, a receipt can be issued from the reservation confirmation page.
  • Ticket Collection
    Ticket Collection
    Before boarding, please make sure to obtain paper tickets using the self-service ticket machines (Kiosks) available at JR line stations.
We have started handling tickets for JR limited express and Shinkansen trains nationwide
We have started handling tickets for JR limited express and Shinkansen trains nationwide
JAPAN BULLET TRAIN JR LINE ticket arrangement service Terms and conditions (arranged travel, online reservation)A service that allows you to receive tickets at home or at the office without queuing at the counter or ticket vending machine.Accepting reservations until two days before the boarding date. More convenient and relax for sudden business trips or shedule changes.

Routes and trains available for reservation



Limited express


Fare tables for each route and train



Limited express


Payment Method

The following credit cards payments can be used for ticket payments