Five recommended outdoor activities on the Miura Peninsula



Just far enough away from Tokyo to feel slightly less intense than the megalopolis, a tad more laid back, but close enough that it’s easy enough to get deep into the peninsula on a single train ride, Miura is the place to go for a wet, hot Japanese summer.

  • 01

    Hit Miura Beach for Kitesurfing and Windsurfing

    Miura Beach, halfway down the Tokyo Bay side of the peninsula, has become a destination for watersports fanatics. The geography of that region of the peninsula means that the beach is furnished with a consistent supply of stiff breezes. Miura Beach has its share of hardcore surfers but many head there to experience their first time, taking lessons or renting equipment from one of the outfitters that operate in the neighborhood.

  • 02

    Take a Dip with a View of Mount Fuji

    Araihama Beach, on the Sagami Bay side of the peninsula, looks northwest toward the tallest mountain on the archipelago. On a clear day, the view of Fuji rising on the distant shore makes for an impressive backdrop. Araihama is one of the prettiest beaches on the Sagami side of the peninsula, but usually stays a little quieter than, say, Zushi, further up the coast. From Shinagawa, it’s a little over an hour out to Misakiguchi Station, and a taxi or a bus ride out to the beach.

  • 03

    Rent a Sailboat

    Even if you’ve never been out sailing before, the Miura Peninsula is a good place to give it a shot. There are a number of operators of tours and sailing schools, up and down the coast, mostly operating at the resorts on the Sagami side. The waters of the Sagami Bay are relatively calm, especially hugging the coast, and the operators have plenty of experience with amateurs. If you’re interested, check reviews and rates and find the operator that best suits your budget and experience.

  • 04

    Soak Up the Sun at Miura Beach

    There are plenty of beaches within striking distance of Tokyo but Miura is something of an afterthought for city dwellers looking to soak up the sun, even though it’s only an hour from Shinagawa Station on the Keikyu Line. That’s fortunate for those in the know. Things never get quite as hectic as Zushi, especially outside of the high season (when everywhere is slammed), and the crowd is usually slightly more laid-back. The surrounding area is charming, and the trip from station to beach and back is very convenient

  • 05

    Head Out from Koajiro Bay in a Sea Kayak

    Koajiro Bay is one of the prettiest pieces of the peninsula. Located toward the southern tip, the area's coasts have not been developed to the same extent as places like Miura or Araihama. Paddling Wolf offers kayaking lessons in the still waters of the bay, and operates tours that set off from their clubhouse nearby. A one day tour costs 10,000 yen and includes lunch on the beach, but Paddling Wolf also takes more experienced sea kayakers out on multi-day tours up and down the coast—a fun and unique way to explore the peninsula.

    Miura Kaigan (Kikuna Beach)
    Kanagawa Miura-shi Minamishitauramachi Kamimiyada
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    Maholova Minds Miura Resort

    3231 Kamimiyata, Minamishimoura, Miura-City Yokosuka Kanagawa

    • Maholova Minds Miura Resort
    • Maholova Minds Miura Resort
    • Maholova Minds Miura Resort
    • Maholova Minds Miura Resort
    • Maholova Minds Miura Resort
    Padding Wolf
    Kanagawa Pref. Miurashi Misakimachi Koajiro 1516
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