Hot Spring / Hot Spring Bath Spots in Matsue City Suburbs / Yasugi Area

  • Yume Land Shirasagi
    12 Reviews
    Accommodations / Hot Spring
    Shimane Pref. Yasugishi Furukawachou 835
    This hot spring in Sagi-no-Yu Onsen is a healing health facility with hot springs, a heated pool and a training room. It can be enjoyed as a day-trip or overnight as accommodation facilities are also available. There are a variety of plans available including meals, parties for reunions and special seasonal deals.

    主人とお昼ご飯をいただきました。 私が注文したのは、ウナ玉丼800円。 なんと、うなぎの切り身の幅わずが1センチ‼️ しかも、チン!してペラペラ‼️ 酷い‼️三切れぺらーと載せてあり、写真とえらい大違いです。普通に親子丼を食べた方が良かったです。 正に、詐欺丼でした。

  • Kimachi Tojimura Omori no Yu
    13 Reviews
    Accommodations / Hot Spring
    Shimane Matsue-shi Shinjicho Kamikimachi 210-1
    "This day trip hot spring facility is located about ten minutes up the Kimachi River from National Route 9. The hot spring facility ""Omori no Yu"" and restaurant ""Iroha Chaya"" are inside the building that is reminiscent of an old spa resort. Hypotonic alkaline spring water is easily absorbed by the skin is used in the elegant rock and hinoki cypress baths. It is reputed not only to be good for motor paralysis and to aid recovery from fatigue, but also to make skin silky and smooth after bathing. The Thoron sauna, which uses natural ore from the German spa town of Baden-Baden, is set at a low temperature of about 50 degrees Celsius (122 degrees Fahrenheit). Even the elderly and those who do not normally like saunas can use it with peace of mind."


  • Hida Onsen
    2 Reviews
    Accommodations / Hot Spring
    Shimane Yasugi-shi Hirosecho Higashihida 3376

    館内は非常にシンプルな雰囲気。温泉宿のような古い造りではなく、公民館的な雰囲気がある。それもそのはず、この施設は安来市が第三セクターで運営している施設との事。今回は洋室ツインの部屋を選択。この部屋がかなり広いものだが、いたってシンプルなもの。また館内に無料Wi-Fiはない。 夜御飯の時間になっていたので食事を提供してくれる部屋に移動。この部屋は日帰り入浴の方にも食事を提供されているもので、宿泊者...

  • Yakumo Onsen
    Accommodations / Hot Spring
    Shimane Matsue-shi Yakumocho Kumano 773-1
  • Sagino Yu Onsen
    Accommodations / Hot Spring
    Shimane Yasugi-shi Furukawacho
  • Hirose Onsen
    Accommodations / Hot Spring
    Shimane Yasugi-shi Hirosecho
  • Kashima Taku no Yu
    Accommodations / Hot Spring
    Shimane Matsue-shi Kashimacho Kitakobu 885-7
  • Hirose Onsen Gassan no Yu Ikoi no Ie
    Accommodations / Hot Spring
    Shimane Yasugi-shi

Shimane Areas


What Shimane prefecture lacks in size and population, it makes up for in scenery and ancient mythology. Izumo-taisha, in the middle of the prefecture, is said to be Japan’s oldest Shinto shrine, where stories that delve into the creation of the Japanese race have been passed down over centuries. The 180 Oki Islands, a 40-minute ferry ride north of Sakaiminato, offer an undiscovered paradise well off the beaten track.

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