Public Bath Spots in Ise Area

  • Shioyu Okageburokan Asahiyu
    4 Reviews
    Accommodations / Hot Spring
    Mie Ise-shi Jinkyu 1-1-16
    This bathhouse stands on the Seta River. Here you can soak in waters containing an abundance of minerals and warm your body to the very core. The bathhouse' baths are filled with seawater from Futamiura, the same water used by visitors to the Ise Jingu shrine since time immemorial to purify body and soul. Out of a desire to make it possible for people to purify themselves according to Shinto tradition in the bathhouse before visiting the shrine, the bathhouse replaces the waters in its baths twice a day in the morning and in the evening. The bathhouse is replete with a Futamiura sweater outdoor bath, roiling bath, micro bubble bath, and a far-infrared sauna. Note that the bathhouse does not provide shampoo or other amenities; you must bring your own or purchase them at the front desk. The bathhouse is a 10-minute walk from Iseshi Station.

    駅から近いわけでもなく、地元の人向けでしょうか。階段を上り、下駄箱。待合所にはテレビがあり、何故か振り子時計がたくさん展示してあります。レトロというか不思議な雰囲気⁈ で、肝心の風呂は、脱衣所は壁際にロッカーがあり狭い感じはなく。内風呂はジャグジーの深いのと浅いの、電気風呂、水風呂、と小さいのがひしめき合う感じ。これ伊勢の傾向でしょうか...

Mie Areas


Spread across the eastern side of the Kii Peninsula, Mie prefecture boasts hundreds of kilometers of pretty coastline comprising the oyster-rich Toba city and Shima National Park all the way down to Kumano, a city that marks the beginning of part of the Kumano Kodo pilgrimage, which runs into neighboring Wakayama prefecture. However, Mie is best known for the Ise Jingu Shinto shrine inland, one of the oldest and largest shrines in the country.

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