Dokkozan Shoryuji Temple

Located 20 minutes by car from Tosa Interchange, this temple is 38th of the 88 sacred places on the Shikoku Pilgrimage. It is said that when Kobo Daishi studied in China, he prayed to the gods to find suitable locations for sacred places by throwing three ritual implements (a gokosho pestle, a sankosho pestle and a dokkosho pestle); the dokkosho pestle landed here and the temple was founded. The principal object of worship is Namikiri Fudomyo which guards against accidents at sea. It was accessed by boat across Uranouchi Bay until 1973 when the bridge opened. That is why the main hall has many votives of boats. A must-see is the seated statue of Aizenmyoo, a Nationally Important Cultural Property, enshrined in the main hall.

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Kouchi Pref. Tosashi Usachou Ryu 601 map map Map
Parking Lot

Information Sources:  NAVITIME JAPAN


  • Well worth the walk up
    5.0 Reviewed : 2018.11.16
    This temple is #36 as part of the 88 temple tour on Shikoku. There are long stairs but make the effort to spend some time at the Main Temple -Hondo and the Daishidou.A truly mystical place set up...
  • I guess if you like temples
    3.0 Reviewed : 2016.09.05
    If you are doing the 88 temple hike, or a really into temples, you will like this temple. For me I found it average. A so so temple. Its not as picturesque as some of the others, but its not awful...
  • 急な石段を上がって本堂へ
    3.0 Reviewed : 2024.03.20

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