Rafting in Katashinagawa, Gunma Prefecture, exclusive to River Joy! ★Free photo data★


5,000 日元〜


We are confident that you will be entertained! Since only River Joy is included, all the nature you see is your field of play. After escaping the crowds and traffic jams, you will finally arrive at the river and it will be crowded again... that won‘t happen! In the hot summer, jumping in and flowing in a beautiful river. Enjoy the exclusive river to your heart‘s content! We provide ‘safety, security, excitement and happiness‘. ~~Plan flow~~①Meeting, reception (15 minutes) ②Change of clothes, movement (30 minutes) ③Rafting experience (90 minutes) ④Movement, change of clothes (30 minutes) ⑤Tour photo viewing, dissolution (30 minutes) Required time About 3 hours. Parent-child pack deals! * Parent-child packs are limited to parents and children. Reception starts 15 minutes before, so please come with plenty of time. Please be aware that if you are late for the meeting time, you may not be able to participate in the tour.
provided by ACTIVITY JAPAN


          沒有在附近的站。 沒有在附近的巴士站。 沒有在附近的停車場。 沒有在附近的立交。

          Rafting in Katashinagawa, Gunma Prefecture, exclusive to River Joy! ★Free photo data★


          5,000 日元〜
