Limited to 2 groups on the day♪ You can also enjoy the water quality that has been No. 1 in Japan for 11 consecutive years. Relax your body and mind with the natural water of Lake Shikotsu National Park! Snorkeling & Tent Sauna Tour


10,000 日元〜


While snorkeling and watching the water of Lake Shikotsu, warm up in the tent sauna and refresh your mind and body. The tent sauna is made in Russia ‘MORZH MAX‘! Reuse the fallen trees of Lake Shikotsu for firewood! It is a sustainable and eco-friendly activity ♪ You can also enjoy leil with sauna stones ♪ Because it is a guided experience, even beginners can enjoy it with confidence Hokkaido, Lake Shikotsu with seasonal faces will teach you nature as it is. Experience a sauna and snorkel in the wilderness-let‘s take your body and mind ♪
provided by ACTIVITY JAPAN


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          Limited to 2 groups on the day♪ You can also enjoy the water quality that has been No. 1 in Japan for 11 consecutive years. Relax your body and mind with the natural water of Lake Shikotsu National Park! Snorkeling & Tent Sauna Tour


          10,000 日元〜
