[Hyogo ・ Tamba Shinoyama] Beginner forest bathing ★ Strolling up the mountain


10,000 日元〜


Forest walk plan with lessons that can be participated from beginners.
Go in cool forest even in summer.
The horses used are well-trained horses such as white horses with pedigrees and horses used for competitions that are difficult to ride.
The club‘s horses will stop at their voices and positions without having to pull the reins. Even beginners can participate with peace of mind.
Since the trainer is attached to the horse, even if you approach the back of the horse, you will not kick.
Horse trekking
provided by ACTIVITY JAPAN


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          [Hyogo ・ Tamba Shinoyama] Beginner forest bathing ★ Strolling up the mountain


          10,000 日元〜
