[Tokyo Metropolitan University] Using organic ingredients ‘Natural yeast bread making‘ Small Number of participants system for up to 6 people (experience course) 1 minute walk from Toei University station


4,500 日元〜


Using natural yeast, you can make four kinds of bread: sesame bread, basil bread, chocolate mini bread, and pizza bread. If you like bread, if you are interested in making natural yeast bread, please come!
Time required Will be approximately 2 hours.

Mon, Tue, Thu, Sat: 10:00, 13:00
Friday: 10:00, 13:00, 19:00
Wednesday: only 19:00
Day holiday
Bread making class
provided by ACTIVITY JAPAN


          没有周边的站。 没有周边的巴士站。 没有周边的停车场。 没有周边的立交。

          [Tokyo Metropolitan University] Using organic ingredients ‘Natural yeast bread making‘ Small Number of participants system for up to 6 people (experience course) 1 minute walk from Toei University station


          4,500 日元〜
