Ioji Temple

A temple in Teramae, Hirano, Iizaka-machi, Fukushima City. It was established in 826. The principal object of worship in the main hall is the Dainichi Nyorai while in the Yakushi Hall the object of worship as introduced by the monk Kobo Daishi is the Yakushi Nyorai, also called the Saba-no-Yakushi. The temple was also the family temple for the Sato family of the Northern Fujiwara clan who ruled over Iizaka. While on his Narrow Road to the Interior, poet Matsuo Basho recalled the devotion of lord Sato Tsugunobu, who died taking an arrow for lord Minamoto no Yoshitsune, with a verse, 'Decorate the satchel and the sword with streamers, in the month of May.' The temple grounds have a slab with Basho's verse carved into it as well as a treasure hall.

Spot details

Fukushima Fukushima-shi Iizakamachi Hirano Teramae 45 map map Map
[Admission fee]
[18 and over]300yen
Parking Lot
Available(No. 1 Parking Area40spaces, No. 2 Parking Area40spaces)
Credit Card
Not available
Not available
Not available

Information Sources:  NAVITIME JAPAN


  • 己もかつては・・・
    4.0 Reviewed : 2021.05.12
  • 医王寺
    3.0 Reviewed : 2019.11.24
    飯坂温泉郷から車で5分程度離れた所にありました。お寺は平安時代に開基されたものらしく弘法大師を祀ってました。 奥の院薬師堂には、薬師如来を祀り「鯖野の薬師様」と呼ばれて古くから、多くの人の信仰を集めているそうです。
  • 芭蕉
    4.0 Reviewed : 2019.09.29
    元禄2年(1689)、俳聖松尾芭蕉は、『奥の細道』の行脚で医王寺を訪れております。芭蕉は医王寺に残る悲しくも愛情に満ちた佐藤一族のお話に触れ「中にも2人の嫁がしるし先づあはれなり、女なれどもかひがひしき名の世に聞えつるものかなと袂(たもと)をぬらしぬ」とし「笈も太刀もさつきにかざれ紙のぼり」と詠んだ句を残しました。 雨の日に訪問しましたが、風情があり、趣があります。

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