
Exchanging Foreign Cash for Yen



Unlike many countries in Asia, Japan does not have many currency exchange kiosks available for visitors, even in popular areas.
This can be frustrating for visitors carrying their local currency who also don't want to exchange too much at the airport. It's important to carry cash in Japan, but of course no one wants to exchange it all at the airport on arrival.

  • You definitely need cash, so exchange shops can be quick and easy.
    World Currency Shop

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    Cash Exchange Options:

    Exchange before departing your country: Least favorable exchange rates
    At the airport: Great for getting started when you arrive, but only for small amounts
    Hotels: The worst option for exchange rates, but fine for emergencies
    Banks: Slightly unfavorable rates, but also too much paperwork and time spent waiting (and closed weekends). Not recommended
    Exchange counters in the city: Best rates, faster service, and good for exchanging small amounts at a time.
    World Currency Shop
    Other places like Japan Post Bank, convenience stores, department stores, and at stations, cash exchange may be possible.

    Exchange counters in the city

    Exchange counters in the city

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    Exchange Shops

    We’ve stressed in our article about money in Japan that it’s important to carry cash because many places do not accept credit cards. For fast exchange at favorable rates, exchange counters such as World Currency Shop are open every day of the week in high-traffic locations around major stations, and offer better rates than what you would receive in your home country (or via ATM). You can also easily exchange Yen back into the currency of your choice once your trip is over.
    World Currency Shop

    In all cases currency exchange is completely safe and scam-free in Japan, but the major factors to look for are getting favorable exchange rates and finding locations that are convenient and open when you need them.

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