Other Shopping Spots in Tanegashima / Yakushima Area

  • Arts&Crafts Studio Shinpachino
    1 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Kagoshima Kumage-gun Yakushimacho Hira Uchi 630-4
    This pottery studio is located in Hirauchi, a community on southern Yakushima Island best known for Hirauchi Kaichu Onsen. It produces works colored in stunning blues and greens using an original technique in which the pottery is fired together with coral collected from the sea. The glassy surface is created by coral ash that falls on the pottery in the kiln. This style, which was developed through much trial and error, is characterized by works that brighten up life with vivid natural colors. The studio also offers pottery classes in which participants can create an original work of pottery and finish it with their choice of one of 15 original glazes.

    屋久島の南部、平内海中温泉のすぐ近くにあります。陶芸体験を出来る観光スポットは全国に沢山ありますが、『屋久島の土』を使った陶芸を「手びねり」か「ロクロ」のどちらかを選び体験する事ができます。 私は生まれて初めて「ロクロ」を体験しましたが、職人気質なご主人はロクロの基本動作から練習させてくださいます。 ロクロの場合一人当たり、たっぷり「2キロ」の土を用意して下さり練習を兼ねて小さな物から作ってい...

  • Suginoya Main Shop
    Travel / Tourism
    Kagoshima Kumage-gun Yakushimacho Koseda 324-31
    "This copper-roofed shop located next to Yakushima Airport specializes in Yakusugi cedar woodcrafts. It manufactures and sells works of Yakusugi cedar woodcraft, which has been designated as a traditional handicraft of Kagoshima. This handicraft leverages the natural beauty of Yakusugi cedar, which has long been revered as sacred by the people of Yakushima Island. Cutting down live Yakusugi cedar trees has been banned, so the vast majority of Yakusugi cedar used today comes from ""domaiboku,"" which refers to the stumps of trees felled during the Edo period. The shop exhibits chopsticks, accessories, plates, pots, and other woodcrafts that capitalize on the beautiful wood grain and the appealing decayed appearance of Yakusugi cedar. It is also possible to try your hand at carving a pair of chopsticks out of thousand-year-old Yakusugi cedar (age 11 and up)."
  • Ikenami Hamono
    Travel / Tourism
    Kagoshima Nishinoomote Ikeda 9881
    A studio that continue to make Tanegashima iron and Tanegashima kitchen knives, which Kagoshima Prefecture has designated as Prefectural Traditional Crafts. It is located along Prefectural Route 582, about an eight-minute walk from Nishinoomote Port. In 1543, the same year that guns were first brought to Japan, the islanders learned steel-making technology from a Chinese metal smith who happened to be on board a Portuguese ship. The traditional Tanegashima technology that developed out of what the Chinese metal smith taught the islanders has been handed down to the present day. Bladed implements, such as scissors and kitchen knives are sold in the studio, and traditional objects, such as old rifles, are on display. Visitors who make reservations in advance can tour the plant. Even viewing a video introduction of part of the process of making things like scissors and kitchen knives can teach visitors about Tanegashima's traditional crafts.
  • Sugi Takumi
    9 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Kagoshima Kumage-gun Yakushimacho Anbo 650-113


  • Yakushima Fishery Cooperative Local Products Kako Sale Center
    4 Reviews
    Kagoshima Kumage-gun Yakushimacho Anbo 410-155

    2018年5月に行きました。 安房の街中の「エコタウンあわほ」と言うスーパーの隣にあるお店です。漁協直営のお店で、海の幸の加工品はもちろん、お酒やお菓子などの屋久島特産のお土産物も充実しています。隣がスーパーで、観光案内所もあって、ついでに寄るのに便利です。

  • Wood shop Kishinsato
    1 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Kagoshima Pref. Kumagegunyakushimachou Ambou 2560-7

    屋久杉工芸のお店をいくつか周りましたが、ほとんどの店が古臭い置物や食器などを展示しており、おまけに「屋久杉」と焼印が入っているものがおおく、いかにもダサい土産物で気にいることはありませんでした。ところが、この「木心里」さんは実にセンスが良いです。 小さな屋久杉を使ったヘアゴムやストラップなどリーズナブルな価格でした。 写真立てや一輪挿しも実に洗練されたデザインでした。 作品は若い元山師(木こり)と...

  • Genna Tourist Center
    Kagoshima Nishinoomote Nishimachi 60
  • Ojarimoseryuboshikan
    Kagoshima Pref. Kumagegunnakatanechou Noukan 6624
  • Jibayasai Sales Tokoro
    Kagoshima Pref. Kumagegunminamitanechou Nakanokami 2420-1
  • Tanegashima Osaka Na Center
    Kagoshima Nishinoomote Nishimachi 192
  • Shinsen
    Travel / Tourism
    Kagoshima Pref. Kumagegunyakushimachou Ambou In Yakusugi Land
  • Ao Yasu Store
    Travel / Tourism
  • Nangokumiyagehinhigesanno
    Travel / Tourism
    Kagoshima Pref. Nishinomoteshi Nishimachi 69
  • Maruyama Souvenier Center
    Travel / Tourism
    Kagoshima Nishinoomote Nishimachi 7-1
  • Watanabe Confectionery shop
    Travel / Tourism
    Kagoshima Kumage-gun Nakatane Cho Noma 5105
  • Sun Q Liquor Store
    Kagoshima Kumage-gun Minamitanecho Nakanokami 2485
  • Terminal Yakushima
    Travel / Tourism
    Kagoshima Kumage-gun Yakushimacho Miyanoura 1208-11
  • Yakushi Ma Ichiba
    Travel / Tourism
    Kagoshima Kumage-gun Yakushimacho Miyanoura 799
  • Yakushima Furusato Ichiba Shima no Megumi
    35 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Kagoshima Kumage-gun Yakushimacho Miyanoura 797-1

    2022年4月10日、この日は屋久島大社(やくしまたいしゃ)に参拝した。そこから車で、宮之浦港の近くまでやってきた。屋久島ふるさと市場島の恵み館に到着。 ここの駐車場はとても広い。日替わりランチなどもあるようだ。店内は意外と広い。ここでお土産を購入。 屋久島ふるさと市場島の恵み館 鹿児島県熊毛郡屋久島町宮之浦797−1 0997-42-3333

  • Yanagida Crafts Yashiro Direct Store
    Travel / Tourism
    Kagoshima Kumage-gun Yakushimacho Anbo 650-113

Kagoshima Areas


Over 100 active volcanoes across Kagoshima make it one of the Japan's most exciting prefectures. The prefectural capital, Kagoshima city, looks out to one of the prefecture’s most spectacular volcanoes, Sakurajima, an island of its own that can be visited and seen close up or admired from afar, with the promise of breathtaking sunsets complete with frequent puffs of smoke and ash. Down the Satsuma Peninsula, the most southerly part of mainland Japan, waterfalls, sand onsen, and fascinating history await, while Kagoshima's abundance of satsuma imo (sweet potato) provide a wholesome snack as well as one of Japan's favourite drinks - shochu.

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