Hot Spring / Hot Spring Bath Spots in Kikuchi / Yamaga Area

  • Yamabushi Onsen
    Accommodations / Hot Spring
    Kumamoto Yamaga Naka Fushi Nabe 1028-3
    Located a short distance from downtown Yamaga, this family bathhouse has 17 baths surrounding a courtyard in a spacious building, each equipped with a 28°C cold spring bath. There is also an udon shop in the parking lot.
  • Hirayama Onsen
    41 Reviews
    Accommodations / Hot Spring
    Kumamoto Yamaga Hirayama 5346-1
    The culture and traditions of this hot spring district, which once prospered as a post station town Yamaga, were shaped by the Kikuchi River. There are several inns here with their own hot spring sources, each offering different health benefits but all perfect for soothing away the fatigue of a weary traveler. Here visitors will find 15 lodging establishments ranging from traditional ryokan inns with detached bathhouses to public bathhouses to mass-market inns. There are also many casual day trip hot spring facilities in the area, and visitors can enjoy bathing in and comparing the waters of different bathhouses. There are also many tourism destinations in the area, such as the Buzen Highway, a road lined with old-fashioned merchant townhomes; and the Yachiyoza theater, build by a local businessman in 1910. Gourmands will also be delighted by the area's fresh seafood from the Ariake Sea, horsemeat cuisine from local city farms, and country-style dishes made with local vegetables.


  • Kikuchi Onsen
    28 Reviews
    Accommodations / Hot Spring
    Kumamoto Kikuchi-shi Wai
    A hot spring district located in northern Kumamoto Prefecture in Kyushu; developed in 1954, the area's hot spring baths are filled with nothing but 100% natural hot spring waters. These waters are colorless, alkaline, and gentle on the skin. In 2011, the district was selected as one of Japan's 100 most famous hot springs. It is believed that the hot spring waters here were discovered after digging in the ground according to the instructions given by a white dragon in a dream. The Kikuchi White Dragon Festival, held each year in August, re-enacts the legend, and many tourists come to see huge white dragon puppets, 50 meters long and weighing 50 kilograms, as they wind their way through the city's streets. The district is also full of places to enjoy natural beauty and history, such as Gosho-dori Street, a road which leads straight to the approach of Kikuchi-jinja Shrine; and the Tsuiji Ide, a waterway created during the Keicho era by the samurai lord Kato Kiyomasa.

    今回の九州旅行に行くまで、菊池温泉をはじめとする熊本県本部の温泉については、まったくその知識がありませんでした。行くにあたって調べてみると、このあたりには「美人の湯」として評判の温泉が点在していることを知りました。 菊池市の市街地にもいくつもの温泉宿が建っていましたし、市の中心部にある「きくち観光物産館」には、立派な足湯もありました。別名「美肌の湯」「化粧の湯」といわれる菊池温泉は、アルカリ性...

  • Hirayama Onsen Moto Yu
    10 Reviews
    Accommodations / Hot Spring
    Kumamoto Yamaga Hirayama 256


  • Yamaga Onsen
    Accommodations / Hot Spring
    Kumamoto Yamaga Yamaga
    This ancient hot spring appears in the Wamyo ruijusho , a dictionary compiled in the Heian period. The area generates an abundant flow of piping hot water, so much so that a poet once stated, the thousand tubs of Yamaga are not enough. The colorless, tasteless, and odorless waters of the simple alkaline hot springs found here range in temperature from 38 to 45° C and are notable for their smooth texture. Bathing in these waters is said to treat nerve pain and gastrointestinal disorders in addition to aiding recovery from fatigue, while drinking them is said to regulate the autonomic nerves and expand constricted blood vessels. The district is dotted with traditional ryokan inns and hotels as well as day trip bathhouses and footbaths. The Yakushido temple stands next to the Sakurayu bathhouse, identifiable by the distinctive cusped gable over its entranceway; each year on December 20 the temple holds a festival to give thanks for the restoration of the flow of the hot springs in the area, which suddenly dried up in 1473 and only started flowing again after the building of the temple and much prayer.
  • Kumairi Onsen
    3 Reviews
    Accommodations / Hot Spring
    Kumamoto Yamaga Kumairi Machi 72

    入浴料250円の大きな昔風の温泉施設です。内湯には浴槽が三つあり、手前が37度ほどのぬるめの湯、奥が41度の熱めの湯で、上がり湯浴槽があります。無色透明のつるりとするアルカリ性単純温泉で、源泉かけ流しの気持ち良い湯でした。 建物横には飲泉所があり、地元客がペットボトルで持ち帰りされていました。この温泉を飲むと水道水が飲めなくなると話されていました。

  • Roten Yu Nagusa
    3 Reviews
    Accommodations / Hot Spring
    Kumamoto Yamaga Naka 1326-11


  • Megumi Onsen
    2 Reviews
    Accommodations / Hot Spring
    Kumamoto Yamaga Kikukamachi Ikenaga 105-1

    菊鹿温泉は小さな温泉郷で、周囲のメジャーな温泉地に比べて地味な印象がありますが、泉質や湯量は勝るとも劣らず。素晴らしい温泉です。 恵温泉は四軒ある旅館の一つですが、大浴場は独立した建物で、立ち寄り湯として気兼ねなく利用することができます。 大浴場はそれほど大きくないものの、湯量は豊富、お湯もアルカリ度の高いトロトロヌルヌルのお湯でかけ流しです。お湯の量も半端ないです。しかもアルカリ性単純泉と表示さ...

  • Kiku Midori En
    1 Reviews
    Accommodations / Hot Spring
    Kumamoto Yamaga Kikukamachi Kino 3868

    元々はかなり大きな規模の旅館のようですが、現在は宿泊は素泊まりのみ(一人3,000円で飲食物は持込可)です。今回は立ち寄り湯として利用してみました。 施設は若干古くなっていますが、きれいにお掃除されていて好印象。大浴場は入口から階段を下りていきますが、エレベーターも併設されていました。 大浴場はそれほど広くはないものの、内湯に露天があります。 内湯はお湯が注がれる浴槽(熱湯)とそこから流れるやや広...

  • Awasegawa Onsen
    1 Reviews
    Accommodations / Hot Spring
    Kumamoto Yamaga Kikukamachi 510

    立ち寄り湯で利用しました。小さな菊鹿温泉郷の元湯の旅館だということです。 建物に入って、受付で入浴料金350円を支払い、奥の大浴場へ(奥深い建物で、大浴場まで結構距離がありました)。 旅館自体は結構古くなっていますが、鄙びた味わいがあり、受付の御婦人も優しくてほっこりしました。昼時は宴会+温泉のグループ客で結構賑わっているようです。 二月の寒い日ですが、脱衣室はエアコンがちゃんと効いており、ありが...

  • Shisui radon Onsen
    1 Reviews
    Accommodations / Hot Spring
    Kumamoto Pref. Kikuchishi Shisuimachiyoshidomi 2865-7


  • Kotoku Onsen
    1 Reviews
    Accommodations / Hot Spring
    Kumamoto Yamaga Nagasaka 117

    山鹿市の南の方、国道3号線から少し入ったところにある温泉施設です。 施設はかなり古くなっているのですが、建物そのものは立派なもので、作られた頃はさぞや素晴らしい施設だったのだろう、と思います。 大浴場の他に、家族風呂、カラオケ、カプセルホテル、コインランドリーも併設されています。この他、食事処もあるのですが、営業しているかどうかはわかりませんでした。 大浴場は広めで内風呂には熱湯、ややぬる湯、ぬ...

  • Goto Onsen
    1 Reviews
    Accommodations / Hot Spring
    Kumamoto Kikuchi-shi Dairinji 152-1


  • Shimootani Onsen Otani no Yu
    Accommodations / Hot Spring
    Kumamoto Kikuchi-gun Kikuyomachi Haramizu 3880-14 Kikuyomachi Semiconductor Technology Park Nai
  • Kikuyomachi General Terminal Sanfurea
    Accommodations / Hot Spring
    Kumamoto Kikuchi-gun Kikuyomachi Haramizu 5359
  • Shirokane Onsen Kogane no Yu
    Accommodations / Hot Spring
    Kumamoto Kikuchi-shi Morikita Shirokane 2016-1
  • Roadside Station Mizube Plaza Kamoto Natural Hot Spring Yunohana Sato
    Accommodations / Hot Spring
    Kumamoto Yamaga Kamotomachi Kajiya 1257
  • Natural Hot Spring Otani no Yu
    Accommodations / Hot Spring
    Kumamoto Kikuchi-gun Kikuyomachi
  • Natural Hot Spring Big Bath Otsu Onsen Tabibito no Yu
    Accommodations / Hot Spring
    Kumamoto Kikuchi-gun Ozumachi Muro 214-9 HOTEL ROUTE INN Kumamoto Ozu Ekimae
  • Shichijo Onsen
    Accommodations / Hot Spring
    Kumamoto Kikuchi-shi Shichijomachi Hayashibaru 962-1

Kumamoto Areas


Kumamoto lies in the center of Kyushu, a calm prefecture perfect for easy strolls around the historic center and lazy evenings in the natural hot springs at Kurokawa Onsen. For a slightly more strenuous activity, head to Mount Aso, whose surrounding hills offer hiking opportunities aplenty with views over the active volcano.

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