Shrine Spots in Matsue Area

  • Yaegaki Jinja Shrine
    448 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Shimane Pref. Matsueshi Sakusachou 227
    This shrine in Matsue City, Shimane Prefecture is famous for marriage and enshrines the gods Susano-no-mikoto and Inatahime-no-mikoto. The three-paneled Itae Chakushoku Shinzo pictures (wall painting in the honden) in the treasure storage room has been designated as an important cultural property. On the grounds are many popular spots for women, including the Meoto-sugi (coupled cryptomeria trees), Meoto-tsubaki (coupled camellia) and Kagami-no-ike (mirror pond), where the appearance of a suitable marriage partner is predicted by the speed of which a piece of Japanese paper sinks after a coin is placed on top.

    Famous for relationships (marriage) and its Japanese legends background. A beautiful holy place. There’re penis statue.

  • Miho-jinja Shrine
    223 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Shimane Pref. Matsueshi Mihonosekichoumihonoseki 608
    An ancient Shinto shrine located in mentioned in the “Izumo no Kuni Fudoki,” a book documenting local customs and culture. The shrine is the head shrine of all shrines dedicated to Kotoshironushi (Ebisu). The main shrine building, a designated National Treasure, is built in the Miho-zukuri (hiyoku taisha-zukuri) style and consists of two halls joined together. The one on the left facing the building is dedicated to Kotoshironushi, while the one on the right is dedicated to his mother, Mihotsuhime-no-mikoto. The shrine is believed to grant worshippers a variety of benefits, including not only prosperity in business but also large harvests, maritime safety, and luck in public performance. The shrine’s Aofushigaki Shinji ritual, held on April 7, and Morotebune Shinji ritual, held on December 3, are connected with the “kuni-yuzuri,” a legend relating the transfer of the rulership of Japan to the gods of Heaven, and during these times great numbers of people from around the country come to witness the events.

    Authentic Japanese style shrine with interesting Japanese wooden architecture work. Ambience similar sacred. Very good Japnese snacks around the shrine. And very nice peer view too.

  • Tamatsukuriyu-jinja Shrine
    227 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Shimane Pref. Matsueshi Tamayuchoutamatsukuri 508
    An ancient Shinto shrine located on the outskirts of the Tamatsukuri Onsen hot spring district in Matsue, Shimane mentioned in the texts of the “Izumo no Kuni Fudoki” and “Engi-shiki.” The shrine is dedicated to three gods—Kushiakarutama-no-mikoto, who makes Tamatsukuribe; Onamochi-no-mikoto, who makes nations; and Sukunabikona-no-mikoto, god of hot spring medicine and protecting hot springs. The shrine’s treasure house stores jewels unearthed at the ruins of Tamatsukuri designated Important Cultural Properties. There is also a wishing stone on the grounds that grants wishes to those who touch it and pray, and in recent years the shrine has become a popular mystical “power spot.”

    Its not a huge shrine but its right in Tamatsukuri Onsen so it was nice to go down and have a look at it. Very peaceful there.

  • Sada-jinja Shrine
    32 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Shimane Pref. Matsueshi Kashimachousadamiyauchi 73
    This is a shrine located in Sadamiyauchi, Kashimacho, Matsue City. It is a historical shrine that gathered faith as one of the Izumo Grand Shrines, and in the Izumonokuni Fudoki (a book of regional culture) is described as Sada Grand Shrine and Sada Mikonoyashiro. The Sada Shin Noh dance performed on 24th and 25th September at the Gozagaesai (a ritual of changing the straw mats) is also registered in UNESCO’s Intangible Cultural Heritage.

    古くは出雲国三大社の内の一つとして「佐陀大社」とも呼ばれた由緒ある古社。 大社造りの本殿が3つ並ぶ、三殿並立という全国的にも珍しい形式の社殿です。 主祭神は佐太大神(さだのおおかみ)で、『出雲国風土記』には出雲国内四大神の一つと書かれています。別名猿田彦大神とも呼ばれ、開運・招福の神として親しまれています。 境外摂社の田中神社は、「縁結び」と「縁切り」の社が背中合わせになった、全国的にも大変珍しい...

  • Iya-jinja Shrine
    Travel / Tourism
    Shimane Pref. Matsueshi Higashizumochouiya 2229
    This is a shrine located in Iya, Higashiizumo Town, Matsue City. Izanami-no-mikoto, the wife of Izanagi-no-mikoto is enshrined here. It is a historical shrine that has been described in Izumo Nation Fudoki and Nihon Shoki, and was also involved in the creation of Izumo Taisha Grand Shrine. It is near the entrance of the underworld Yomotsu Hirasaka appearing in Japanese mythology, so is regarded as a shrine deeply related to Hades.
  • Matsue Jinja
    Travel / Tourism
    Shimane Matsue-shi Tonomachi 1 (Matsuejo Yamauchi)
  • Shirakata Tenmangu Shrine Company office
    35 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Shimane Matsue-shi Tenjinmachi 58


  • Matsue Gokoku Shrine
    36 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Shimane Matsue-shi Tonomachi 1-15

    松江城の観光後、そのまま公園内を散策したら「松江護国神社」がありました。 「松江護国神社」は「大勝利祈願」が有名らしいです。護国神社らしいといえばらしいですかね。「大勝利祈願」、今はスポーツ、受験、会社などの大勝利へということでしょうね。

  • Suetsugu Shrine
    10 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Shimane Matsue-shi Nishichamachi 106


  • Hirahama Hachimangu Shrine (Takeuchi Shrine)
    9 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Shimane Matsue-shi Yawatacho 303


  • Sugahara Tenmangu Shrine
    6 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Shimane Matsue-shi Shinjicho Kamikimachi 1801

    駐車場有り。 社務所に人もおり、境内は清浄。 狛犬ではなく、狛牛。 ご由緒によると、菅原道真の父是善が先祖の野見宿禰のお墓参りに来た時に、世話をした女性との間に生まれたのが菅原道真との事。 そのお墓が現存してるとは。 ただ驚く。

  • Manai Shrine
    6 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Shimane Matsue-shi Yamashirocho 84

    かつて島根県には意宇郡(おうぐん)と言う郡があったそうです。 その意宇郡があった地域に意宇六社と言う素敵な6つの神社がある事を初めて知りました。その6社は熊野大社、真名井神社、揖夜神社、六所神社、八重垣神社、神魂神社です。 この六社を巡拝する「六社参り」は現時点で熊野大社、八重垣神社、神魂神社まで巡っていたので、この眞名井神社で4つ目でした。 実は意宇六社の存在を知らなかったんで、たまたま4つ目...

  • Adakaya Shrine
    4 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Shimane Matsue-shi Higashiizumocho Adakae 588

    土曜日の午前中に参拝。 道路沿の鳥居を車でくぐりる。 駐車場は5-6台分。 無人。 日本三大船神事の「ホーランエンヤ」が有名な神社。 ご祭神は阿太加夜奴志多岐喜比賣命。 神社のご由緒とは違うが、口伝では宗像三女の次女「多伎津姫=八千矛王の妻」の屋敷跡という。他古代史では度々登場する。 神紋は亀甲に有と、古くからの出雲大社のもの。 住宅街の中で川が流れており、なるほどという感じがする。 境内は広くは...

  • Arawai Shrine
    3 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Shimane Matsue-shi Sotonakabaracho 38


  • Shinkon Shrine
    Travel / Tourism
    Shimane Pref. Matsueshi Obachou 563
  • Kanaya Ne Shrine
    Travel / Tourism
    Shimane Yasugi-shi Hirosecho Nishihida
  • Nisa Shrine
    Travel / Tourism
    Shimane Matsue-shi Mihonosekicho Chikumi
  • Izumo Kotohiragu Shrine
    Travel / Tourism
    Shimane Matsue-shi Higashiizumocho
  • Hibayama Kume Shrine
    Travel / Tourism
    Shimane Yasugi-shi Hakutacho Yokoya
  • TodaHachimangu Shrine
    Travel / Tourism
    Shimane Yasugi-shi Hirosecho Hirose

Shimane Areas


What Shimane prefecture lacks in size and population, it makes up for in scenery and ancient mythology. Izumo-taisha, in the middle of the prefecture, is said to be Japan’s oldest Shinto shrine, where stories that delve into the creation of the Japanese race have been passed down over centuries. The 180 Oki Islands, a 40-minute ferry ride north of Sakaiminato, offer an undiscovered paradise well off the beaten track.

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