Travel / Tourism Spots in Shimane Area

  • Izumo Taisha Shrine Kaguraden
    21 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Shimane Izumo-shi Taishacho Kizukihigashi 195 Izumotaisha

    参詣順路最後に訪問。 ご本殿のある敷地から小さな通りを渡って隣の敷地に移動しますが 車が通りますので横断の際はご注意ください。 噂には聞いておりましたが、大綱の迫力に圧倒されます。 真下に立つと体感できます。 ご本殿とは別なご朱印を頂くことが出来ました。

  • The Izumo Museum of Quilt Art
    19 Reviews
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Shimane Pref. Izumoshi Hikawachoufukudomi 330
    Located in the middle of the Izumo Plain, The Izumo Museum of Quilt Art is Japan's only museum dedicated to the art of quilting. The exhibits are displayed in a traditional Izumo-style farmhouse building that was constructed 200 years ago. The four exhibition zones, the exhibits in which are changed every season, provide visitors with the opportunity to enjoy viewing works by Ms. Mutsuko Yawatagaki (one of the most renowned artists of Japanese style quilting), as well as Ikebana (flower arrangements), Shitsurai (seasonal and ritual decorations), etc. The Museum also has a tea-house, café, and museum shop.

    This museum is well kept and staffed with very friendly people. The art is excellent though not enough on display. The setup is perfect to show off the quilts. However it is a long way from...

  • Hori Teien Garden
    17 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Shimane Kanoashi-gun Tsuwanocho Muraki 795
    "A garden that includes the main house of Hori Tojuro, an Edo period copper mine official called the ""Mining King of Western Honshu."" The roughly 6.5-hectare grounds consist of the main garden from the Edo period, the Meiji period Rakuzan-so reception hall, and the Warakuen garden from the Taisho period. It's been recognized as a National Place of Scenic Beauty. Created in 1897, Rakuzan-so's grounds feature a pond-centered strolling garden with a waterfall and a three-legged stone lantern against a rocky mountain back drop. It has 17 lanterns of different sizes and a small shrine, as well as maple trees, azaleas, and satsuki rhododendrons. Lots of visitors come when the leaves turn colors in fall."

    津和野駅から車で15分くらいの場所にあります。 津和野駅周辺特に何もなく堀庭園オススメします。 紅葉の名所としても有名です。 津和野に来たら立ち寄るべ。

  • Koi no Komeya Yoshinaga Rice Shop
    21 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Shimane Kanoashi-gun Tsuwanocho Ushiroda Ro 296
    A rice shop located about a five-minute drive from Tsuwano Station. The shop has traditional rice bales around the storefront and is famous for keeping hundreds of carp. Tsuwano, which has long been known for its high-quality water, has waterways stretching throughout the town. Carp are raised in the water through a variety of processes. The Yoshinaga Rice Shop is reputed to have the most, and they're of the highest quality. The site of the varicolored carp swimming together is not to be missed. The shop's business is selling rice, but everyone is free to drop by and check out the premises.


  • Mi Main Hall
    17 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Shimane Izumo-shi Taishacho Kizukihigashi 195 Izumotaisha

    拝殿参拝の次は右側を通り、奥にあるご本殿を門前にて参拝致します。 階段登る前の足元には大きな円が描かれた色違いの石が埋め込まれていますが 単なるデザインではなく、お隣にある歴史博物館観覧の後 再度訪問するとより深い感銘を受けることと思います。 またご本殿左手が本当の正面とのことで、 ご本殿から右に沿って順次拝観していくと最後に塀沿いに お賽銭箱が置かれた箇所があるのでわかると思います。

  • Hinomisaki Shrine
    Travel / Tourism
    Shimane Pref. Izumoshi Taishachouhinomisaki 455
    An ancient Shinto shrine standing on Cape Hinomi in Taisha Town, Izumo City, Shimane Prefecture whose name is recorded as the “Misa Gisha” in the ancient text of the “Izumo no Kuni Fudoki.” “Hinomisaki Shrine” is in fact the collective term for two shrines—the Hishizumi no Miya, dedicated to the goddess Amaterasu-omikami; and the Kami no Miya, dedicated to the god Susanoo-no-mikoto. The shrine (more specifically, the Hishizumi no Miya), famously protects Japan’s night, as opposed to Ise Jingu shrine, which protects Japan’s day. Must-see highlights include the red, two story granite torii gate and the honden main shrine building, built in the gongen-zukuri style and decorated with spectacular ornamentation outside and splendid images on its inner walls and ceilings.
  • The Shimane Nature Museum of Mt Sanbe - Sahimel
    17 Reviews
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Shimane Pref. Odashi Sambechou Tane 1121-8
    At this well-equipped facility visitors can view planned exhibitions and a planetarium. The astronomical observatory has a 60 cm reflex telescope and Coude type 20 centimeters refraction telescope, and astronomical observation sessions are held every Saturday night. Reservations are unnecessary and reception starts 30 minutes prior.

    手作り感のある「三瓶自然館サヒメル」でした。こちらにも「三瓶小豆原埋没林」が展示されてあります。 家族連れには良い感じの、分かりやすい説明の「三瓶自然館サヒメル」だと思います。私は「三瓶小豆原埋没林」目的で訪れましたが、「三瓶小豆原埋没林」だけでなく、「自然系の博物館」として面白く観覧することが出来ました。お勧めです。

  • Itohara Memorial Museum
    16 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Shimane Pref. Nitagunokuizumochou Otani 856-18 Inhara Memorial Hall/Resi House Company
    This museum opened in 1980 and introduces the history of the Itohara Family, who once controlled the production of iron. Tatara ironwork material, family artworks and craft, Tangible Folk Materials, ancient books are also exhibited. The exhibition is changed three times a year in spring, summer and autumn. The second exhibition building exhibits things associated with the tea ceremony from the time of Lord Matsue and is also spectacular.

    One day trip to Okuizumo was an unforgettable trip. Okuizumo is a beautiful place with a valuable historical story. Okuizumo, located in Shimane Prefecture has recognized as the sole producer of...

  • Inasanohama Beach
    Travel / Tourism
    Shimane Pref. Izumoshi Taishachoukidukikita Inasa
    A sandy beach located about a kilometer west of the Izumo Taisha Grand Shrine in Izumo City, Shimane Prefecture. The beach appears in the “Kuni-yuzuri,” a legend relating the transfer of the rulership of Japan to the gods of Heaven described in ancient texts such as the “Kojiki” and the “Nihonshoki,” as well as the legend of the “Kuni-biki” written in the “Izumo no Kuni Fudoki.” Highlights include a sheer cliff where the gods Okuninushi and Takemikazuchi negotiated for the transfer of the ownership of the land; and Bentenjima, an island where the goddess Toyotama-hime is enshrined. Two famous Shinto rituals are conducted on the beach—the Shiokumi Shinji, held early on the morning of the first day of every month; and the Kamimukae no Shinji, held on the 10th of October according to the old calendar. The beach’s waters are shallow and the coast is beautiful, and many people come here in summer to swim and enjoy beach going.
  • Oki Momo Dome
    18 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Shimane Oki-gun Okinoshimacho Ikeda Furo Mae 19-1
    "A bull fighting ring a ten-minute drive from Saigo Port. Here you can watch the tradition that is said started as entertainment for Emperor Gotoba after he was banished to Oki. The Japanese raised bulls aged two to six years exceed 1,000 kilograms are considered ""yokozuna"" class. The bulls crashing into each other locking horns is a powerful sight to behold. Competitions are held three times a year. Generally if a bull runs away he loses, but occasionally bullfights are held for visitors where there are no winners or losers."

    The island has over 800 years history of bullfight, and its history is the oldest in Japan. Several villages has their bullfight ring, and they hold bullfight games quarterly. This place hold...

  • Oshiroi jizo, Seigan-ji Temple
    16 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Shimane Matsue-shi Tamayucho Tamatsukuri 530


  • The Tanabe Museum of Art
    17 Reviews
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Shimane Pref. Matsueshi Kitahorichou 310-5
    This museum is located in Shiominawate in the traditional Bikan-chiku (beautiful site area) of Matsue City, Shimane Prefecture. It was opened in 1979 by Tanabe Choemon (Tomoyuki), who was the Land and Forest minister for Okuizumo Town and also served as governor of Shimane Prefecture. The collection and exhibits focus on items related to the 23 generations of the Tanabe family. There are also several items associated with the seventh leader of the Matsue clan, Matsudaira Fumai, who was a famous tea master. The collection includes Rakuzan-yaki ware, Fujina-yaki ware, and other tea ceremony-related items. Visitors can enjoy some matcha tea and Japanese sweets in the tea room.

    松江城北側の塩見縄手にある美術館。入館料は700円だが、松江城の3館共通券を提示すると団体料金に割引となる。 受付のある長屋門は歴史ある建築物だが、その先にあるのは現代的で美術館らしい建物。入口を入ったところは解放感のある吹き抜けとなっており、1階と2階はスロープで結ばれている。設計は奇抜な江戸東京博物館をデザインした菊竹清訓。 展示品は多くなく、陶器が中心であとは茶道具と日本画が少し。古い町並み...

  • Manpukuji Temple
    14 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Shimane Masuda-shi Higashimachi 25-33
    A temple built in the Heian period as the Masuda training facility for the Jishu school of Buddhism. At that time it was called Anfukuji Temple and was near the mouth of Masuda River. It was washed away by an enormous tsunami in 1026. The temple was rebuilt at its current location in 1374 and given the name it has today. The main hall consists of an about 13-meter-square single-story building that preserves architectural features from the Kamakura period. Although the main gate was burned down in the Masudaguchi War, the main hall and the temple kitchen were left intact and remain as they were when the temple was founded. The temple features many cultural assets important to medieval Masuda culture, including a garden created by Sesshu, a Niga Byakudo-zu painting showing the teachings of Buddhism, and a Kanan-sansai vase acquired through pre-modern European trade.

    鎌倉時代の七尾城主益田氏の建立だそうです。外観は本当にシンプルですが 屋根のしなりなどに 素朴な美しさがあります。拝観できるので 本堂の中を見ると 柱などに時代が感じられます。裏手の 雪舟の作庭による庭は 医光寺程の華やかさは有りませんが 素朴な美しい庭だと思いました。

  • 109 Yashiro
    15 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Shimane Izumo-shi Taishacho Kizukihigashi 195

    「じゅうくしゃ」と今まで聞いたことがない珍しいお名前と思いきや、 八百万の神々のご宿泊所とお聞きし、出雲大社ならではのお社と納得しました。 訪問時は当然閉まっており、知らないとただの板塀のように見えて素通りしてしまいます。

  • Historical Museum of Iron
    14 Reviews
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Shimane Unnan-shi Yoshidacho Yoshida 2533
    "A museum where you can learn about Japan's unique tatara iron making tradition and its techniques. It's roughly divided into two parts, ""Tatara Iron and its Techniques"" and ""Iron Mining and Blacksmiths."" It showcases the tradition in an accessible way with numerous exhibits. The influence of the acquisition of iron making technologies on the communities that had until then relied on tools made of stone and wood was enormous. You'll learn how it gradually became an indispensable part of their lives."

    Last weekend I visited to to Iron History Museum with great, friendly local guides Shino san and Yuki san. I learned so many things about Iron-making techniques and livelihoods, culture around the...

  • Soga Yashiro
    13 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Shimane Izumo-shi Taishacho Kizukihigashi 195

    大社訪問前に寄った稲佐の浜のお砂をこちらに納め、 お社のお砂を有難く頂戴させて頂きました。 お社の左右両脇に2か所ずつありますので訪問時は混雑はありませんでした。 またお砂と同時に裏側にありますご霊山へも参拝させて頂きました。 すれ違うのがやっとの狭い通路で参詣者も続くので 邪魔にならないようにささっとお祈り致しました。

  • Kaka Kukedo Sightseeing Boat
    12 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Shimane Matsue-shi Shimanecho Kaka 6120-14
    "This pleasure cruise tours the Shimane Peninsula, which was said to have been created by the Izumo god Yatsukamizuomizunu-no-Mikoto. It's approximately 30 minutes by car from the Matsue City area. The Kaka-no-Kukedo Course takes in the Shin Kukedo sea cave of lore and the Kyu Kukedo cave, visible from land. Or you might try the course bound for the Seven Caves of Tako, known as Japan's ""blue caves."" These boat trips let you revel in the spectacular scenery of the Shimane Peninsula, which is part of Daisen-Oki National Park."

    神話の伝わる洞窟『新潜戸(神潜戸)』を巡る観光船です。島根県松江市の松江城付近から直線にして10キロメートルほど北に島根町加賀に遊覧船乗場があります。 以下の2種類の遊覧コースがあります。ともに運航期間は3月-11月です。 ①加賀港マリンプラザ発⇒旧潜戸⇒新潜戸 約50分、料金は大人1500円 小子700円 ②加賀港マリンプラザ発→潜戸→的島→白滝鼻→多古鼻→七つ穴 約80...

  • Nagahama Shrine
    13 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Shimane Pref. Izumoshi Nishizonochou 4258
    This shrine is the origin of the Kunibiki-shinwa myth and to attain victory. Also, it is famous as the shrine where Kato Kiyomasa and Katagiri Katsumoto worshipped for and was granted success when Toyotomi Hideyoshi ordered the invasion of Korea. The pine tree where they worshipped remains in the precinct of the temple. The large Izumo-style knotted straw made from 1,500 rice straws is also worth seeing.

    国引き神社だという事で大阪から来て最初に参拝しました。 土曜日の7時に長浜神社の駐車場に着いたときは入り口付近の整備がちゃんとされてなかったので廃れ感が否めませんでした。随神門までの参道も綺麗さは全く感じられず心配でしたが、境内に入ると授与所で御朱印・お守りが買えるちゃんとした神社なんだと思いました。御朱印の種類も豊富です。 参拝までの心配な気持ちは無くなり帰りは清々しく駐車場まで戻れました。

  • Izumo Kanbe no Sato
    13 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Shimane Matsue-shi Obacho 1614
    "This experiential facility was set up to contribute to improving civic culture. You will be able to experience the folklore and folk culture deeply related to the history of the Izumo region, as well as traditional crafts that are rarely seen today. The park consists of a folk tale center, craft center and a natural forest that makes the most of the surrounding local forest, allowing visitors to reaffirm the splendor of Izumo at each facility. In the folk tale center, which is a reproduction of an old private house, the latest video technology is used to screen ""Hoichi the Earless"" by the great writer of the Meiji period (1868-1912), Yakumo Koizumi. In the adjoining craft hall, you can enjoy five kinds of experiences such as weaving, rattan craft, pottery, woodwork and Japanese papermaking."


  • Kabeya Shuseikan
    12 Reviews
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Shimane Nita-gun Okuizumocho Kamiai 1655
    This history museum contains cultural properties which belonged to the Okuizumo Sakurai, a clan which traced its lineage to Warring States period general Ban Naoyuki. The museum displays folk cultural properties as well as tools used by the Sakurai clan, who served as the head blacksmiths of Matsue Matsudaira Domain, to engage in tatara ironmaking. The museum also displays pieces by Nanga painter Tanomura Chokunyu, who stayed here in the Meiji period; other paintings and works of art; and tea ceremony porcelain, and visitors can experience the culture of the Okuizumo area, which revolves around the history of tatara ironmaking.

    たたら製鉄で栄えた家の一つです。 ゆっくり見てまわれます。 山の中というか、森の中というか、自然あふれる場所にあります。 紅葉の時期のポスターを見せていただきました。 穴場の紅葉スポットと思われます。

Shimane Areas


What Shimane prefecture lacks in size and population, it makes up for in scenery and ancient mythology. Izumo-taisha, in the middle of the prefecture, is said to be Japan’s oldest Shinto shrine, where stories that delve into the creation of the Japanese race have been passed down over centuries. The 180 Oki Islands, a 40-minute ferry ride north of Sakaiminato, offer an undiscovered paradise well off the beaten track.

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