History / Culture / Tour Spots in Shigaraki / Koka Area

    12 Reviews
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Shiga Pref. Koukashi Shigarakichoutashiro Momotani 300
    This unique design of this art museum in Koka City, Shiga was created by famous architect, I. M. Pei who was also responsible for designing the glass pyramid at the Musee de Louvre. Built to evoke the image of Shangri-La, 80% of the building is underground allowing it to assimilate into the beautiful natural surroundings. Over 3,000 pieces of art are on display in four exhibition rooms which cover Egypt, Western-Asia, Southern-Asia, and the Western Regions of China and special themed exhibits are also held. * The museum is closed for the winter until March 20th, 2019.

    Nice food, quite delicious. Self service is a bit surprising with the not so cheap prices... Chairs are not so comfortable.

  • Koka Ninja House
    64 Reviews
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Shiga Pref. Koukashi Kounanchouryuboushi 2331
    A sort of real ninja theme park filled with secret ninja tricks located in Ryuboshi Konan-cho, Koka City. The residence was built around 1700, during the Edo period, by the Mochizuki Koka ninja clan. Preparing for the unexpected, the house was filled with tricks and traps, including trick windows, rotating walls, and drop pits. Items used as part of daily ninja life are also on display here.

    Although it is a guided tour conducted in Japanese, we were able to follow the tour as the staff passed us a folder with English description and she helped us along the way. It is amazing to...

  • Koka Ninja Village
    9 Reviews
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Shiga Pref. Koukashi Koukachouoki 394
    A theme park located in Oki Koka-cho, Koka City. Facilities include a museum with exhibits on Koka ninja, a ninja funhouse, a ninja dojo with nine training grounds, a shuriken dojo, a craft dojo where you can pain raku ware and do other crafts, and a Shinobi-jinja Shrine dedicated to ninja. There’s also a restaurant where you can enjoy “ninja barbecue,” a store selling ninja goods, and a costume rental shop.


  • Aburahi-jinja Shrine
    16 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Shiga Pref. Koukashi Koukachouaburahi 1042
    A Shinto shrine located at the foot of Mt. Aburahidake in Aburahi Koka-cho, Koka City. Just when the shrine was founded is not clear, but descriptions of the shrine can be found in documents dating all the way back to the Heian period. In ancient times, Mt. Aburahidake was viewed as a sacred mountain, and even today a rear shrine can be found at its peak. In medieval times, this shrine was considered the protective shrine of Koka and was frequented by the samurai of Koka. The shrine is also known as the patron shrine of oils.

    車で油日神社(あぶらひじんじゃ)に向かう。 油日神社は、滋賀県甲賀市甲賀町油日(しがけんこうかしこうかちょうあぶらひ)にある神社だ。 祭神は、油日大神(あぶらひのおおかみ) 「甲賀の総社」として、また勝軍神として武士の崇敬を受け、社名から油の火の神としても信仰された。 駐車場はわりと広い。 奴振りは県選択無形民俗文化財になっている。 由緒書きは消えてしまっている。 新しい由緒書き。 877年に...

  • Daichiji Temple
    17 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Shiga Pref. Koukashi Minakuchichounasaka 1168
    A Buddhist temple located in Nasaka Minakuchi-cho, Koka City. The temple is said to have been founded some 1,250 years ago during the Tempyo period when the great priest Gyoki, who was visiting the region, dug four ponds which still remain today in the shape of the Japanese character for heart and built the main temple in the center of them. The temple’s Hourai Garden, a dry landscape garden, is said to have been created by the celebrated artist Kobori Enshu.

    龍護山大池寺(りゅうごさんだいちじ)は、滋賀県甲賀市水口町名坂(しがけんこうかしみなくちちょうなさか)にある臨済宗妙心寺派の寺だ。 本尊は、釈迦如来(しゃかにょらい) 行基が作ったと伝わる池がある名坂大池寺自然公園がある。 2020年10月23日、この日は田村神社に参拝した。 そこから車で、大池寺にやってきた。 駐車場はとても広い。 駐車場から、かなりの距離を歩く。 この日は土砂降りで、少しつ...

  • Traditional Crafts Center of Shiga
    20 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Shiga Koka-shi Shigarakicho Nagano 1203

    こちらで 2019年12月21日から NHKの連続テレヒ小説[スカーレット]展が開催されるも 急遽一旦休館となり 2020年7月10日から[テレヒトラマの世界・スカーレットの舞台 甲賀市信楽]と名前を少し変え リニューアル・オープンしています。入館すると 左手に[ショーシ富士川(俳優:西川貴教)]の作品;半分だけ神(添付 写真参照)が迎えてくれます。内部に[かわはら工房]や[穴窯]のセ...

  • Ruins of Minakuchi Castle (Minakuchi Castle Museum)
    15 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Shiga Pref. Koukashi Minakuchichouhonmaru
    The site of a ruined castle located in Honmaru Munakuchi-cho, Koka City. The castle was built to provide lodgings for the shogun Tokugawa Iemitsu when traveling to the capital and was also known as “Blue Water Castle” due to its moat, which was filled by water from a spring; the castle was later abandoned in the Meiji period. Today, a museum housed inside a reconstruction of the castle’s turret stands on the site.


  • Rakuyaji Temple
    8 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Shiga Pref. Koukashi Koukachouichino 1377
    A Buddhist temple located in Ichino Koka-cho, Koka City. The temple’s principal object of worship is a seated, 11 headed figure of Kanzeon Bodhisattva; the largest such figure in Japan, it is said to have been carved by the great monk Saicho and is only unveiled to the general public once every 33 years. The shrine also came to be known for having been visited by Sakanoue no Tamuramaro to pray when he went to subdue the bandits in the Suzuka Mountains; the origins of the ritual sumo matches held on the grounds each year on October 18 date back to the sumo matches held by Sakanoue no Tamuramaro’s retainers.

    滋賀県甲賀市甲賀町にある天台宗の寺院で「らくやじ」と言います。 たまたま近所を車で走っていて「甲賀の大仏」と言う看板が見えたので寄りました。 無料の駐車場があり、そこから境内に向かうと、たくさんの観音様がたくさん並ぶ参道があり、ガラス張りの中に仁王様がいる仁王門も小ぶりですが素敵でした。 ここの一番の見どころは甲賀三大仏と言われる薬師如来坐像、日本最大の十一面観音坐像ですが、少し急いでいたので...

  • Tokaido Tenmakan
    4 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Shiga Koka-shi Tsuchiyamacho Kitatsuchiyama 1570
    A three-minute walk from Ohmi Tsuchiyama Station (not to be confused with Tsuchiyama Station), and a five-minute drive from the Koka-Tsuchiyama Interchange. This memorial museum is located near the site of the Tsuchiyama clan honjin stronghold in what was once the post station town of Tsuchiyama-juku on the old Tokaido Highway. Operating out of an old Japanese home built in the late Edo period, the structure itself is one of the museum's exhibits. In addition to introducing the history of Tsuchiyama-juku, museum exhibits include indoor and outdoor models of the old Tokaido Highway depicting government officials moving along its length. The museum also gives visitors the chance to put on traditional Japanese traveling garb and have their picture taken, offers a tea dying activity which uses the area's famous tea, and sells local specialty products.

    東海道伝馬館は、古民家を活かした施設で1階には土山宿のジオラマがある。2階には東海道五十三次を再現した立体展示もある。これは見ごたえあり!! 外の蔵には、大名行列の人形が並ぶなど、土山宿に関することを知る事ができる。 時期によっては、伝馬館でミニコンサートや展覧会が行われている。

  • Ruins of Shigarakinomiya Palace (Ruins of Kokaji Temple)
    Travel / Tourism
    Shiga Pref. Koukashi Shigarakichoumiyamachi Maki ・ Kise
    The ruins of Shigaraki no Miya are a historic site located a 15-minute walk from Kumoi Station on the Shigaraki Kogen Railway. Visitors approaching the site along one of the paths (90 meters east to west, 100 meters south to north) are surrounded by lush pines and eventually encounter the remains of the main temple structure. Behind it are the remains of the monks' quarters, the sutra library, the bell-tower and the pagoda, and totally more than 300 of the original building stones remain, giving the visitor a sense of the elegance of the long-ago Tempyo period (729-749 AD). It is supposed to be the remains of Kokadera Temple, where Emperor Shomu decreed the building of a large Buddha statue, and the layout of the buildings is reminiscent of Todaiji, where the Great Buddha of Nara is located.
  • Shigaraki-no-Miya Palace Ruins
    Travel / Tourism
    Shiga Pref. Koukashi Shigarakichoumiyamachi
    This site is confirmed to have been the location of the Shigaraki-no-Miya Palace, which was built by Emperor Shomu in the distant mid-Nara period. Over 7,000 artifacts, including pottery and mokkan wooden writing strips, have been excavated at the site. One item that has gained particular attention is a mokkan with two poems from the ancient “Man’yoshu” poetry anthology written on either side. Today, the ruins sleep under rice paddies, and artifacts discovered at the site are displayed in a nearby museum. (Closed weekends. No advance reservation required. Large groups must make contact in advance.)
  • Jurakuji
    Travel / Tourism
    Shiga Koka-shi Tsuchiyamacho Yamanaka 351
  • Gyokukeiji Temple
    12 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Shiga Koka-shi Shigarakicho Chokushi 891

    県指定の天然記念物である玉桂寺のコウヤマキが鬱蒼と茂っている寺院。奈良時代淳仁天皇が北京として造成を始めた保良宮の伝承地に、空海弘法大師が開山したのが玉桂寺の始まりと言われている。 コウヤマキ以外にも空海所縁の三鈷の松等大木が鬱蒼と茂っていることから遅めの時間に参ると恐怖さえ覚える程の厳か感が漂っている。 対して境内西側は〝色〟で目を惹く高さ13mの〝一願成就大不動明王〟が聳え立つ。一心に手を...

  • Shiga Safari Museum
    14 Reviews
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Shiga Koka-shi Shigarakicho Kinose 2854-2

    Grotesque and utterly pointless! .The ‘museum’ is only a bloody trophy cabinet of a sad hunter, somehow proudly displaying all his kills. Why would anyone pay to see this? I took my children by...

  • Kusurigakushukan
    6 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Shiga Pref. Koukashi Koukachouoharanaka 898-1

    Its a nice place to know about ancient Ninja medicine and food of ninja. Parking is available here but Staffs are not good in English.

  • Koka Minakuchi History Folk customs Museum
    6 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Shiga Koka-shi Minakuchicho Minakuchi 5638

    水口城南駅近くにあり、図書館と同じ建物内で隣に文化ホールなど、公共施設が揃った地区にあります。 内部は水口の歴史やお祭りの展示が主で、水口曳山祭りで使用した曳山の展示もありました。 歴史資料館の入場料は150円ですが、水口城資料館(入場料100円)との共通券は200円です。

  • Otori Shrine
    5 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Shiga Koka-shi Kokacho Toriino 783

    湯の山温泉を出発し、菰野ICから新名神高速道路に入る。 甲賀土山ICで下りる。 大鳥神社の駐車場に到着。 大鳥神社(おおとりじんじゃ)は、滋賀県甲賀市甲賀町鳥居野にある神社だ。 由緒書は忍者の顔出し看板になっていた(笑) 882年に勧進された、古い神社だ。 鳥居をくぐって、境内へ。 神橋は神様専用になっているので、隣の朱塗りの橋を渡る。 とても立派な神社だ。 京都祇園西門を模したという朱塗りの...

  • Shofukuji Temple
    4 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Shiga Koka-shi Konancho Sugitani


  • Koshinyama Kotokuji Temple
    3 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Shiga Koka-shi Minakuchicho Yamagami 988


  • Tamura Shrine
    Travel / Tourism
    Shiga Koka-shi Tsuchiyamacho Kitatsuchiyama 470-1

Shiga Areas


Visitors to Shiga prefecture are almost always hopping east across the prefectural border from Kyoto, and they are almost certainly Lake Biwa-bound. Covering an area of 670 square kilometers, Lake Biwa makes up the bulk of Shiga prefecture, with beautiful lakeside paths that offer myriad walking and cycling opportunities, connecting a string of museums, shrines, and picturesque views that finally lead you to Hikone Castle on the eastern side of the lake.

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