Spots in Otsu Area

  • Lake Biwa Ohashi Toll Road
    Travel / Tourism
    Shiga prefecture Otsu city/Moriyama city
    A toll bridge connecting Imakatata, Otsu City and Imahama-cho, Moriyama City. Opened in 1964, the 1.4-kilometer-long bridge, connecting the east and west shores of Lake Biwa, has come to play a key role in transportation in the prefecture. Lanes for bicycles and walkers were added in 1980.
  • Sekisemimaru-jinja Shrine Shimosha
    19 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Shiga Pref. Otsushi Ousaka 1-15-6
    A Shinto shrine located in Osaka, Otsu City. The shrine is one of three Sekisemimaru shrines in the city. The Shimosha, or lower shrine, is dedicated to Toyotama-hime-no-mikoto, who is enshrined here alongside the famous Heian period biwa lute player Semimaru. The shrine is seen as a patron shrine to musical performance and is also thought to heal worshippers with eye diseases based on a story about Semimaru, once blind, regaining his eyesight.


  • The Museum of Modern Art, Shiga
    16 Reviews
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Shiga Pref. Otsushi Setaminamiogayachou 1740-1
    An art museum located in Biwako Culture Park in Setaminamiogaya-cho, Otsu City. The museum’s collection and standing exhibition consists of modern Nihonga Japanese paintings, works of art by Nihonga painter Yuki Ogura and other artists connected to the local area, and other works of post-WWII American and Japanese modern art. The museum also holds permanent exhibitions and workshops and rents out exhibition spaces to city residents.

    スタイリッシュでオシャレな空間が広がります。 せっかくの環境なのに、来館者が少ないですね。 ポイント毎に女性スタッフが立っておられるのが多過ぎに感じてしまうほど。 カフェやショップも楽しみの一つだったのですが、少々期待はずれ。滋賀のこだわりの品が並ぶというものの、見せ方、演出の仕方がどうなのかな?という感じ。何よりショップが箱でなくオープンスペースなのが落ち着きませんでした。 また、名前まで...

  • Foleo Otsu Ichiriyama
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Shiga Pref. Otsushi Ichiriyama 7-1-1
    A shopping mall situated along Gakuen-dori Avenue in Ichiriyama, Otsu City. The mall is occupied by fashionable clothing stores, interior shops, restaurants, a food court, and food shops, as well as a sports club, salon, culture center, indoor amusement park, and game corner.
  • Kanou Shoujuan Sunai no Sato
    44 Reviews
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Shiga Pref. Otsushi Oishiryumon 4-2-1
    A facility built around the primary workshop of the Kanou Shoujuan Japanese confectionary maker in 4 Chome Oishiryumon, Otsu City. There’s a shop selling the renowned confections and seasonal sweets made in the workshop, a tearoom, a restaurant, a teahouse serving light meals, and a bakery café. There are also special, reservable set plans which include things like seasonal kaiseki course cuisine, nature walks, and Japanese confectionary making classes.

    《梅狩り(6月11日-7月3日)》が始まる前の6月4日 妻と初めて訪問しました。入口に 訪問当日の[営業施設案内(添付 写真参照)]があり、茅葺屋根の[総合案内所]で[寿長生の郷のパンフレット(添付 写真参照)]を入手されることお薦めします、手元にパンフレットを持って散策しないと こちらの魅力を十分に楽しめないと感じました。[梅窓庵]で《近江牛ひつまぶし膳1980円税込》《葛餅880円税込...

  • Katsuragawa Sokusho Myooin
    11 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Shiga Pref. Otsushi Katsuragawaboumurachou 155
    A Buddhist temple located in Katsuragawa Bomura-cho, Otsu City. The temple was built as a dojo on the Kaihogyo pilgrimage route by the head priest of the Enryakuji Temple in the Heian period. A ritual taiko drum performance and dance called the Taiko Mawashi is held at the temple for pilgrims walking the route on Mt. Hiei each year on July 18.

    鯖街道をドライブ中にたまたま見つけた紅葉の名所です。 明王谷にかかる三宝橋の辺りの紅葉は見応えがあり、隠れた穴場ですね。

  • Enryakuji Temple (Hokke Sojiin Todo Hall)
    Travel / Tourism
    Shiga Otsu-shi Sakamotohonmachi 4220
    A Buddhist temple located in Sakamoto Honmachi, Otsu City. This temple makes up one of the three sections of the Enryakuji Temple, the head temple of Tendai Buddhism. Located on the land where the great monk Saicho founded the Enryakuji in 788, the grounds encompass various important structures centering on the Konpon Chudo, the overarching main temple and a designated National Treasure.
  • New Biwako Kenko Summer Land and Hotel
    Accommodations / Hot Spring
    Shiga Otsu-shi Tsukinowa 1-9-18
    A free shuttle bus leaves from JR Seta Station. This recently remodeled bathhouse is a part of the New Biwako Kenko Summer Land and Hotel situated along National Route 1 between the Tsukinowa 1-Chome and Tsukinowa 2-Chome Intersections. The bathhouse fills its baths using only the waters of a natural source hot spring 1,500 meters underground; the spring is a mildly radioactive calcium sodium chloride cold mineral spring. The waters of this recuperative hot spring are naturally just slightly radioactive and are said to treat a wide variety of ailments, including nerve pain, bruises, sleep disorders, and gout. Customers can enjoy baths such as an outdoor bath and a Shigaraki ware porcelain bath. The Biwakoza troupe also holds taishu engeki theater performances here.
  • Otsu City Science Museum
    12 Reviews
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Shiga Pref. Otsushi Honmaruchou 6-50 Lifelong learning center
    A science museum situated along the Kogan Road in Honmaru-cho, Otsu City. The museum’s exhibits look at themes such as the natural environment of Lake Biwa and the fundamental concepts of science. There’s also a planetarium which uses digital projectors to present the entire night sky, and an astronomy dome equipped with a large refracting telescope. In addition, the museum holds exciting science demonstrations each week on Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays which allow visitors to perform experiments and create scientific tools.

    入場料が安く、駐車場も無料なのでお財布に優しいです。安いので展示もこじんまりとしてますが、子供が小さいこともありいろんな実験展示も楽しんでました。 プラネタリウムでは地元成安造形大学とコラボした素人感あふれる「ぎょしゃ座」の神話アニメが見れました。地元密着企画で良いと思います。 が、はやぶさが「M2-A」ロケットでうちあがり、リュウグウの砂を「搾取」して、何「憶」キロもの距離を進んだという誤字だら...

  • Lake Biwa Canal
    Travel / Tourism
    Shiga Pref. Otsushi Miderachou
    A canal which connects Lake Biwa and Kyoto. The canal was planned by then governor of Kyoto Prefecture Kunimichi Kitagaki in the Meiji period in order to reinvigorate a Kyoto that had declined due to the ravages of the Battle of Toba-Fushimi and the relocation of the capital to Tokyo. The 20-kilometer-long Canal No. 1 was built first, followed by Canal No. 2 and canal sublines. The canal played a key role in the modern urban development of Kyoto and even today still supplies Kyoto neighborhoods with water.
  • Biwako Hotel
    Accommodations / Hot Spring
    Shiga Otsu-shi Hamamachi 2-40
  • Nagara Crafts Pavilion Mitsuhashi Setsuko Art Museum
    6 Reviews
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Shiga Pref. Otsushi Kozekichou 1-1
    An art museum located on the grounds of Nagara Park in Kozeki-cho, Otsu City. Adjoined by a studio, the museum contains works by Japanese painter Setsuko Mitsuhashi, who died prematurely at the age of 35 in 1975. The museum also has a creation space for making paintings and crafts.


  • Seta no Karahashi Bridge
    Travel / Tourism
    Shiga Pref. Otsushi Seta - Tangobashi
    A bridge spanning the Seta River along the Kogan Road in Seta, Otsu City. The area is known as one of the Eight Views of Omi, traditional scenic views; this particularly view is known by the title “Dusk Light of Seta.” In ancient times, this bridge was an important transportation point along the road to Kyoto, and it was said “to control the Karahashi is to control the world.” Accordingly, the bridge and nearby area served as the stage for the 672 Jinshin War and numerous other wars.
  • Shozuiji Temple
    6 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Shiga Pref. Otsushi Honkatata 1-27-20
    A Buddhist temple located in 1 Chome Honkatata, Otsu City. The temple was founded in the Muromachi period by the monk Kaso Sodon. The temple also known for the famous poet and monk Ikkyu Sojun having trained here under Kaso Sodon, and a stone monument noting this fact stands on the temple’s grounds. An advance reservation is required to worship in the main temple.

    庭園は見応えがあります。 浮見堂を含め、堅田藩陣屋跡周辺はお寺や神社があり、付近一帯を巡るのがよいでしょう。昔からの商店の看板があちらこちらにあります。

  • Genjuan
    5 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Shiga Pref. Otsushi Kokubu 2
    A historic site located on the grounds of Chikatsuo-jinja Shrine in 2 Chome Kokubu, Otsu City. During the Edo period, the renowned haiku poet Matsuo Basho stayed here for four months, describing it in the “Genjuan no ki.” The current structure was restored in 1991.

    大津市国分の近津尾神社境内の自然深きところにひっそりと建っています。 松尾芭蕉が元禄年間に4ヶ月滞在した草庵「幻住庵」を平成3年に復元したもので当時の生活ぶりを今に残しています。また小路には俳句が彫られた石碑などが置かれています。また近隣には聖徳太子堂があり小高い丘に登ると琵琶湖を一望できます。

  • Tachiki Kannon
    Travel / Tourism
    Shiga Pref. Otsushi Ishiyamanangouchou Okuyama 1231
    A Buddhist temple located in Ishiyamanango-cho, Otsu City. According to legend, in the Heian period, the great monk Kobo Daishi became stranded amidst the rapids of the Seda River; a white deer allowed him to ride it to safety, after which it transformed into the Kanzeon Bodhisattva. Deeply moved, the monk carved a figure of the deity with his own hands and founded the temple here. Because this occurred when Kobo Daishi was the unlucky age of 42, this temple has long been believed to grant worshippers protection from misfortune.
  • Zeze-yaki Museum
    3 Reviews
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Shiga Pref. Otsushi Nakashou 1-22-28
    A ceramics art museum located in 1 Chome Nakasho, Otsu City. The museum displays Zeze ware pieces. Zeze ware is a ceramic art counted among the “Seven Kilns,” the favorite pottery varieties of the tea ceremony master Kobori Masakazu. The museum also has a tearoom and garden and holds tea ceremonies and tea ceremony classes as well as treating visitors to matcha powdered green tea and Japanese sweets.


  • Mizu no Megumi-kan Aqua Biwa
    3 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Shiga Pref. Otsushi Kurodu 4-2-2
    An interactive learning facility situated along the Sekisho-no-michi in Kurozu, Otsu City. The facility’s exhibits focus on Lake Biwa and the Yodo River, looking at their history, connection to the lives of people through river management and irrigation, and the environment in which the many animals found here live. Here visitors can enjoy hands-on learning through models, videos, quizzes, and an artificial rain room which recreates the 600 millimeters per hour of rainfall recorded as the largest in the world.

    大津市南郷に近くにある「水のめぐみ館アクア琵琶」は、国土交通省琵琶湖河川事務所が運営する琵琶湖の治水や利水、水環境などについて学べる施設です。 建物は本館と雨たいけん室で構成され本館では琵琶湖の水位管理や水害の歴史、先端技術である瀬田川流域の砂防の歴史など、雨たいけん室では人工的につくり出された世界最大級の雨を体験することができます。 入館料は楽しむことができます。残念ですが、新型コロナウイルス感...

  • Hieizan Driveway Yumemigaoka
    Travel / Tourism
    Shiga Pref. Otsushi Yamagamichou Long Mountain 776-3
    A facility situated along the scenic Hieizan Driveway toll road connecting the Tanoyatoge Pass in Otsu City with the summit of Mt. Hiei. Here visitors will find an observatory with a sweeping view of Lake Biwa, a café terrace with a garden deck, and a barbecue corner. There are also paid attractions such as a concrete slide luge and a pedal-powered monorail as well as free to use playground equipment.
  • Former Chikurin-in
    Travel / Tourism
    Shiga Pref. Otsushi Sakamoto 5-2-13
    A traditional building located in Sakamoto, Otsu City. There are many buildings like the Chikurin-in in the Sakamoto area which were built as quarters for the monks of the Enryakuji Temple, and the whole zone has been designated a National Important Preservation District for Groups of Traditional Buildings. The Former Chikurin-in has two teahouses, an arbor, and a garden designated a Place of Scenic Beauty which makes use of the lovely view provided by Mt. Hachioji in the distance.

Shiga Areas


Visitors to Shiga prefecture are almost always hopping east across the prefectural border from Kyoto, and they are almost certainly Lake Biwa-bound. Covering an area of 670 square kilometers, Lake Biwa makes up the bulk of Shiga prefecture, with beautiful lakeside paths that offer myriad walking and cycling opportunities, connecting a string of museums, shrines, and picturesque views that finally lead you to Hikone Castle on the eastern side of the lake.

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