History / Culture / Tour Spots in Shiga Area

  • Hyozu Taisha Shrine
    20 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Shiga Pref. Yasushi Gojou 566
    A Shinto shrine located in Gojo, Yasu City. This ancient shrine was built in the distant Nara period and is dedicated to Yachihoko-no-Kami. Frequented by samurai warriors in ancient times, its magnificent Sakura-mon gate is said to have been donated by the shogun Ashikaga Takauji and the shrine’s treasures includes numerous sets of arms and armor. The shrine’s garden is also a designated national Place of Scenic Beauty.


  • Kusatsu Inn Highroads Community Square
    23 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Shiga Pref. Kusatsushi Kusatsu 3-10-4
    A museum located in 3 Chome Minamikusatsu, Kusatsu City. The museum contains exhibits covering the history of Kusatsujuku, a post station town which prospered due to its location at the confluence of the major Tokaido and Nakasendo Highways. The museum’s collection includes ukiyoe woodblock prints, ancient documents, and commemorative Japan National Railway tickets from the late 1950s to the early 1980s.


  • Nagahama Hachimangu Shrine
    21 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Shiga Pref. Nagahamashi Miyamaechou 13-55
    "This shrine honoring Nagahama's patron deity has been there since the Heian Period. The deity was installed there in 1069 from Iwashimizu Hachimangu Shrine, and it's been the region's protective spirit ever since. The shrine declined temporarily during the Warring States Period, but the lord of Nagahama Castle, Hashiba Hideyoshi, favored the shrine and it regained its status. The Nagahama Hikiyama Festival is its main celebration is especially famous. Held yearly from April 13 to 16, area children perform extravagant ""Kids Kabuki"" shows on top of flamboyant festival floats. "

    It is maybe one of the most interesting tourist attractions in Nagahama. Its origin remounts to over 1000 years ago, but during Sengoku Period it was devastated. At the time Hideyoshi was in...

  • Omihachiman City Museum (History and Folklore Museum/Local History Museum)
    20 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Shiga Omihachiman-shi Shinmachi 2-22
    A museum located in 2 Chome Shin-machi, Omihachiman City. The museum operates out of a restored Japanese home built in the late Edo period and recreates what the home of an Omihachiman merchant looked like at that time. The museum is open to the public together with the Local History Museum located on the site of a residence which once belonged to an Omi merchant; and the Former Nishikawa Residence, a designated Important Cultural Property.


  • Daichiji Temple
    17 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Shiga Pref. Koukashi Minakuchichounasaka 1168
    A Buddhist temple located in Nasaka Minakuchi-cho, Koka City. The temple is said to have been founded some 1,250 years ago during the Tempyo period when the great priest Gyoki, who was visiting the region, dug four ponds which still remain today in the shape of the Japanese character for heart and built the main temple in the center of them. The temple’s Hourai Garden, a dry landscape garden, is said to have been created by the celebrated artist Kobori Enshu.

    龍護山大池寺(りゅうごさんだいちじ)は、滋賀県甲賀市水口町名坂(しがけんこうかしみなくちちょうなさか)にある臨済宗妙心寺派の寺だ。 本尊は、釈迦如来(しゃかにょらい) 行基が作ったと伝わる池がある名坂大池寺自然公園がある。 2020年10月23日、この日は田村神社に参拝した。 そこから車で、大池寺にやってきた。 駐車場はとても広い。 駐車場から、かなりの距離を歩く。 この日は土砂降りで、少しつ...

  • Keisokuji Temple Koko-kaku & Yoshiro-kaku
    17 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Shiga Pref. Nagahamashi Kinomotochoufuruhashi 1107
    Two treasure houses located in Furuhashi Kinomoto-cho, Nagahama City. The Koko-kaku was built as Shiga Prefecture’s first treasure house for cultural properties in 1963 to store items such as the Keisokuji Temple’s eleven headed figure of the Bhaisajyaguru and the treasures of other temples on Mt. Kodakami-yama. The Yoshiro-kaku was built in 1989 to store items such as the Yoshiro Yamatoiwa-ji Temple’s standing figure of Bhaisajyaguru. Together, the two facilities store and display a large number of cultural properties.


  • House of Gokasho Omi Merchant, residence of Tonomura Shigeru
    18 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Shiga Pref. Higashioumishi Gokashoukondouchou 631
    A historic building located in Gokasho Kondo-cho, Higashiomi City. This grandiose residence was the birth home of Shigeru Tonomura, a renowned author and the nephew of fourth generation Omi merchant Tonomura Uhei. The residence was built as a branch home for the Tonomura family. Today, the residence’ storehouse is used as the Tonomura Shigeru Bungakukan literature museum, which contains exhibits on the author.


  • Samegaijuku Shiryokan Museum
    19 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Shiga Pref. Maibarashi Samegai 592 Former Post Office
    "This archive of history is located in Samegai, Maibara City. It makes use of the Western-style ""Samegai Post Office"" and the ""Ex-Samegai Inn Toiyaba (postinn station)"" built in the Taisho period and designated as Cultural Property. On display are materials such as old documents related to Samegai-juku (inn), which was prosperous as a post town of Nakasendo. You can use the location as a place to rest, as well."


  • Sekisemimaru-jinja Shrine Shimosha
    19 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Shiga Pref. Otsushi Ousaka 1-15-6
    A Shinto shrine located in Osaka, Otsu City. The shrine is one of three Sekisemimaru shrines in the city. The Shimosha, or lower shrine, is dedicated to Toyotama-hime-no-mikoto, who is enshrined here alongside the famous Heian period biwa lute player Semimaru. The shrine is seen as a patron shrine to musical performance and is also thought to heal worshippers with eye diseases based on a story about Semimaru, once blind, regaining his eyesight.


  • Ishidoji Temple
    15 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Shiga Pref. Higashioumishi Ishidouchou 860
    A Buddhist temple located in Ishido-cho, Higashiomi City. According to legend, the temple was founded by Prince Shotoku. The three-tier stone pagoda located on the temple’s grounds is believed to have been created in the distant Nara period; the oldest three tier stone pagoda in the country, is has been designated a National Important Cultural Property. The temple holds a Stone Pagoda Festival each year in August.


  • Takatsuki Kannon-no-sato Historical Folk Museum
    17 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Shiga Pref. Nagahamashi Takatsukichoudouganji 229
    A museum located in Doganji Takatsuki--cho, Nagahama City. Takatsuki is known as the “Kannon-no-sato” or “Village of Kannon,” and the museum contains exhibits on the history and folk customs of the area as well as the Kannon faith. The museum also introduces local eminent figures such as mid-Edo period Confucian scholar Hoshu Amenomori.

    展示品は 1階と2階に分かれ 1階:仏像、神像(旧高月町内からの寄託された像、小さな像ですが 7月19日訪問時 平安時代の像が数多くあり ヒックリでした)、2階:湖北の歴史と民俗 となっています。 この為 これらに関心を持っておられないと 入館されても つまらないかも知れません。 一方で 仏像鑑賞に関心を持っておられると 300円で 平安時代の仏像に会え 価値ありです。又 湖北の仏像鑑賞に関心を...

  • Traditional Crafts Center of Shiga
    20 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Shiga Koka-shi Shigarakicho Nagano 1203

    こちらで 2019年12月21日から NHKの連続テレヒ小説[スカーレット]展が開催されるも 急遽一旦休館となり 2020年7月10日から[テレヒトラマの世界・スカーレットの舞台 甲賀市信楽]と名前を少し変え リニューアル・オープンしています。入館すると 左手に[ショーシ富士川(俳優:西川貴教)]の作品;半分だけ神(添付 写真参照)が迎えてくれます。内部に[かわはら工房]や[穴窯]のセ...

  • Special Historic Site Azuchi Castle Ruins
    Travel / Tourism
    Shiga Pref. Omihachiman-shi Shimofoura 6371
    The site of a ruined castle, located in Shimotoira Azuchi-cho, Omihachiman City. The castle that once stood here was built over a three-year period starting in 1576 to serve as the home of the mighty samurai lord Oda Nobunaga. The castle was destroyed by fire after the Honnoji Temple Incident. Today, the castle’s stone base, moat, and mausoleum for Nobunaga built by Toyotomi Hideyoshi still stand and the grounds have been designated a National Special Historic Site.
  • House of Gokasho Omi Merchant, residence of Fujii Hikoshiro
    13 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Shiga Pref. Higashioumishi Miyashouchou 681
    A historic building located in Miyasho-cho, Higashiomi City. The building was once the residence of Fujii Hikoshiro, a man who founded Fuji Ito-ten shop and built his fortune in a generation. The building is one of the Omi merchant residences located in the Gokasho Kondo district, which has been designated a National Important Preservation District for Groups of Traditional Buildings. The building is used as a museum which displays items such as the tools used in Fujii’s business.


  • The Museum of Modern Art, Shiga
    16 Reviews
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Shiga Pref. Otsushi Setaminamiogayachou 1740-1
    An art museum located in Biwako Culture Park in Setaminamiogaya-cho, Otsu City. The museum’s collection and standing exhibition consists of modern Nihonga Japanese paintings, works of art by Nihonga painter Yuki Ogura and other artists connected to the local area, and other works of post-WWII American and Japanese modern art. The museum also holds permanent exhibitions and workshops and rents out exhibition spaces to city residents.

    スタイリッシュでオシャレな空間が広がります。 せっかくの環境なのに、来館者が少ないですね。 ポイント毎に女性スタッフが立っておられるのが多過ぎに感じてしまうほど。 カフェやショップも楽しみの一つだったのですが、少々期待はずれ。滋賀のこだわりの品が並ぶというものの、見せ方、演出の仕方がどうなのかな?という感じ。何よりショップが箱でなくオープンスペースなのが落ち着きませんでした。 また、名前まで...

  • Ruins of Minakuchi Castle (Minakuchi Castle Museum)
    15 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Shiga Pref. Koukashi Minakuchichouhonmaru
    The site of a ruined castle located in Honmaru Munakuchi-cho, Koka City. The castle was built to provide lodgings for the shogun Tokugawa Iemitsu when traveling to the capital and was also known as “Blue Water Castle” due to its moat, which was filled by water from a spring; the castle was later abandoned in the Meiji period. Today, a museum housed inside a reconstruction of the castle’s turret stands on the site.


  • Ishibaji Temple
    13 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Shiga Pref. Higashioumishi Gokashouishibajichou 823
    A Buddhist temple located in Gokashoishibaji-cho, Higashiomi City. The temple was built in 594 by Prince Shotoku. The temple’s name, which means “Stone Horse Temple,” is derived from a legend according to which Prince Shotoku was led up Mt. Kinugasa by a horse; the prince tied to horse to a pine tree and descended down the mountain, and when he returned, the horse had turned into stone and sunk to the bottom of a pond. Today, the main temple building enshrines a wooden signboard with the temple’s name said to have been inscribed by Prince Shotoku’s own hand, and the pine tree to which Prince Shotoku tied the horse.

    よかった 階段きつかったです。拝観はお金かかるですが、外見るだけ無料です。杖があって、大変助かりました。緑いっぱいです

  • Namura-jinja Shrine
    13 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Shiga Pref. Gamougunryuouchou Ayado 467
    A Shinto shrine located in Ayado, Ryuo Town, Gamo County, Shiga Prefecture. The shrine is dedicated to Namura-hiko-no-Kami, Namura-hime-no-Kami, and Kuni-no-Satsuchi-no-mikoto. The shrine’s parishioner district covers the surrounding 33 villages, and every 33 years the shrine holds a grand festival (the next on is scheduled for 2046). The west main shrine building is a designated National Treasure.

    竜王町役場の近く、蒲生野のど真ん中、といったあたりに位置します。県道を挟んで東西に社領が分かれています。深い林の中にある東本宮、開放的な西本宮と空気は異なります。 駐車場からも威容がうかがえる楼門をくぐり神楽殿、西本殿へ、当然拝殿に遮られて全貌を捉えることはできませんが、鎌倉時代の作ということで、国宝に指定されています。楼門寄りにある神輿庫も美しい造りです。平日だからか、自粛の影響か定かではあり...

  • Omi Merchant Museum Nakaji Yujin Museum
    13 Reviews
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Shiga Pref. Higashioumishi Gokashoutatsutachou 583 Ebisan no Sato Cultural Learning Center
    A museum located in Gokasho Tatsuta-cho, Higashiomi City. The museum makes use of videos, dioramas, and exhibits to introduce the history and culture of the Higashiomi area, said to be the birthplace of the famous Omi merchants; as well as the activities and ways of life of the Omi merchants. The Nakaji Yujin Museum on the second floor exhibits Japanese paintings donated by Yujin Nakaji, a Japanese painter connected to the area.


  • House of Gokasho Omi Merchant, residence of Nakae Jungoro
    12 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Shiga Pref. Higashioumishi Gokashoukondouchou 643
    A historic building located in Gokasho Kondo-cho, Higashiomi City. Numerous Omi merchant residences and storehouses still stand in Gokasho Kondo and the area has been designated an Important Preservation District for Groups of Traditional Buildings. Residences such as the Nakae Jungoro Tei, Tonomura Uhei's Mansion, Shigeru Tonomura's Mansion, and Hikoshiro Fujii's Mansion are open to the public, giving visitors the chance to see how Omi’s prosperous merchants once lived.


Shiga Areas


Visitors to Shiga prefecture are almost always hopping east across the prefectural border from Kyoto, and they are almost certainly Lake Biwa-bound. Covering an area of 670 square kilometers, Lake Biwa makes up the bulk of Shiga prefecture, with beautiful lakeside paths that offer myriad walking and cycling opportunities, connecting a string of museums, shrines, and picturesque views that finally lead you to Hikone Castle on the eastern side of the lake.

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