History / Culture / Tour Spots in Aichi Area

  • Toyohashi Orthodox Church
    36 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Aichi Pref. Toyohashishi Hacchoudori 3-15
    The Toyohashi Orthodox Church is a white church with a green spire in Hachodori Town, Toyohashi City, Aichi Prefecture. It was built as a Russian Orthodox cathedral church in 1920, the oldest Orthodox church in Aichi Prefecture. The wooden building is constructed in the Byzantine style, sparsely decorated, simple and elegant. Many works of art are preserved in the church, including the religious paintings by famous icon painter, Rin Yamashita. The building is a National Important Cultural Property.

    [豊橋市公会堂]見学後 こちらに立ち寄りましたが 2024年6月(添付 写真参照)迄 保存修理工事となっており 工事用テントでスッポリ包まれ 外観は全く見えません。 こちらの建築物が[国指定重要文化財]であり 日本国内に数多くの教会建築物がありますが [ハリストス正教会]の建築物は 限定的なので 建築物鑑賞ファンで訪れる方も多いと思いますが 外観を見学出来るのは 3年強後となります。

  • Anjo City Museum of History
    19 Reviews
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Aichi Pref. Anjoushi Anjouchou Shirobori 30
    A museum located in Ansho Bunka no Sato standing along Prefectural Route 78 in Shirobori Anjo-cho, Anjo City. Here visitors can learn about the culture, economy, politics, and other historical aspects of the western Mikawa region occupying the Yahagi River Basin, from the Jomon to the Edo and Meiji periods through exhibits on the Horiuchi Shell Mound, the Kamezuka site, and the Sakurai Kofun burial mound group. The museum also holds special exhibitions, lectures, and workshops.


  • Ichinomiya City Memorial Art Museum of Setsuko Migishi
    18 Reviews
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Aichi Pref. Ichinomiyashi Konobunakashima Gouminami 3147-1
    An art museum located in Gominami Konobunakashima, Ichinomiya City. The museum was built on the site of the family home of local Western-style painter Setsuko Migishi and was opened in 1998. The museum's exhibition room is located in a remodeled old store house and displays a standing collection of works by Migishi. The museum also holds special exhibitions of artwork by other artists.

    洋画家・三岸節子の生家跡に建設され、尾西市三岸節子記念美術館として開館、市町村合併に伴い、一宮市三岸節子記念美術館となった。 織物工場を思わせるのこぎり屋根や、節子の生前から残る土蔵を改修た土蔵展示室など、彼女の思い出と深くかかわったデザインとなっている。

  • Iwaya-ji Temple
    16 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Aichi Pref. Chitagunminamichitachou Yamami Masou 109
    A Shingon Buzan Buddhist temple located in Minamichita Town, Chita County which boasts a history dating back over 1,300 years. Founded by the great monk Kukai, the temple's principal object of worship is a statue of Acala. The temple is also the 45th on 88 sacred places on the Shikoku Pilgrimage. The temple's Daishi-do hall is a nationally-designated Important Cultural Property, while the grounds have been designated a National Place of Scenic Beauty as well as a Nature Park by the prefectural government.


  • Toyota Municipal Museum of Art
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Aichi Pref. Toyotashi Kozakahonmachi 8-5-1
    An art museum located on the former site of the castle of Koromo Domain on a small hill which first opened in November 1995. A restored corner turret from the original castle stands near the entrance to the museum. The east and west sides offer differing atmospheres. A steep terrace on the eastern side provides a sweeping view of Toyota. Meanwhile, a Japanese garden on the western side is dotted with teahouses and other structures, creating more historically-oriented scenery. The museum has 11 exhibition rooms connected via galleries for visitors to follow and enjoy the art on display. The museum also has a museum shop, restaurant, and tea room.
  • Handa Science Center
    20 Reviews
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Aichi Pref. Handashi Kirigaoka 4-210
    A science museum located in Handa City, Aichi Prefecture with fun, interactive, and educational exhibits. The museum also has a planetarium and an astronomical observatory. The museum holds a variety of events particularly on weekends and is visited by many families.

    プラネタリウムがお勧めです。(内容は事前にネットで確認してください) そのた、館内も子どもが楽しめる色々なスペースがあります。 他の方も書いてある通り、週末は駐車場が込み合いますのでご注意を。

  • Nankichi Niimi’s Birthplace
    29 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Aichi Pref. Handashi Yanabenakamachi 1-83
    The birth home of children's story author Nankichi Nimi, located in Yanabe Naka-machi, Handa City. Until his passing at the age of 29, Nimi wrote numerous novels, poems, and popular children's stories, including Gon, the Little Fox and Buying Mittens. In 1983, the city of Handa purchased Nimi's birth home, restored it, and opened it to the general public in 1987.


  • Cultural Path Shumokukan
    29 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Aichi Nagoya-shi Higashi-ku Shumokucho 2-18
    This is a historic building located in Shumoku-cho 2-Chome, Higashi Ward, Nagoya City. The mansion combines a Japanese and a Western house and whitewashed storehouses built by Tamesaburo Imoto, who was an exporter of ceramic wares from the Meiji to Taisho periods. Spaces can be rented out, and the building is also home to exhibitions of materials related to the history of the local ceramics industry. Visitors are welcome to enjoy the Shumoku Cafe, located in the reception room.

    陶磁器商として活躍した井元為三郎が、大正末期から昭和初期に建てた当時の様子をよく伝える邸宅です。 和館、洋館、東西二棟の蔵、茶室、庭園が残されています。 平成8年に名古屋市有形文化財、平成20年3月に景観重要建造物に指定されました。 洋館にはステンドグラスが贅沢に使われており、為三郎は輸出陶磁器の商談を行うため、多くのバイヤーを招待していたと言われています。 見事なステンドグラスばかりです。必見で...

  • Iwazu Tenmangu Shrine
    15 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Aichi Pref. Okazakishi Iwaduchou Higashiyama 53
    A Shinto shrine located in Higashiyama Iwazu-cho, Okazaki City. Dedicated to Sugawara no Michizane, the god of scholarship, every month on the 25th the shrine holds a ceremony to pray for success in scholarly endeavors, attracting many hopeful students. The shrine is also believed to grant worshippers recovery from illness and protection from misfortune. The shrine is also famous for its nakizumo (crying baby sumo) event held on the grounds every May 5.


  • Arako Kannon Temple
    27 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Aichi Pref. Nagoyashi Nakagawa-ku Arakochou Miyamado 138
    A Buddhist temple located in Miyamado Arako-cho, Nakagawa Ward, Nagoya City. The temple's principal object of worship is a statue of Avalokitesvara which is only revealed once every 33 years. The two tier pagoda on the temple's grounds is the oldest wooden structure in Nagoya City and has been designated a National Important Cultural Property. The temple also possesses over 1,200 Enku Buddhas, wooden statues carved by the monk Enku, the greatest of any location in Japan.

    知ってる人には有名な荒子観音様があるお寺。 今はやりの徳川家康ゆかりのお寺のようです。 たまたま、節分の日に近くを通り、お祭りのようににぎわっていたので思わず寄ってみました。非常にラッキーで、この日は節分会。お参りの後、豆まきが行われていました。豆まきへの一般参加も可能で、4,500円って書いてありました。若い女性なども参加されていましたよ。

  • Ryusenji
    17 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Aichi Pref. Nagoyashi Moriyama-ku Ryusenji 1-902
    A Buddhist temple located in Ryusenji, Moriyama Ward, Nagoya City. The temple was founded some 1,200 years ago by the great monk Saicho. In addition, because the famous monk Kukai buried three of the eight swords of the Atsuta Jingu shrine here, the temple is also said to have been founded by Kukai. Located in the unlucky northeast direction of Nagoya Castle, the temple is considered one of the four guardian Owari Kannon temples along with the Arako Kannon, Kasadera Kannon (Ryufukuji), and Jimokuji, and even today many worshippers come here during the Setsubun celebration.

    ゆとりーとラインの小幡緑地駅から徒歩10分。 延暦年間(782-806)に最澄により創建された天台宗の寺院。本尊は馬頭観音。尾張三十三ヶ所観音霊場の25番札所。豪壮な仁王門は1607年の建立で国の重要文化財に指定されている。朱塗りの本堂は1911年の再建。鐘楼堂にある「平和の鐘」は10円を奉納すれば1打撞くことができるので幸せを願いながら撞いてみては。

  • Rokusho Jinja
    29 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Aichi Pref. Okazakishi Myoudaijichou Mimitori 44
    A Shinto shrine located in Okazaki City, Aichi Prefecture. Dedicated to easy childbirth, the shrine was once used by the might Matsudaira clan and Tokugawa clan, and today its grounds are seen as a mystical power spot. The shrine's main shrine, offering hall, worship hall, two-tier gate, and god hall have been designated National Important Cultural Property. Only on New Year's Day, visitors can get a drawing of the mystical treasure boat of the gods which is said to ensure a good first dream of the year to those who view it.


  • Nagoya City Hideyoshi Kiyomasa Memorial Museum
    27 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Aichi Nagoya-shi Nakamura-ku Nakamuracho Chanoki 25

    中村公園駅から徒歩10分。 豊国神社に隣接する中村公園文化プラザ2Fにある歴史博物館。入館無料。豊臣秀吉と加藤清正に関する書状、武具、絵などが展示されている。無料ながらなかなか充実した展示内容であった。

  • Koinomizu-jinja Shrine
    27 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Aichi Pref. Chitagunmihamachou Okuda Midoritsuzawa 92-91
    Said to make young people fall in love, this Shinto shrine is dedicated to Mitsuhanome-no-kami, a water goddess who legends connect with Emperor Ingyo, the 19th emperor of the early fifth century Yamato Court, and who is also said to have appeared in the Heian period. Originally the shrine was believed to heal any and all illnesses, but gradually the focus shifted to curing “lovesickness” and the shrine came to be connected with finding luck in love and marriage. The shrine’s heart-shaped ema votive tablets are unique and cute.

    パワースポットとして紹介されており、神社の名前や水色の鳥居から何となく、最近創られた地域振興(町興し)系の場所かと思いましたが、由来を見る限り732年に聖武天皇の皇后の病を治癒する際に使用された水ということで由緒はある様です。 また平安時代の「桜姫の悲恋伝説」と呼ばれる、恋人の病を治す為に京都からこの地まで旅してきたが、水まで辿り着けずに桜姫が亡くなった・・・という伝説もある様です。 訪れるには場...

  • Mikawa Kougei Glass Museum
    10 Reviews
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Aichi Pref. Nishioshi Tomiyamachou Tougou 5
    A museum dedicated to glass art located in Nishio City, Aichi Prefecture. The museum is also dedicated to visitor interaction and experience, holding short classes through which you can make stained glass pieces and other works of glass art. The museum's giant kaleidoscope, certified by Guinness as the largest in the world in 2000, is also popular. In the adjoining museum shop, you can purchase a kit to make your very own kaleidoscope.

    昔、世界一の万華鏡があることで有名なここ 三河工芸ガラス美術館。 いまでも迫力ある万華鏡の美しさにほっとします。 3階にあるてっぽう展示館も楽しめます。 雑学のパネルもあって、勉強になりました。

  • Ai Chikyu-haku Kinenkan
    9 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Aichi Nagakute-shi Ibaragabasama Otsu 1533-1 Aichikyuhakukinenkoen
    Located right near Ai-Chikyuhaku-Kinen-Koen Station on the Tobu Kyuryo Line (Linimo), this memorial hall commemorates the Japan World Expo (Aichi Earth Expo) held in 2005. It conveys the ideals and information about the results of the event to future generations. Used as a reception hall during the Expo, it has an exhibit of over 300 items donated from its various international pavilions. A theater shows video of the event, and you can visit the VIP room that remains as it was during the Expo.


  • Takahama Kawara Museum
    8 Reviews
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Aichi Pref. Takahamashi Aokichou 9-6-18
    An art museum standing along National Route 419 in Aoki-cho, Takahama City. Japan's only art museum dedicated to roof tiles, the museum's collection includes Sanshu kawara roof tiles and other roof tiles and pottery from throughout Japan and the world as well as related works of art. In addition to the museum's standing exhibition and special exhibitions, the museum also holds short ceramics and ceramics decorating classes as well as fully fledged ceramics classes which use an electric potter's wheel.


  • Maneki-Neko Museum
    26 Reviews
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Aichi Pref. Setoshi Yakushimachi 2
    The Maneki-Neko Museum, housed in a building which resembles Seto’s Taisho period Western-style architecture, features a collection of maneki-neko (beckoning cat figurines) from across Japan including traditional toys, antiques, and daily miscellaneous goods. It is categorized by history, shrine-related items, traditional toys, main production areas, curios, and miscellaneous goods, and has impressive displays. It is approximately eight minutes on foot from Owari Seto Station on the Meitetsu Seto Line.

    板東寛司・荒川千尋ご夫妻が、個人で収集された、招き猫コレクションを展示している。 愛知県は、招き猫の一大産地。 特に生産量が多いのは、常滑市と瀬戸市。 常滑市の招き猫は、現代のスタンダード。 2頭身のふっくらした体系と、くりくりの大きな目、小判を抱えた、王道のスタイルだ。 瀬戸市の招き猫は、常滑市に比べるとやや細身。 本物の猫に近い形で、表情や全体の形も、バラエティに富んでいる。 その他にも、豪...

  • Former Residence of Honda Tadatsugu
    22 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Aichi Pref. Okazakishi Kakemachi Ashinobe 40-1
    The house and part of the water fountain built by Honda Tadatsugu, the second son of the viscount family, in 1932 has been relocated and restored to Kake Town, Okazaki City, Aichi Prefecture. Tadatsugu is a descendant of the former Okazaki daimyo (feudal lord) Honda clan who descended from the samurai general, Honda Tadakatsu, who was once said to be one of the Tokugawa-shitenno (four generals serving Tokugawa Ieyasu). He was also at the cutting edge of academia at the time. The house is a wooden Western-style building based on the Spanish style that was fashionable at the time. Inside are both modern Western-style rooms and purely Japanese-style rooms. There’s plenty to see such as furniture, stained glass and mosaic tiles, etc. Exhibitions are occasionally held throughout the year.

    Part of the Higashi Park grounds, the house was originally built in Tokyo in 1930s and moved to and rebuilt in Okazaki in 1990s. It belonged to a descendant of one of the Tokugawa Ieasu deputies...

  • Sakuraten Shrine
    24 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Aichi Pref. Nagoyashi Naka-ku Nishiki 2-4-6
    A Shinto shrine standing along Sakura Dori Avenue in Nishiki, Naka Ward, Nagoya City. The temple was founded in 1540 by Oda Nobuhide, father of the mighty Oda Nobunaga, and is dedicated to Sugawara no Michizane, god of scholarship. Sakuraten literally means cherry blossom heaven, and the temple's name is derived from the immediate area, a renowned destination for viewing Yoshino cherry blossoms in the spring; and because of the large, sacred cherry tree growing on the grounds. The temple is frequented by students hoping to pass their entrance exams. The temple also has a Nadegyu statue which is said to heal those who rub the statue on the area where they are experiencing poor health; and a Gan no Mizu no Ushi statue which is said to grant wishes to those who pour water on it the same number of times as their own age in years.


Aichi Areas


Aichi is a prefecture of great natural beauty with Nagoya city at its heart, a busy hub home to a labyrinth of underground shops and the 17th-century Nagoya Castle. Castles are easy to find in this history-rich prefecture, but the highlight for history buffs has to be the Museum Meiji-mura, where preserved buildings from the turn of the 20th century are displayed in all their grandeur in an outdoor museum.

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