Leisure / Hobbies Spots in Mishima / Numazu / Naka-Izu Area

  • Showa no Mori Kaikan
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Shizuoka Izu-shi Yugashima 892-6
    This commercial complex inside Roadside Station Amagigoe is located along National Route 414. It is about a 60-minute drive from Numazu Interchange on the Tomei Expressway or Nagaizumi-Numazu Interchange on the Shin Tomei Expressway. The Mori no Johokan information center introduces the flora and fauna and other nature that inhabits the Amagi Mountains through panels and videos. The Izu Modern Literature Museum features exhibits including original manuscripts, first editions, and photographs of writers with deep connections to the Izu region. The museum even features Inoue Yasushi's former residence, which has been relocated to the museum's courtyard. It also features wasabi fields, waterwheels, and a grove of Japanese maples that are especially beautiful from autumn to early winter when their fall colors come in.
  • Izu Modern Literature Museum
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Shizuoka Izu-shi Yugashima 892-6 Showa no Mori Hall
    This museum inside the Showa no Mori Center commercial complex is located along National Route 414. It is about a 60-minute drive from Numazu Interchange on the Tomei Expressway or Nagaizumi-Numazu Interchange on the ShinTomei Expressway. It features exhibits including original manuscripts, first editions, and photographs of 120 writers who are from Izu or have deep connections to the region including Kawabata Yasunari, Inoue Yasushi, and Kajii Motojiro.
  • Izu Dog Land
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Shizuoka Izu-shi Toshigawa 964
    This massive nearly 70,000 square-meter dog park is located about a 50-minute drive from the Numazu Interchange on the Tomei Expressway via the Izu Chuo Expressway. The fully fenced and turfed dog park is separated into a free area where dogs of all size can enjoy catching balls and Frisbees as well as a small dog area, a large dog area, and an area for dogs that are new to dog parks. Dogs can play freely off the leash in each area. There is also a forest walking course where owners and their leashed dog can enjoy taking a nature walk. The dog park also features a self-service dog bath as well as a dog goods shop and a cafe.
  • Fuji Bamboo Garden
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Shizuoka Sunto-gun Nagaizumicho Minami Isshiki 885
    Japan's only bamboo garden, located about a 15-minute drive from the Tomei Numazu Interchange of the Tomei Susono Interchange. About 100,000 plants of some 700 varieties are planted there, and no other bamboo garden in the world boasts so many varieties. Visitors can see exhibits about every aspect of bamboo in the research and museum building: uses of bamboo, efforts to find new uses, methods of preparing bamboo materials, samples of bamboo grass, folk crafts, and tea ceremony implements. Items made of bamboo are also for sale inside the building.
  • Senbonhama Beach
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Shizuoka Numazu-shi
    A swimming beach located about a 20-minute drive from the Tomei Numazu Interchange. The Ministry of the Environment has recognized it as a swimming beach with especially good water quality. It is within sight of Senbonhama Park and quite close to the urban area. The view of the setting sun has been praised as the best in Numazu and chosen as one of the top 100 beautiful stretches of sandy beaches dotted with pine trees. On a clear day, you can see Mt. Fuji in the distance. Simple showers and toilets are available. When the beach is open, sales booths and first-aid stations are set up, and lifeguards are on duty.
  • Kashiya Park
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Shizuoka Tagata-gun Kannamicho Kashiya 676-1
    This park has a total area of roughly 6.2 hectares, and includes the Kashiya Cave Tombs, a Nationally Designated Historical Ruins. Composed of an event square, a multipurpose square, a children's square, a baseball field and more, it is adored as a place for staying healthy and learning by connecting with history. In 2018, a playground was built so kids can enjoy various ways to play. The baseball field (charge to use) has nighttime lights so you can use it at night too.
  • Bicycle Nokuni Cycle Sports Ctr
    91 Reviews
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Shizuoka Pref. Izushi Ono 1826

    Fun day out for families. Good to ride the different crazy bicycles made in lots of shapes and styles. The 5km loop was great to ride on different bikes available to hire. Lots to do for at least...

  • Izu Ohito Country Club
    16 Reviews
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Shizuoka Izunokuni-shi Ukihashi 1198

    ラウンドしてきました! 4-5年前にラウンドして以来久し振りに訪問。 今回はキャディ付きで富士→箱根コースで。 グリーンが10.5フィートでお天気にも恵まれ、とても愉しくラウンド出来ました! コースの状態は相変わらず完璧で、ランチもメニュー豊富で美味!! 参加したゴルフ仲間にも喜んで貰えました☆☆☆

  • Numazu International Country Club
    8 Reviews
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Shizuoka Numazu-shi Ashitaka Onoue 441-334

    いやぁ-久し振りの沼津国際!! スタッフよし!コースよし!カートよし!食事よし!全てにおいて良かったです☆☆☆

  • Dai Atami International Golf Club
    9 Reviews
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Shizuoka Izunokuni-shi Chojagahara 1240

    熱海コースOUTスタートなら、昼はハチの巣レストランで焼肉食べ放題&ドリンク(アルコールも)飲み放題です。とても魅力的ですが、あまり期待するほど質はよくない。レストランが煙モクモクで服に匂いが付きます。 熱海コースINスタートはバズで移動してからスタートで、昼食は大仁コースと同じTHE...

  • Mentai Park Izu
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Shizuoka Tagata-gun Kannamicho Tsukamoto 753-1
  • Amagikogen Golf Course
    7 Reviews
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Shizuoka Izu-shi Sugehiki 638-83

    ジュニア料金3000円、別途ランチ代です。 じゃらんゴルフで大人2名分予約して、追加で子ども分を電話予約しました。じゃらんでは2サムだと追加がかかるとなっていましたが、この方法でも追加はかかりませんでした。

  • Fuji Amagi Golf Club
    8 Reviews
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Shizuoka Izu-shi Odairakakigi 1190-1

    ゴルフ場そのものもきちんと整備されてきれい。不満な点はほとんどない。コースで時々しかがお食事をしているが、気なるほどではない。 ランチビュッフェは、とにかく、どれもおいしい。いつも2種類あるカレーがおいしい。

  • Izu Ni Ra Yama Country Club
    8 Reviews
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Shizuoka Izunokuni-shi Naka 1613

    朝から天気も良く、綺麗な富士山を眺めながらコースへ。 クラブハウスからも眺められます。 東、中、西コースの27ホールズ。 東、中は赤星 四郎氏設計。 西は加藤 俊輔氏設計。 この日は東からスタート。 しばらく富士山が見えなかったのですが、登り切った途端に目の前に富士山の雄大な景色が目に飛び込んできます。 手前には愛鷹連峰、左手奥には南アルプスの雪をまとった姿が。 さらに左手には駿河湾が広がって...

  • Laforet Shuzenji&Country Club
    7 Reviews
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Shizuoka Izu-shi Odaira 1529

    ゴルフ場だけでなく、大型ホテルや温泉・スポーツ施設が充実しています。 スポーツセンターには、9Hのパターゴルフ場もあり。 センターハウス方面に「森の湯」があります。 営業時間は6:00-10:00/12:00-24:00(サウナは15:00-22:00)で、伊豆マリオットホテル・ホテルラフォーレ修善寺宿泊者は無料で利用できます。 日帰り利用もできるので、ラウンド後に露天風呂を楽しむのもいいですね。

  • Kannamigorufukurabu
    10 Reviews
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Shizuoka Pref. Tagatagunkannamichou Kuwahara Takaoyama 1315-25


  • Izu International Country Club
    7 Reviews
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Shizuoka Izu-shi Horigiri 1004-5


  • Fuji Hakone Country Club
    5 Reviews
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Shizuoka Izunokuni-shi Nagoya 2225

    コースに近づくと、急に目の前に富士山の姿が目に飛び込んできます。 クラブハウスからも綺麗に見えます。 富士山に向かって傾斜した斜面にコースが造られています。 それも結構な傾斜です。 outからスタート。 いきなりのすごい打ち下ろしのロング。 いったいどこまで転がるのかわからないコースです。 もともとの地形をあまりいじらずに作られています。 そのため、傾斜地でのショットが求められます。 ペンクロス...

  • Izu Heights Golf Club
    6 Reviews
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Shizuoka Izu-shi Jizodo 845-67


  • Mishima Country Club
    1 Reviews
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Shizuoka Mishima-shi Tokura 1195

    6/10 日曜。天気予報では台風接近に伴い雨。 9:55スタート予定だったがキャンセル続出なのか9:13にスタートできた。お陰で多少雨がぱらついたが傘も必要ない程度でホールアウト。 絶景は見られなかったが、スムーズに周れて良かった。コースも永遠の初心者の私には十分楽しめるレイアウト。 次回は晴天かつキャディ付きで回りたいです。

Shizuoka Areas


With the giant Pacific Ocean to the south and the great Mount Fuji to the north, Shizuoka prefecture is blessed with some of the best views the country has to offer. The white sand beaches of the Izu Peninsula are a rare find on mainland Japan, neighbored by beautiful cliffs, tumbling hills, and natural hot springs. As Japan’s largest producer of green tea, the age-old tradition of tea drinking is ubiquitous in Shizuoka, from the miles of tea fields to the old tea houses hosting traditional tea ceremonies.

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