Japanese Food Spots in Shizuoka Area

  • Fujiichi
    14 Reviews
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Shizuoka Pref. Itoushi Shizumichou 7-6
    This is a seafood superstore which was established in 1946 in Ito city, Shizuoka prefecture. The shop deals in freshly caught fish and shellfish and sun-dried fish. The second floor is a restaurant where you can taste barbequed local fish. A specialty is “Nego Rice”, which is a reproduction of a dish eaten on ships by fisherman’s predecessors. It is recommended to eat roughly half of the dish as it is, and then enjoy this splendid dish with piping hot dashi (dashi is a simple soup stock used in Japanese cooking) poured over it.

    Excellent seafood where you grill your main dish at the table and an array of sashimi, pickles and paired ingredients joins the main dish, all with the charm of helpful ladies, who dont speak much...

  • Dougashima Shokudo
    25 Reviews
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Shizuoka Pref. Kamogunnishizuchou Nishina 2045-3
    This is a restaurant on the coast of Nishiizu Town, Kamo County, Shizuoka Prefecture where one can eat Suruga Bay marine products direct from Numazu Port. The second floor window offers views of the sparkling blue sea, and the first floor has seating which also accommodates pets. Here one can enjoy Izu specialties like kinmedai (red bream) and aji (horse mackerel) cooked in a rich range of styles from fried to boiled in soy sauce to dried. A popular dish is the Ore-no-bukkake-don (my poured-on rice bowl) with generous helpings of fresh fish and egg. There is also a cafe menu centered around set meals and seafood rice bowls, and one can have a casual break any time from lunch until dinner.

    半年に一回は行ってます。 アジフライはフワフワで大きくて美味しいです。 自分へのご褒美です。 一階のわんこスペースがあり助かってます。

  • Atami Ginza Osaka Na Shokudo (Osaka Na bar)
    5 Reviews
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Shizuoka Atami-shi Ginzacho 8-8

    昼間は行列が出るそうですが朝はすいておりました 支払いは現金のみ。です。入り口でメニューを選んで支払いを済ませます 食べ放題の総菜とお魚が一品選べます。一番安いのは700円のハムエッグセットでした わたしは煮魚、旦那は塩さばを選びました 総菜は特に卵焼きが美味しかったです。お魚系もあり ハムエッグでも十分楽しめると思います。あら汁もありとても美味しかったです 朝早く来たご褒美。みたいな感じでした...

  • Uodokoro Ohta
    21 Reviews
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Shizuoka Pref. Itoushi Kawana 1225-251
    Uodokoro Ohta is a seafood restaurant located along National Route 135 in Kawana in the city of Ito. It serves seafood cuisine made from seafood, most of is caught in Kawana Harbor, and local vegetables. Its dinner menu includes donburis (rice with savory toppings), a Dried Fish Dinner, and a Local Mackerel Dinner. The a la carte menu, separate from the regular menu, includes daily specials using fish caught that same morning.

    場所は、川奈方面との分かれ道付近の国道135号線沿いにある海鮮屋さんです。 〝地魚 魚処おお田”さんです。 店頭には、水槽といけすがあります。 活魚と貝類が入っているようです。店内は1階が作業場で2階が飲食スペースになっていました。テーブル席と座敷席があり50にほどが一度に食べれるくらいの規模ですね。壁には、たくさんの色紙が貼られています。 よく見てみるとゴルフの女子プロのサインが多いようです...

  • Unagi Restaurant Atsumi
    72 Reviews
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Shizuoka Pref. Hamamatsushi Chuo-ku Chitosechou 70
    "This unagi(eel) shop is located in Chitose Town, Chuo-ku, Hamamatsu City. They provide onlydomestic eel, particularly from Lake Hamanaka, and grill it up with charcoal and a secret sauce. In addition to the standard unajyu"" and ""unadon"", you can enjoy dishes like the ""kasanejyu"" with its separate piles of rice and eel, and the ""shiradon"", a plain-grilled unadon so you can enjoy the original flavor of eel. The lunch boxes you can warm up with heating function are popular, too."

    人気の鰻屋さんということで11:00頃にお店に到着して12:00前後に入店することを目論みました。しかしながらお店の入口には「お昼の営業分は売り切れました」とのこと。お店の人に聞くとどうやら10:30に入口で予約を取り始め既に売り切れたので、夕方分しか無いとのことです。 10:30に並び始める必要があるようです。。。

  • Matsuba
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Shizuoka Pref. Hamamatsushi Chuo-ku Shimoishidachou 982-1
    This specialty eel shop is along Prefectural Route 65 in Shimoishida-cho, Chuo-ku, Hamamatsu City. The thick-cut eel is grilled up with binchotan charcoal using special tare sauce passed down since the shop's founding. In addition to unajyu, they also sell stone-grilled eel and ikada don with large eel draping over the rice. The a la carte items are also popular, such as the rare eel sashimi.
  • Sumiyaki Aoiya
    57 Reviews
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Shizuoka Hamamatsu-shi Chuo-ku Iidacho 616-2
    This eel shop is located along Iida Kaido Road, in Iida-cho, Chuo-ku, Hamamatsu City. They provide eel through the Kansai-style grilled eel method which means grilling over binchotan charcoal-not steaming-and using high-quality domestic eels chosen as fits the season. In addition to unajyu and una don, there are other menu items like the naga-yaki gohan with rice, liver soup, pickles, and a whole eel loaded on a dish.

    祭日の正午に訪問。既に待客多数の状況で、期待も高まります。 気候良く秋晴れでポカポカ陽気の中、のんびり待つこと約30分で入店。入店後も待つこと約15分、待望の鰻重が配膳されました。 鰻重は熱々、蒲焼の表面はパリッと香ばしく、身はフワッと柔らかく、やや濃いめに感じるタレと相まり、良いバランスです。お好みで山椒をかけながら、とても美味しく、夢中になって食べてしまいました。 タレのかかり具合が少し多く...

  • Numazu Uogashizushi Gotemba Outlets Restaurant
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Shizuoka Gotenba-shi Fukasawa 1312 Gotenba Premium Outlets HILL SIDE 4000 section
  • Kaikorakuzen Kamatsuru
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Shizuoka Pref. Atamishi Ginzachou 10-11
    This is a Japanese-style restaurant managed by dried fish specialist Kamatsuru, an old shop operating 150 years since the end of the Edo period located in Ginza Town, Atami City, Shizuoka Prefecture. At the shop entrance hangs netting with holes cut from it for a stylish and modern design. They offer a complete Japanese-style menu with fresh seafood including the famous Izu specialty of kinmedai (red bream) as well as horse mackerel, a standard item for himono dried fish. A popular lunch option is the Godaime-don (“5th Generation Rice Bowl”) where diners can try three types of rice bowls at once including horse mackerel and sakura shrimp. At night, the Kamatsuru Zen with an array of dried fish, boiled fish and sashimi is also popular.
  • Amago Chaya
    23 Reviews
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Shizuoka Pref. Izushi Ichiyama 540-1
    Located in Ichiyama in the city of Izu, Amago Chaya is a restaurant specializing in amago (masu river salmon) and wasabi. Customers who reserve one day in advance can enjoy the deluxe Amago Dinner but without reservation can also enjoy amago kabayakiju (filleted and served with teriyaki sauce on rice), tenju (deep fried fish over rice), or zuke-don (rice bowl topped sashimi soaked in soup stock and soy sauce). It also serves set meals and stews with chemical-free wasabi and Amagi shamo ju made with the famous shamo chicken from the Izu region.

    月ヶ瀬I.Cから浄蓮の滝に行く414号線右側にお店はあります。 注文したのは ①紅姫あまごのづけ丼 しずおか食セレクションにも認定されたようで生臭みもなく生わさびをのせて食べるとさっぱりして美味しい物でした ②あまごの蒲焼重 特製ダレをからめて焼いたあまごの身はふわふわと柔らかくて生わさびをのせるか山椒をかけて食べるとこれまた美味しい! ビールを頼んだからなのか、 あまごの骨の唐揚げも品が届く...

  • Shimoda Kaisen (Seafood) Yamaya
    17 Reviews
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Shizuoka Pref. Shimodashi Kisami 1013-2
    This seafood restaurant was founded with a goal of providing local people with local fish at reasonable prices. Its warm atmosphere makes it an easy choice for families with children. Their kaisendon, which feature rice topped with plentiful amounts of seafood that changes each day, and their set meals featuring splendid alfonsino boiled in soy sauce are popular choices. Fried shrimp for children and sushi set meals are also available.

    地元の方のおすすめで伊豆到着初日のランチに☆ 海鮮丼とミックスフライのランチをいただきました。リーズナブルで美味しくて、ドリンクもセルフで飲み放題です。知っている方はランチを頼む方が多い。それ以外はメニューから頼んでいらっしゃる様子。 とても美味しくて大満足でしたヽ(´▽`)/ お昼時間を少しだけはずした13時半頃に伺ったら すぐに入れました。タイミングだと思いますが、食べ終えてお店を出たらかなり...

    7 Reviews
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Shizuoka Pref. Atamishi Ajiro 279-31
    This restaurant offers amazing seafood caught that very day. Since they only decide what they will make after seeing what is at the fish market at three in the morning each day, the restaurant does not have a menu. The restaurant sources its fish from Ajiro Harbor, the best natural port on the eastern side of the Izu peninsula. Ajiro is the place where people in the Atami area who are truly particular about fish go, including the restaurant's owner. His uncompromising focus on quality and his knowledge of Ajiro's fish has earned the restaurant has a lot of repeat customers. Guests can fully enjoy Ajiro fish both for lunch and for dinner.

    2019年8月7、8日に熱海に家族で海水浴に来た最終日、こちらの口コミを見つけて、お電話の上、ランチに行きました。 お刺身もGood 鯛の兜の煮付けもGood 大きなアジフライもGood リピート確定のお店となりました。 ご馳走様でした!

  • Numazu Uogashizushi (Numazu Port Restaurant)
    77 Reviews
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Shizuoka Pref. Numadushi Kasugachou 47-1
    This sushi restaurant in Numazu City, Shizuoka Prefecture offers seasonal fresh seafood shipped straight from Numazu Port. In addition to nigiri sushi, their diverse menu includes items like kaisendon (seafood rice bowl) and tempura. The restaurant also offers banquet courses. Guests can take their time to enjoy a meal in the restaurant's relaxed atmosphere.


  • Uokei
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Shizuoka Pref. Gotembashi Inno 1648
    This restaurant specializing in fish dishes in Gotemba City, Shizuoka Prefecture is operated by a fish dealer. They use fresh seafood sourced each market from the Numazu fish market to offers a diverse menu including kaisendon, which features rice topped with as many as 20 types of sashimi. The restaurant, which also accepts large groups, is visited by many tourists.
  • Donburi House
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Shizuoka Shizuoka-shi Suruga-ku Mochimune 2-18-1
  • Taste of Izu Nishiki
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Shizuoka Pref. Kamogunhigashizuchou Naramoto 971-35
    This restaurant which is approximately five minutes on foot from Izu-Atagawa Station is popular for their fresh seafood rice bowls based on fresh local fish, uni (sea urchin), and ikura (salmon roe) etc. unloaded at the Hokkawa fishing port. Of that menu, the most popular is the Aji-no-Tataki-don in which minced aji (horse mackerel) is heaped to a height of 12 centimeters on top of rice and seaweed. This is a splendid rice bowl that really allows one to taste the leeks, ginger, and Tosa soy sauce. Items such as the “Umi-no-Sachi-don” rice bowl with approximately 10 types of toppings and the ise-ebi (spiny lobster) sashimi are also popular. This is a popular restaurant with lines that often form on holidays.
  • Sakanaya Uosei
    17 Reviews
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Shizuoka Pref. Numadushi Heda 580
    In this restaurant which stands directly in front of Toda Port in Numazu City, Shizuoka Prefecture, you can taste some of the local seafood specialties like spider crab, and red shrimp, recognized under the Numazu brand name. The restaurant is run by a former fishmonger so you can be guaranteed to get the freshest and best parts of the fish. After taking the customer’s order, spider crabs are taken from a small pool in the middle of the restaurant and prepared for the table. There are a wide range of dishes on the menu from spider crab set meals with two legs of crab and deep-fried shrimp, to larger meals consisting of whole crabs which are more than enough for a number of people.

    お腹を空かせ食堂が並ぶ街道筋で港の魚屋に行けば新鮮な魚が食べられるのは当たり前、魚屋の看板に引き寄せられ訪れた。 バイクや、車が何台も止まっているし、ここは良いだろう、と思ったのが失敗。刺身は古いし、少ない。甘エビは頭がついていたり無かったり。金目の塩焼きなどは色は悪いし、小さい。一口食べるなり、古いのがわかる有様。 思うに、コロナ禍で平日の客が激減、日曜日の一見さん相手だから良いだろうで冷蔵庫の...

  • Amimoto Cuisine Tokuzomaru (Gyoan Restaurant)
    27 Reviews
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Shizuoka Pref. Kamogunhigashizuchou Inatori 3009-18
    Amimoto Cuisine Tokuzomaru (Gyoan Restaurant) is located along Higashi-Izu Road in Inatori in the town of Izu. Owned by Tokuzomaru Suisan, which was founded as a fishing business, owner of fishing nets and vessels, it serves “fisherman’s cuisine” made with fresh seafood. Its Kinmedai Sanshoku Don meal, made in limited quantities each day, consists of alfonsino prepared three ways (as sashimi, zuke, and minced with seasonings) and served over rice to enjoy the two different taste without and with specially made fish broth.


  • Himono Dining Yoshi-uo-tei
    4 Reviews
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Shizuoka Pref. Atamishi Nagisachou 13-11 Sushi Tadashi Building 1F
    This restaurant offers original cuisine made with seasonal ingredients and dried fish shipped directly from the Himono Ginza in Atami City's Ajiro Port. The restaurant is popular not just for the dried fish prepared by its owner, a licensed sake advisor, but also for its selection of sake from across the Japan, which naturally includes many local Shizuoka sakes. Its Japanese Modern interior has also won it a lot of female fans. In addition to a wide variety of dried fish dishes, the restaurant also offers a full selection of a la carte items, rice dishes, etc.

    「ハイパー干物クリエーター」干物屋ふじまのお店です。 熱海駅から徒歩10分くらいにありました。 居酒屋かと思ったら、どちらかというとランチがメインのお店のようでした。 干物と日本酒がいろいろあるので、エビのミリン干しとアブラボウスのミリン干し、塩サバを食べながら日本酒をチビチビ。 エビはプリプリ、アブラボウスはある程度油が抜けて良い感じ、塩サバはイチオシだけに最も美味でした。 ただ、観光地価格なの...

  • Ama no Koya Kaijoutei
    61 Reviews
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Shizuoka Pref. Itoushi Kawana 1004
    This seafood restaurant in Ito City, Shizuoka Prefecture offers seasonal fresh seafood from Ito's Kawana Port. Its diverse menu including items such as chirashi sushi (assorted seafood served on sushi rice) and sashimi set meals. Guests at the restaurant, which is visited by many tourists, can enjoy their food along with views of the sea from the restaurant's window-side seats.

    海鮮味噌汁が有名で、ずった気になっていたお店。 トラネコが2匹、外にいて、、、海と猫ってマッチする(*´ー`*) お料理は、予想通りのおいしさ。白米もおいしかった。渡り蟹の味噌汁はよく出汁がでていて完食。 周りのテーブルは、あら煮を食べていた。おいしそうな匂いがたまらなかった。 今度行ったら食べてみたい。

Shizuoka Areas


With the giant Pacific Ocean to the south and the great Mount Fuji to the north, Shizuoka prefecture is blessed with some of the best views the country has to offer. The white sand beaches of the Izu Peninsula are a rare find on mainland Japan, neighbored by beautiful cliffs, tumbling hills, and natural hot springs. As Japan’s largest producer of green tea, the age-old tradition of tea drinking is ubiquitous in Shizuoka, from the miles of tea fields to the old tea houses hosting traditional tea ceremonies.

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