History / Culture / Tour Spots in Fukagawa / Kiyosumi Area

  • Naritasan Fukagawafudoudou temple
    318 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Tokyo Koutou-ku Tomioka 1-17-13
    The Tokyo branch temple of the Buddhist Daihonzan Naritasan Shinshoji Temple in Narita City, Chiba Prefecture. Since ancient times, this temple has been popularly known by the honorific nickname “Fukagawa no o-Fudou-sama.” The temple’s principle object of worship is a figure of Acala which is believed by many to ward away evil. With the submission of the proper application form to the temple office, anyone may attend the temple’s goma ceremony in which cedar wood is burned before the statue of Acala in prayer for a blessing. Visitors may also participate in traditional sutra copying and Buddhist imagery tracing.

    There are Buddist Temples and there are Buddist Temples throughout Asia. This one is special and any description will not be able to convey the sense of involvement with the fire ritual ceremony. We...

  • Tomioka Hachimangu Shrine
    329 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Tokyo Koutou-ku Tomioka 1-20-3
    This shrine located in the Tomioka district of Tokyo’s Koto City is affectionately known as the “Hachiman-sama of Fukagawa” and was established in 1624. The shrine attracted religious faith from the commoners as a tutelary shrine under the Tokugawa shogun family, and every year around August 15th the Fukagawa Hachiman Matsuri (Fukagawa Matsuri) procession is held which is said to be one of the three largest festivals of Edo, boasting Japan’s largest ichi-no-miya mikoshi (portable shrine). It is also famous as the birthplace of Edo’s Kanjin-zumo, and there are many stone monuments on the premises such as the Yokozuna Stone, a stone monument to commend successive yokozuna sumo wrestlers.

    Interesting flea market held at the temple on Sunday mornings. As you might expect, lots of Japanese arts and crafts. Prices seemed reasonable. Worth combining with a visit to the nearby Fukugawa...

  • Fukagawa Edo Museum
    315 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Tokyo Koto-ku Shirakawa 1-3-28

    We visited here having found that the Edo Tokyo museum is closed for renovation for a long time, and this place did not disappoint. This gives you the opportunity to walk the small street as if you...

  • Tokyo Contemporary Art Museum
    254 Reviews
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Tokyo Koto-ku Miyoshi 4-1-1 Kiba Park

    Wonderful exhibitions in a beautiful space. We went to get into the Dior exhibition but had missed same day sales so we stayed to look at the two current displays of contemporary Japanese art...

  • Emando Temple
    53 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Tokyo Koutou-ku Fukagawa 2-16-3
    A Buddhist temple standing along Metropolitan Road 463 in 2 Chome, Fukagawa, Koto City. The temple's seated figure of King Yama, judge of the afterlife, is 3.5 meters tall and weighs 1.5 tons, making it the largest in Japan. Some of the temple's many other highlights include 16 paintings created in 1784 depicting heaven and hell on display in the main temple, and a stone bearing the footprint of Soga Goro, a historical figure famously depicted in the popular kabuki play known as the Soga Monogatari.

    This is a lovely Budist temple with people worshipping through the day. Its calm even though its on the main road. Worth a quick visit

  • Koto Basho Memorial Hall
    47 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Tokyo Koto-ku Tokiwa 1-6-3

    This is a compact museum with a lot of information about the famous haiku poet Matseo Basho (1644-1694); his life, his travels, and his work. There is a nice garden next to the museum and an annex...

  • Suiho Tagawa Norakurokan
    32 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Tokyo Koto-ku Morishita 3-12-17

    It was interesting to learn and see about this character during the time period it was in. None of my Japanese friends recognized the character and never noticed the banners on the streets before the...

  • Saitoan Trace
    Travel / Tourism
    Tokyo Fukagawa 1-8
  • tiara Koto
    17 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Tokyo Koutou-ku Sumiyoshi 2-28-36


  • Nakagawa Senbansho Museum
    40 Reviews
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Tokyo Koto-ku Ojima 9-1-15

    東大島駅から徒歩5分ほど。観覧料は200円。 江戸時代、この資料館の南側の地に中川番所(1661年設置)があり、小名木川を通る船の取り締まりを行っていた。3階の展示室にはその中川番所の再現ジオラマ、出土品、解説パネルなどが展示されている。また2階は「郷土の歴史・昭和の暮らし紹介展示室」となっており、江東区の農業・漁業に関する資料、昭和30年頃の一般家庭の部屋の再現などが展示されている。 見応えのあ...

  • Reiganji Temple
    44 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Tokyo Koto-ku Shirakawa 1-chome 3-32

    If you visit Fukagawa Edo Museum, you can also visit this place as it is the next-door. There is a graveyard for Sadanobu Matsudaira from Mutsu Shirakawa clan and the name of this area were named...

  • Fukagawa Shinmei Miya
    45 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Tokyo Koto-ku Morishita 1-3-17

    江東区の「深川神明宮」についての情報を発信していきます。「深川神明宮」を訪れたのは2023年3月10日です。「深川神明宮」へのアクセスは、都営大江戸線「森下駅」のA7出口を出て右方向に進みます。一つ目の十字路を右折し、130mほど直進すると一つ目の十字路の先の右手に「深川神明宮」の鳥居があります。 「深川神明宮」のご祭神は「天照大御神」です。「天照大御神」は、「伊勢神宮」の「内宮の神さま」です...

  • The Center of the Tokyo Radius and War Damage
    18 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Tokyo Koto-ku Kitasuna 1-5-4

    The walk to the museum from the metro station is interesting in itself - a surprisingly quiet residential area considering how central it is. The stroll along the river is quite charming. As for...

  • Susaki Shrine
    23 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Tokyo Koto-ku Kiba 6-chome 13-13

    木場駅から徒歩2分ほど。 1700年に五代将軍綱吉の母・桂昌院の守本尊である弁財天(弘法大師作)を祀る洲﨑弁天社として創建。明治の神仏分離により現社号に改称。祭神は市杵島比賣命。鳥居は1998年建立。社殿は1968年築で鉄筋コンクリート造。吽の狛犬は頭を低くし威嚇するような体勢を取っている。 境内の小さな祠にはアニメのキャラクターのようなマスコット「玉の輿たまちゃん」が置かれている。桂昌院(幼名...

  • Shingyoji Temple
    22 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Tokyo Koto-ku Fukagawa 2-chome 16-7

    清澄通り沿いにある比較的大きな寺院で、最寄り駅は都営大江戸線の門前仲町駅になります(徒歩10分足らず)。 深川七福神の福禄寿様はここの六角堂に祀られており、入って左です。七福神めぐり期間(今年から1月1日-7日)中はご開帳されているので直接御神体を拝めます。ご開帳されてない時期はすぐ傍の石像で我慢して下さい(笑)

  • Honseiji Temple
    17 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Tokyo Koto-ku Kiyosumi 3-chome 4-23


  • Eijuin Temple
    15 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Tokyo Koto-ku Hirano 1-13-6


  • Chosenin Temple
    15 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Tokyo Koto-ku Miyoshi 1-6-6


  • Fukagawa Tokyo modern Tate
    13 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Tokyo Met. Koutou-ku Monzennakachou 1-chome 19-15

    こちらが[国登録有形文化財]の建築物であることから訪問しました。建築物としては 昭和7年(1932)築ですが 丸窓や大きなカラス窓、階段部のタイル装飾 等 を見ると そのモタンさに驚かされます。1階は 江東区のまちあるき案内所になっており 深川仲町商店街公式キャラクター;深川仲左衛門(通称なかもん 添付 写真参照)が迎えてくれ、種々ある江東区に関するパンフレットの中で 《江東区 x...

  • Tomi Ga Oka Hachimangu Shrine
    11 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Tokyo Koto-ku Minamisuna 7-14-18

    南砂町駅から徒歩10分ほど。 749年、藤原鎌足の子孫・藤原豊成が下総守として下向の際に創建。砂村総鎮守。祭神は応神天皇(誉田別命)、比売大神、宇迦之御魂大神...

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