History / Culture / Tour Spots in West Area

  • Izumo Iwai Shrine
    Travel / Tourism
    Saitama Iruma-gun Moroyamamachi Iwai-nishi 5-17-1
    This shrine is located in the Iwainishi 5-chome, Moroyama Town, Iruma County. This is an ancient shrine that has its origins in the worship of the deity Onamuchi no mikoto by the legendary prince Yamato Takeru no mikoto, who visited the area during his triumphal return from an eastern expedition. Rebuilt in 1528, the main shrine is the oldest example of Shinto shrine architecture in the prefecture and is a nationally designated important cultural property.
  • Daishoji Temple
    1 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Saitama Hiki-gun Ogawamachi Shimozato 1857
    This temple is located in Shimozato, Ogawa Town, Hiki County. Constructed in 1340, the temple’s Kosodate Kannon (Child-rearing Kannon) is a symbol of faith for safe childbirth and child raising. The temple also houses nationally designated important cultural properties such as the “stone Hoke-kyo Sutra Tower” and “Itabi” monuments.


  • Koboyama Kanzeon
    Travel / Tourism
    Saitama Pref. Irumagunogosemachi Naruse 685
    A Buddhist temple located in Naruse, Ogose Town, Iruma County. Dedicated to Benzaiten, one of the Seven Gods of Fortune, the temple forms part of the Musashi Ogose Seven Gods of Fortune Pilgrimage, a hiking route which connects seven temples and which leads from the Hoonji temple near Ogose Station to the Zentoin temple in Kuroyama, Ogose Town. A Seven Gods of Fortune Pilgrimage event is held here each year on January 4. The temple has also been viewed as a patron temple of childrearing and many worshippers come here to pray for a safe childbirth.
  • Saishoji Temple
    Travel / Tourism
    Saitama Pref. Irumagunogosemachi Douyama 287
    A Buddhist temple located in Doyama, Ogose Town, Iruma County, Saitama Prefecture. The temple was founded in 1193 by Minamoto no Yoritomo to pray for success in war. The temple's principal object of worship is an eleven faced statue of Kannon. Also enshrining a statue of Fukurokuju, one of the Seven Gods of Fortune, the temple forms part of the Musashi Ogose Seven Gods of Fortune Pilgrimage, a hiking route which connects seven temples and which leads from the Hoonji Temple near Ogose Station to the Zentoin Temple in Kuroyama, Ogose Town. In addition, the temple grounds are a renowned destination for plum blossom viewing in spring.
  • Ryuon-ji Temple
    Travel / Tourism
    Saitama Pref. Irumagunogosemachi Tatsugaya 452-1
    This historic Soto Zen Buddhist temple is on the way to Mt. Ogami from Prefectural Route 61. It was founded in the year 807 and has a legend of a dragon deity associated with it. It is said that the priest Unko Toshinori once subdued an evil dragon that lived in a river pool at the temple and converted it to a good dragon. During the Edo period, as one of the three main Soto sect temples, it was the most prominent of the Three Great Kanto Temples under the Shogunate. The etiquette was so lofty feudal lords were even required to dismount from their horses while worshiping there. Its impressive status can still be seen today in the amazing gongen-zukuri architecture of the main hall and its wall carvings. Surrounded by forest, its clear air and tranquility has also made it a popular spot that people come to soak up sacred energy.
  • Togo Park Chichibu Ontake Shrine
    Travel / Tourism
    Saitama Pref. Hannoushi Sakaishi 580
    This park, hosting a statue of Togo Heihachiro, is famous for fall leaves. There are about 1,000 trees planted here, and the fall maples turn the surroundings scarlet, creating a symbol of the Chichibu autumn. Every year, they Togo Park autumn leaf festival is held in November.
  • Zentoin Temple
    Travel / Tourism
    Saitama Pref. Irumagunogosemachi Kuroyama 734
    Zentoin, a favorite stop on the Ogose Shichifukujin (Seven Lucky Gods) Tour, is dedicated to the god Hotei, and it is said to be effective for praying for financial prosperity and extra good luck. The temple cemetery contains the grave of Shibusawa Heikuro, a patriot during the end of the Edoperiod who committed suicide near Zentoin. Since this temple is located in the Oku Musashi area's plum village of Ogose, visitors in early spring are treated to the sweet fragrance of plum blossoms and the song of the Japanese bush warbler.
  • Daitobunka Univ Beatrix Potter TM Museum
    Travel / Tourism
    Saitama Higashimatsuyama-shi Iwadono 554 Saitama Children Animal Nature Park Uchi
    This museum is located inside Saitama Children’s Animal Nature Park in Iwadono, Higashi-Matsuyama City. The facility recreates the “Hill Top farm” from the children’s story “The Tale of Peter Rabbit” by Beatrix Potter. The museum features an exhibit about the life of the author, as well as displaying Peter Rabbit books, original artwork, goods and other materials.
  • Moroyamamachi Historic Folk Museum
    Travel / Tourism
    Saitama Iruma-gun Moroyamamachi Orui 535-1
    This museum is located along Prefectural Route 39 in Orui, Moroyama Town, Iruma County. It has permanent exhibitions on history from the primitive ages to the Edo period, on folklore such as horseback archery and sericulture at Izumo Iwai Shrine, and on great local figures such as Saneatsu Mushanokoji and Naosuke Gonda. The museum also holds special exhibitions and temporary exhibitions.
  • Katsuraki Kannon
    Travel / Tourism
    Saitama Iruma-gun Moroyamamachi Takinoiri 817
    This temple is located in the Takinoiri, Moroyama Town, Iruma County. It was founded by the monk Gyoki in the Nara period, and is said to have been named “Katsuragi” after Mt. Katsuragi in Yamato of ancient Japan. You can enjoy the night view of the heart of the city or the first sunrise of the New Year from the viewing platform set up about 300 meters above sea level. In addition to this being a famous spot to see hydrangea, the surrounding area is popular for growing yuzu citrus, and there is a walking path called “Yuzu Promenade” from the upper Katsuragi River to the temple grounds.
  • Tokorozawa Citizen Culture Center MUSE
    16 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Saitama Tokorozawa-shi Namiki 1-chome 9-1

    Actually, I was impressed with the Outside of this building with its Circular Floors, which is the seating arrangement from inside the Hall. For Classical Events, Art & Cultural Festivals it used by...

  • Saitama Peace Museum saitamakenheiwa Museum
    15 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Saitama Pref. Higashimatsuyamashi Iwadono 241-113


  • Jikoji Temple
    20 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Saitama Hiki-gun Tokigawa Machi Nishidaira 386

    車で行きましてお寺の駐車場に止めました。結構山奥にあり、標高は東京タワーの高さ位とのことです。山全体がお寺のような雰囲気気の中に、梵鐘、本堂、宝物殿、写経場、観音堂などが広い範囲に建てられています。歴史的に需要な物も残っていて法華経一品経という国宝や源頼朝の寄進状などを所蔵しています。 観音堂には本尊として十一面千手洗顔観音が祀られていますが、拝観できるのは、4月の第2日曜日と17日のみです。訪問...

  • Sayama San Fudoji Temple
    29 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Saitama Tokorozawa-shi Kamiyamaguchi 2214

    [旧台徳院(2代将軍・徳川秀忠)霊廟 惣門(東京都港区、国重要文化財)]を鑑賞した際 こちらに[旧台徳院(徳川秀忠)霊廟 勅学門(国重要文化財)][旧台徳院(徳川秀忠)霊廟...

  • Wako Citizen Culture Center Sun Azalea
    Travel / Tourism
    Saitama Wako-shi Hirosawa 1-5
  • Konjoin Temple
    22 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Saitama Tokorozawa-shi Kamiyamaguchi 2203

    隣接する[狭山山不動寺]と同じく 建築物鑑賞ファンには 興味多い寺院です。真言宗豊山派の寺院ですが [本堂]左手にある[七福神堂]は 外観が一般的な日本国内の寺院と大きく異なりますが それは中国で建造されたからです。又 背後にある[五重塔]も 中国にある《大雁塔》を模しているとの事で 一般的な四角形ではなく 八角となっています。更に 境内の建築物として 東南アシアで目にするようなテサインが目...

  • Sayama Municipal Museum
    15 Reviews
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Saitama Sayama-shi Inariyama 1-23-1

    稲荷山公園に隣接している博物館です。 子供と一緒に利用し、大人は200円、子供は無料でした。 1階はカフェテリアとダンボール迷路があり子供たちは何度も迷路を楽しんでました。 2階に上がると狭山市の歴史が把握できる本格的な展示コーナーで、この地域で発掘された大型の象の展示物や化石、土器など充実した展示内容でした。 江戸時代から数年前までの人々の暮らしをミニチュアで展示しており、大変興味深かったです...

  • Hodoji Temple
    11 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Saitama Shiki-shi Kashiwacho 1-chome 10-22

    正式には地王山地蔵院寳幢寺と称し、江戸期には醍醐三宝院を本山としていましたが、明治二十七年から京都智積院を本山とする新義真言宗智山派となりました。 広い境内ではありませんが、立派な鐘楼もあり、風情のあるお寺です。 ちょうど枝垂桜が満開で、ベンチに腰掛けて花見をする人達でそこそこ賑わっていました。 この寺には「お地蔵さんとカッパ」という伝説や「ほっぺたの黒いお地蔵さん」という伝説などが伝わってい...

  • Niikura Furusato Minkaen
    13 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Saitama Wako-shi Shimoniikura 2-33-1


  • Tamon In To Bishamondo
    18 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Saitama Tokorozawa-shi Nakatomi 1501

    今日は寅の日でしたので、快晴の空の下、ご挨拶に伺わせていただきました。 いつも、とても懐の深い慈愛を感じることが出来、毎度感謝ですが☺︎ 毘沙門天王経と毘沙門天王功徳経を読経させて頂いた後は凄まじいエネルギーを頂いた様で、ふらふらでした、、いい意味で! そして東側の建物にて御神酒とおみくじと御朱印等を頂けました。とても素敵でパワーのある御朱印ですが、お志しで頂けます...

Saitama Areas


Eclipsed by neighboring Tokyo, Saitama is often branded as the sleepy suburbs. However, look a little deeper and you’ll uncover quaint towns bursting with history and crafts from the kurazukuri Edo-period clay houses of Kawagoe to the ancient tree-enveloped temples of Chichibu.

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