Hot Spring / Hot Spring Bath Spots in Tochigi Area

  • Shika no Yu
    258 Reviews
    Accommodations / Hot Spring
    Tochigi Pref. Nasugunnasumachi Yumoto 181
    This hot spring facility is located in Yumoto, Nasu Town. It is said to have opened approximately 1,300 years ago. It is considered the oldest hot spring in Tochigi Prefecture, and many of the surrounding hot-spring hotels use it as their spring water source. The baths are divided into six temperature levels ranging from 41–48 degrees Celsius (there is no 48-degree women’s bath). It is said that by following the bathing protocol, such as pouring water over yourself before entering the bath, you can increase the hot spring’s effects.

    Id been wanting to go here for a while as a day trip but heard it was too difficult. Its not. Just take the Shinkasen or the Shinjuku Liner and your up there in no time. So I decided to spend the...

  • Kinugawakanaya Hotel
    172 Reviews
    Accommodations / Hot Spring
    Tochigi Pref. Nikkoushi Kinugawaonsenohara 1394

    Given The Kinugawa Kanaya is a classic luxury hotel that more than holds its own against newer competition. Three areas allow it to stand out:the food, the view and the service. We were pleasantly...

  • Hatcho no Yu (Okukinu Onsenkyo)
    73 Reviews
    Accommodations / Hot Spring
    Tochigi Pref. Nikkoushi Kawamata 876
    A day-trip hot spring in Nikko City, Tochigi Prefecture. This 100% free flowing natural hot spring is known as Kanto's final secret hot spring. Come enjoy their open-air bath which first opened in 1929 as well as their mixed bathing bath and ladies only waterfall bath. They are known for their gentle water quality which soaks into the skin and is less irritating and less of a burden to the body.

    Very far from Kinugawa hot spring station, 1.5 hours local bus and 30min shuttle bus by this ryokan. We went to this place for 2-days family reunion at early April. We enjoyed absolutely fantastic...

  • Kitsuregawa Soutome Onsen
    44 Reviews
    Accommodations / Hot Spring
    Tochigi Pref. Sakurashi Sotome 2114
    This day-trip hot spring facility in Sakura City, Tochigi Prefecture draws from an aromatic sulfur spring that is said to help people with nerve pain, sensitivity to cold, or digestive troubles. The spring stands out for the sulfur in the air making it an emerald green in the morning and a milky white at night.

    入浴料は1300円に値上がりしています。 コロナの影響で、入口で問診票のような「ご来店帳」に記入する必要があります。これがまた細かい文字でたくさん書いてあり、「観光や通りすがりを目的とした来場はお断り」らしく、いろいろと気を使って記入しなければならず、面倒くさいです。 館内に入ってからも「ペットボトルの持ち込み不可」とか「ここは1-2人用のテーブルです」(大広間のテーブルに)とか約束ごとや、禁...

  • Shiobara Hot Spring Yuppo Village
    46 Reviews
    Accommodations / Hot Spring
    Tochigi Pref. Nasushiobarashi Shiobara 602-1
    This interactive hot spring facility is located in Shiobara, Shiobara City. It features the “Footbath Corridor,” a 60-meter foot bath with water flowing directly from the hot spring source, the longest in Japan, as well as “Mirror Pond,” which reflects the natural scenery around the footbath. In addition, visitors can enjoy hot shower-baths, Insendo hot spring spot, and an exhibition hall that teaches about the history of Shiobara Hot Spring. You can also stroll about the site while taking in the seasonal blooms and monuments to literary and poem-inscribed monuments.

    箒川沿いの塩原温泉郷の中にある日本最大級の足湯。 早朝の訪問でまだどこも温泉が入れず、ここの看板が出てきたので急遽立ち寄りました。 結局ここも朝9時からの営業だったので入れませんでしたが、芸術的な円形の回廊式の美しい建物で、全長60mもある日本最大級の足湯ってことでした。 大人200円、小・中学生100円。 屋根があるので雨天でも雪の日でも問題ないですね。

  • Bell Sakura no Yu
    25 Reviews
    Accommodations / Hot Spring
    Tochigi Pref. Utsunomiyashi Youtou 6-5-31
    This day trip hot spring facility in Utsunomiya City offers outdoor baths which visitors can enjoy free-flowing spring water drawn directly from the source, as well as an artificial carbonated spring known to be good for healthy skin, four different types of indoor bath, bedrock bath, and three different types of sauna. You'll also find a 230-seat restaurant, a banquet hall, and facilities for relaxing after leaving the bath.


  • Oyama Onsen Hot Springs Omoigawa
    24 Reviews
    Accommodations / Hot Spring
    Tochigi Pref. Oyamashi Kizawa 1475
    This day-trip hot spring bathhouse is in Oyama City, Tochigi Prefecture. The baths are fed from a clear sodium chloride spring that is said to be effective for nerve pain, muscle soreness, and recovery from fatigue. Come refresh both body and mind in a variety of baths including their large outdoor bath from which you can enjoy the changing seasons as well as their earthenware tubs made from Shigaraki pottery. There is also a restaurant.

    If you happen to be in Oyama, just give this onsen a try. Its a nice, no frills onsen where you can go and enjoy a great public bath in 4 different kind of pools. My favorite is the outdoor pool...

  • The Grand Spa Nandaimon
    23 Reviews
    Accommodations / Hot Spring
    Tochigi Pref. Utsunomiyashi Imaizumi 3-2-18
    The baths at this day-trip hot spring bathhouse are fed from a spring which comes from 1,200 meters below ground. There are many baths to enjoy including hot and warm outdoor baths for the men and a cypress bath with pleasing scent that good for the skin for the women. The bathhouse also offers a bedrock bath and relaxation area as well as a restaurant which serves Nandaimon yakiniku BBQ.

    良い面と、悪い面がある。 良い面は、脱衣場、浴場ともにとても広い。それから清潔。サウナが3種ある。風呂の数が多め。内風呂のいくつかは、かなり広い。 悪い面は、都市にあるスパらしく風情がない。露天風呂は狭く、岩で囲まれて、入りにくい。 あと、天然温泉だという割に、体の芯からポカポカ温まる感じがしない。 湯治とか、風情を求める人だと、つまらないと思う。 出張などで宇都宮に来て、軽く汗を流したい人...

  • Ashino Onsen
    10 Reviews
    Accommodations / Hot Spring
    Tochigi Nasu-gun Nasumachi Ashino 1461
    During the Edo period, this hot spring district was located in the Basin between the mountainside hills of Ashino-juku, a post station town situated along the Ohshu Highway, and at that time it operated much like a modern-day health spa. The district has two private source springs, both simple alkaline hot springs, and their waters are said to treat a variety of ailments, including muscle soreness and nerve pain in addition to aiding recovery from fatigue. The area's two medicinal herb baths are particularly renowned. The Nagi no Yu is for diseases which are caught from some other source outside the body, while the Nabi no Yu is for inherent diseases; the waters of the Nagi no Yu are particularly harsh, and bathers will begin experience pain across their skin after a five minute dip in the tub. Bathers are recommended to take two to three five minute dips with small breaks in between. The district's medicinal mist sauna is also popular, and its essential oils, when absorbed by the mucous membranes of the nose, act particularly effectively on the throat to suppress coughing.


  • Kurobane Onsen Goho no Yu
    17 Reviews
    Accommodations / Hot Spring
    Tochigi Otawara-shi Horinouchi 674
    This hot spring day spa is named for its magnificent natural setting with sweeping views of five peaks: Mt. Nasu, Mt. Osabi, Mt. Nyoho, Mt. Nantai, and Mt. Takahara. The clear and colorless simple alkaline springs are gentle on the skin and have a silky feel. They are even purported to have beautifying effects. In addition to scenic outdoor baths and indoor baths, the spa also has saunas. Visitors can even learn to make soba or udon noodles (reservation required).

    かなりヌルヌルのアルカリ泉で気持ち良く入浴できました。このご時世でサウナが利用出来ないのは残念でしたが500円はかなりお得です。 塩素臭が気になるとの書き込みがありますが、今日は全く感じませんでした。 食堂の大広間は田舎の温泉の風情でした。

  • Hotaru no Sato Bonten no Yu
    18 Reviews
    Accommodations / Hot Spring
    Tochigi Pref. Utsunomiyashi Imazatochou 18-4
    This day spa is located in Utsunomiya City. Its natural open-air baths, which offer great views of Mt. Haguro towering over the northernmost end of Utsunomiya City, are fed with unadulterated spring water. This spring water is said to promote good health and recovery from fatigue. The spa also features sand baths, sweat-promoting sauna, private rental baths, and other relaxing facilities. It also features a restaurant offering food made with seasonal ingredients, a great hall where bathers can relax after a bath, and more.

    宇都宮市の郊外にある、大きな日帰り温泉です。 この規模の温泉では、湯は循環利用している施設が多いですが、こちらの露天風呂はかけ流し。お客さんは多かったですが、湯の状態は結構良かったです。

  • Shiobara Akatsuki no Yu
    11 Reviews
    Accommodations / Hot Spring
    Tochigi Nasushiobara-shi Sekiya Hinode 1689-1
    This day spa featuring natural free-flowing hot springs is surrounded by the great nature of the Nasu Highlands. It features outdoor baths finished with natural stone quarried in Tochigi, lie-down baths, indoor baths, saunas, and cold water baths, making it place to spend a relax for a few hours. The spa's other facilities include a bade pool, a shiatsu massage parlor, lounges, a restaurant, and more.


  • Kinugawa Niouson Plaza
    25 Reviews
    Accommodations / Hot Spring
    Tochigi Pref. Nikkoushi Kinugawaonsenohara 371-1
    This hot spring and hotel in Nikko City, Tochigi Prefecture has 100% free flowing springs with three different types of baths each for men and women can enjoy. There are special unique baths as well as including the Open-Air Pleasure Boat bath which uses an actual boat that once in service on the Kinugawa River Line and the Stage Baths which offer swimsuit mixed bathing. Day trip visits to the bath are also available.

    近くに観光で訪れたので、日帰り入浴で利用しました。 少し離れた那須塩原や奥日光など、濃い目の硫黄泉がある中、クセのないサラリとした温泉の鬼怒川ですが、ここは源泉掛け流しで泉質も良いと評判なため訪れました。 建物の外観は大丈夫か?と思えるものでしたが、内風呂、露天風呂、舟を浴槽にした露天風呂、水着着用で利用できる露天風呂と、お風呂も豊富です。 アメニティも必要最低限揃っており、何より温泉の泉質の良さ...

  • Matsushima Onsen Otome-no-Yu
    21 Reviews
    Accommodations / Hot Spring
    Tochigi Pref. Sakurashi Matsushima 900
    A hot spring bath house in Sakura City, Tochigi Prefecture. The baths are fed by a free-flowing alkaline simple hot-spring which is known to be easy on the skin, so those with delicate skin can use the baths without concern. Family baths are available by reservations and with the number of visitors the baths get, overnight lodging is also available with facilities to prepare your own meals.


  • Mae Nikko Tsutsuji-no-Yu Community Centre
    9 Reviews
    Accommodations / Hot Spring
    Tochigi Pref. Kanumashi Iriawano 994-2
    A day trip hot spring in Kanuma City, Tochigi Prefecture with a simple alkaline sulfur spring it is said to soften the skin and warm the body. Come relax for a period while being surrounded by the richness of nature. Inside the facility you can enjoy meals made with local produce such as soba and daily changing tempura set meal as well as purchase local goods and products.

    なかなかの細い道を走り鹿沼中心街から17キロほど。昨年の台風の影響か、路肩が崩れていてすれ違う時は気をつけないとです。 鹿や熊がでても普通な環境の中ぼつりとある温泉はpH10をこえるつるつるの温泉。サウナがないので、そんな長居はできないが、山の中にあり、遮るものがないから星が綺麗に見えます。静寂もあいまって自分がどこにいるかわからなくなります。500円でこの温泉なら納得です。

  • Oyama Yasuragi-no-Yu
    8 Reviews
    Accommodations / Hot Spring
    Tochigi Pref. Oyamashi Higashijounan 5-26-5
    This super public bath house is in Oyama City, Tochigi Prefecture. The bath water is transported by trucks directly from a natural hot-spring, Nakagawa's Nanpeidai hot spring, an alkaline simple spring which is said to be good for the skin. Those looking for beautiful skin should also check out the unisex heated bedrock sauna. In the bath house you'll also find a massage corner and a restaurant that serves seafood made from carefully selected seasonal ingredients.

    入浴券と食事券がセットで、平日880円なので、行ってきました。下足は鍵あり。脱衣所は、100円リターン式。 売店はフロントの周りに少しだけある、休憩所は、マッサージ椅子が並んでいて、それぞれにテレビが付いてました。880円で、牛スタミナ定食と天然温泉、コスパいいですよね。微炭酸の浴槽は、よその高濃度炭酸より泡が身体にたくさんついたので、効いてる気がします。 希望は、洗面台にティッシュが欲しい、髪の...

  • Tosho Onsen Hatago Fukudaya
    9 Reviews
    Accommodations / Hot Spring
    Tochigi Nikko-shi Owatari 642-4
    This inn was originally founded some 300 years ago. Although it once closed its doors, the discovery of a hot spring brought it back to life and today it is beloved as a hot spring inn and day spa. Their liberating open-air baths are very popular. During the winter solstice, bathers can enjoy a bath full of yuzu citrus.


  • Tochigi Onsen Yura no Sato
    6 Reviews
    Accommodations / Hot Spring
    Tochigi Tochigi-shi Daicho 22-70

    休日入館料金880円。タオル代は別。タオル持参の方がいい。 内風呂の35度の高濃度炭酸泉に15分間浸かる。ここの炭酸泉は濃度は1000ppm。1000ppm以上は最も医療効果がでると言われている。2-3分経つと体に気泡がついた。

  • Yudokoro Suzukaze
    10 Reviews
    Accommodations / Hot Spring
    Tochigi Pref. Nikkoushi Kosagoe 19-5
    This day spa is located in Nikko City, Tochigi Prefecture. In addition large public baths and saunas, it also features open-air baths that offer great views of the seasonal scenery of Kinugawa River below. The spa, which is visited by many tourists, features hypotonic alkaline springs that are said to help with conditions such as cuts and burns.

    11月の3連休に家族で行きました。 着いて早々「消毒してください!!」と言われ、 うっかりしていたことを反省しつつ消毒。 有料の下駄箱が50円玉のみ使用可能だったが、持ち合わせがなかったのでカウンターで両替をお願いしたところ、アクリル板越しのカウンターにいた中年の男女2人は腕を後ろに組んだまま、目で合図してカウンターにお金を置いてくださいと。 10円玉5枚置くと、カウンター越しに指一本でツーーーと...

  • Haga Onsen Roman no Yu
    7 Reviews
    Accommodations / Hot Spring
    Tochigi Haga-gun Hagamachi Kaminobu 160
    This hot spring spa attached to Roadside Station Haga is located in Kaminobu, Haga Town, Haga County. It uses two different hot springs; one purported to give bathers beautiful skin and another with strong moisturizing effects. The spa features open air baths, large public baths, massaging aerated baths, flowing water baths, and saunas. Other facilities include a lounge area, small Japanese-style rooms that can be used to host banquets, and more. The spa also holds beer gardens in the summer.

    栃木県宇都宮市の東、芳賀郡波賀町にある日帰り温泉施設です。「道の駅 はが」に隣接しており、駐車場を利用できます。 源泉は2種類利用されていますが、共に加熱循環。消毒臭が強かったです。

Tochigi Areas


Most visits to Tochigi revolve around Nikko, a small city home to the spectacular, lavishly decorated Toshogu Shrine and Nikko National Park with its mountains, lakes, waterfalls, onsen, and wild monkeys. Neighboring Oku-Nikko is an extension of the fantastic scenery famous for its autumn leaves, while Tochigi’s capital, Utsunomiya, is the only place in the world where you can find oya stone beautifully exhibited in temples and the Oya History Museum.

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