Spots in Yamagata Area

  • Yamabushi Onsen Yupoka
    7 Reviews
    Accommodations / Hot Spring
    Yamagata Pref. Tsuruokashi Haguromachiushiroda Yachida 188
    This day use hot spring facility is in the plains at the foot of Mt. Haguro. The large baths feel wide open, with high ceilings and spacious construction, and there are saunas, traditional Japanese style stone outdoor baths with a view, and more facilities. The water type is sodium calcium chloride spring, which is said to be effective in recovery from fatigue and in promoting health. It's popular with tourists visiting Mt. Haguro as well as local residents on their days off.

    登山帰りに汗を流しに立ち寄るのに便利な場所にあります。 温泉は硫黄臭などの温泉らしさはなく、いわゆるよくある塩泉という印象。 土日は地元民で混雑していて決して広くないサウナは10人くらい入って密な状態でした。売店も地元の土産物などはあまり置いておらず地元民向きといった施設です。

  • Yamagata Prefectural Ukitamu Fudoki no Oka Archeological Museum
    7 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Yamagata Higashiokitama-gun Takahatamachi Akutsu 2117
    Yamagata Prefectural Ukitamu Fudoki-no-Oka Archeological Museum is located on the west side of Mahoroba Ancient Village Historical Park. “Ukitamu” is the ancient name of the Okitama region, as recorded in the eighth-century chronicle Nihon Shoki. As the name suggests, the main exhibits consist of artifacts from the Old Stone Age to the Kofun Period (about 250 to 538) that have been dug up in the area. Among the most unusual exhibits are stone items from the Old Stone Age,, said to be the oldest in Yamagata Prefecture, and earthenware decorated with lacquer “Saimon-doki,” which have been designated as National Important Cultural Properties. In addition, there will be a display of a recreated diorama of Jomon people living in a pit-type dwelling, and an experience-based event on such as earthenware making.

    道の駅たかはた近くにある県立の考古資料館です。置賜地方から発掘された旧石器時代から古墳時代までの遺物を展示している資料館です。特に「彩漆土器」は国重要文化財に指定されています。発掘時は、鮮やかな赤色があったそうですが空気にふれ色彩が変化してしまい、現在は金庫に保管されていて展示はレプリカです。 さらに新潟県境に近い小国町の遺跡から発掘された黒曜石の石器は青森や北海道産。当時それらの地方と交流があっ...

  • Oitama Onsen Tama no Yu
    6 Reviews
    Accommodations / Hot Spring
    Yamagata Pref. Yonezawashi Kaminida 2300-1
    This day use facility is in Yonezawa City, Yamagata Prefecture. It uses two sources of different water types: alkaline simple spring and sodium chloride spring, constantly supplied 100% “kakenagashi” style. It is equipped with a variety of baths, including wide indoor baths offer a view of natural scenery you can enjoy lying down, and black granite outdoor baths. Their steam sand bath, using extremely pure crystal sand, is quite popular.


  • Parosu Yutagawa
    6 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Yamagata Tsuruoka-shi Yutagawa Ko 31-2
    This souvenir shop is in Yutagawa-ko, Tsuruoka City. It sells local Shonai specialties, food, local sake, and local wine. They also sell popular original items like Moso Kamaboko, kamaboko fish cake containing Yutagawa onsen's own Yutagawa Moso bamboo shoots, and Mameita Kamaboko.


  • Kurobushi Highlands Snow Park, Jangle Jungle
    2 Reviews
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Yamagata Pref. Higashineshi Kannonji Waterless Mountain 3170-164
    This ski park is located on Mt. Mizunashi in Kannonji, Higashine City. Known for its consistent quality and snow condition, these five slopes and four parks are covered with 100% natural power snow. This well designed park has a dedicated escalator connecting the parking lot directly to the Jangle Plaza where the information counter, changing rooms, shops, and a restaurant serving pizza from its specialized pizza oven are all in one spot.


  • Sokoji Temple
    6 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Yamagata Sakata-shi Sokojisawa 8
    This temple is in Sokojisawa, Sakata City. This Zen temple was founded in 1384 by monk Getsuan Ryoen, and is the 12th temple on the Shonai 33 Temple Pilgrimage. Horaien, the garden on the temple grounds, is a nationally designated Place of Scenic Beauty, and the Kinoko Sugi cedar planted along the pilgrimage route is over 300 years old, and is a prefecturally Natural Monument. They also offer activities like copying of Buddha pictures or sutras, and Zazen meditation.

    総光寺の立派な山門に向かう参道にはきのこ杉という面白い形に剪定された杉が立ち並び見ごたえがあります。山門は1811年のもので200年もたっている歴史あるものです。 本堂の裏には庭園もあり見どころ多い寺院です。

  • Dewaya
    12 Reviews
    Accommodations / Hot Spring
    Yamagata Nishimurayama-gun Nishikawamachi Mazawa 58


  • Akayu Ramen, Ryu-Shanghai Akayu (Main Store)
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Yamagata Pref. Nanyoushi Nirone 6-18
    This ramen shop is along the Prefectural Route 246 in Niirone, Nanyo City. The signature Akayu Karamiso Ramen, can be made to order by requesting your preferred amount of hot red chili pepper paste to be added to the broth. Also on the menu are the Akayu Ramen with a chicken based soy sauce broth, and the Karamiso chilled ramen noodles with a special sauce.
  • Strawberry Farm
    2 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Yamagata Sagae-shi Takayadai Shita 1404-1
    This strawberry farm is located along National Route 112 in Takaya Daishita, Sagae City. They cultivate a number of varieties of strawberry, such as “Tochiotome,” “Yayoihime” and “Akihime,” and you can enjoy strawberry picking from January until around early June. As the strawberries are grown in raised beds, you can pick them standing up.

    国道の横にビニールハウスが並んでいた。 中に入り料金を払うとヘタ入れ用とのことで紙コップを貰い苺の棚へGO。 棚は1Mほどの高さで棚の上に品種の表示があった。 品種の数は7-8種類だろうか、表示を見ながら試食。 イチゴ狩りのシーズンも終わりころの訪問だったからだろうか? 食べることのできる苺はそこそこあるので問題ないのだが、時期を過ぎた苺がかなり残っていたことと、苺の粒が小さめであった...

  • IImoriyama Park
    6 Reviews
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Yamagata Sakata-shi Iimoriyama 2-13 Tono
    This park is on prefectural route 355 in Iimoriyama 2-Chome, Sakata City. It has an adventure playground, multipurpose ground, a gymnasium, and other facilities. It also has a memorial hall dedicated to Sakata native photographer Ken Domon. There are about 15,000 hydrangeas planted on the grounds, and they bloom from late June through early July in a grand spectacle to see.

    最上川を渡った先にある公園。市街から離れているので、自動車か観光自転車で行った方が無難です(本数は少ないですが、バスも通っています)。駐車場も広かったので。 園内には運動施設や冒険広場(子ども向けの遊具があります)、池、土門拳記念館があります。広いので、1日中のんびりするにはいいかもしれません。 山頂からは、最上川越しに市街を望めました。とは言え、飯森山は標高たったの42m。山と言うよりも丘で...

  • Somiya Shrine
    1 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Yamagata Pref. Nagaishi Yokomachi 14-24
    This syncretized Shinto and Buddhist Shrine across from Nagai Ayame Park enshrines Yamato Takeru-no-Mikoto. Legends say sacred tree on the grounds, Naoesugi, was planted by Naoe Kanetsugu. The Treasure Hall also holds a sword dedicated by Naoe Kanetsugu, on display for free. They also display other Important Cultural Assets like an Onimen mask, Shishigashira lion dance head, a massive ema prayer plaque, and more.

    山形鉄道フラワー長井線のあやめ公園駅から徒歩5分。 802年、征夷大将軍の坂上田村麻呂が東征した際に赤崩山白鳥大明神として創建。1593年に米沢藩主・蒲生郷安が下長井郷の神仏を合祀し、長井荘総鎮守として総宮神社と改めた。長井一の宮とされている。祭神は日本武尊命。社殿は木造銅板葺きで、拝殿は1926年の再建、本殿は1782年の再建。境内入口脇には直江兼続が手植えしたとされる9本の大杉が聳えている。

  • Sankyo Warehouses Sakata Yume no Kura (Sakata City Tourism and Product Hall)
    Travel / Tourism
    Yamagata Sakata-shi Sankyomachi 1-1-20
    Standing near the Nagasaki Ohashi Bridge, Sankyo Warehouse, built in 1893, is still used as an agricultural storehouse today. A portion of the warehouse was remodeled and opened as Sakata Yume-no-Kura, a tourism facility and collection of shops selling local products. The Hana-no-Yakata museum presents the history of Sakata City and its culture through exhibits and informational panels. The facility has an open terrace and restaurants serving light meals, and visitors can enjoy Tsuya-hime soft serve ice cream and Tama-konnyaku, local specialties. There is also a corner selling seafood products, Shonai rice, and other top Yamagata souvenirs.
  • Sakai-shi Teien Garden
    6 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Yamagata Tsuruoka-shi Kachushinmachi 10-18 (Chido Hakubutsukan Uchi)
    This garden is attached to the Chido Museum, in Kachushinmachi, Tsuruoka City. This hill-and-pond garden was built on the north side of Shonai domain lord Sakai's former retirement residence. This is a nationally registered Place of Scenic Beauty due to its value as one of the few remaining residential gardens of the Tohoku region.


  • Hanagasa Fruit Farm
    5 Reviews
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Yamagata Tendo-shi Kami Hagino To 820
    This tourist orchard offers guests the chance to harvest a variety of seasonal fruit. Guests can pick cherries from early June to late July, peaches and grapes from early August to early September, large grapes from early September to late October, and apples from early September to mid-November. Since there are no time limits, guests can take their time enjoying all the fruit they can eat. Charges depend on the type of fruit being picked. The farm’s cherry trees and grape vines are located under rain covers, allowing visitors to pick them even during inclement weather. Visitors can also buy fruit as souvenirs at the farm’s shop.


  • Roadside Station Shonai Mikawa
    Yamagata Pref. Higashitagawagunmikawamachi Yokoyama 172-1
    This station is located inside the full-service park, Iroribi no Sato along the Ushu coastal highway in Yokoyama Azatsutsumi, in Mikawa Town. Maideru means waiting for you in Shonai dialect. Adjoining this station is a fresh market that sells local produce and products. One of the popular menu items is Komekko meat udon made from the local rice flour.
  • Toyotaro Yuki Memorial Hall
    5 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Yamagata Nanyo-shi Akayu 362
    This memorial museum is located about five minutes by car from the JR Akayu Station. The museum introduces the achievements of one of Nanyo City's hometown heroes, Yuki Toyotaro who served as the Minister of Finance, and the fifteenth Governor of the Bank of Japan. This museum was built on Yuki's privately owned land for the townspeople and houses the Rinun Bunko Library. It preserves and displays many treasures of Yuki, who was a prolific reader, including valuable paintings and writings by such artists as Katsu Kaishu, and Yamaoka Tesshu. Special exhibitions or cultural workshop events are regularly offered.


  • National Treasure-designated Five-Storied Pagoda of Mt. Haguro
    Travel / Tourism
    Yamagata Tsuruoka-shi Haguromachi Hagurosan Chinai
    The five-storied pagoda at Mt. Haguro, one of the three sacred mountains of Dewa where Shugendo (a mountain asceticism incorporating Shintoist and Buddhist ideas) was practiced until the Meiji period, has been designated as a national treasure. The current tower is thought to have been reconstructed by Masauji Muto, a head administrator of Mt. Haguro and lord of Shonai in the time of Emperor Chokei of the Bunchu period. It has an elegant appearance nestling within the cedar trees.
  • Nagai City Kodai no Oka Museum
    5 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Yamagata Nagai-shi Kusaoka 2768-1
    "The museum is located in the ""Ancient Hill"" where many ruins from the Old Stone Age to the Warring States Period have been discovered at the foot of Mt. In addition to archaeological materials such as earthenware and stoneware excavated in Nagai City, the museum exhibits panel displays related to life in the Jomon period and a reconstructed model of a Jomon-era hard-hole dwelling."

    資料館の隣のお蕎麦屋さんがとても良かったです。 お蕎麦、おつゆの美味しさはもちろん 縄文風の食器が使われていました。 GWに友人家族と一緒に3家族で訪れました。 友人家族はバンガロー、私たちはテントサイトにテントを張りました。 テントサイトはとても広くGWにもかかわらず他の人はいませんでした。 平らで草の地面はとても柔らかく過ごしやすいキャンプ場です。 トイレ、シャワーもきれいです。 展示物がある...

  • Hijiori Ideyukan
    5 Reviews
    Accommodations / Hot Spring
    Yamagata Pref. Mogamigunokuramura Minamiyama 451-2
    This day use hot spring facility is in Hijiori Onsen village. The sodium chloride carbonated spring water is said to be effective in relieving muscle soreness and joint pain. They have a high-ceilinged, large-windowed stone tub bath and the observation deck wooden tub bath, both of which offer brilliant views of the seasonal surroundings. The facility also offers health promotion and maintenance plans with advice on hot spring use and health management through hot springs.


  • Choukai no Mori Sansan
    5 Reviews
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Yamagata Sakata-shi Tsuchibuchi Ohira 1-59
    This forest park is in Tsuchibuchi, Sakata City. Found in a grand forest with a view of the Shonai Plain and Sea of Japan, it has a variety of facilities including lodging, a campground, multipurpose plaza, astronomical observatory, and forestry education hall. On weekends and holidays, they offer guided forest walking tours, allowing a good glimpse of the plants and animals of the forest. They also run a ski slope in winter.

    晴れてると抜群の眺めです。展望台の周囲の木を伐採しており海まで見渡せます。 午前中は、人もいなくのびのび過ごせました。

Yamagata Areas


Although often overlooked, Yamagata prefecture by no means lacks appeal: the Yamadera temple trail through the mountains, deliciously tender Yonezawa wagyu, and over 100 steaming hot springs, most notably Zao Onsen, await visitors. When winter comes, the snowcapped peaks become dotted with skiers by day and onsen-goers by night, while summer brings the celebration of juicy Yamagata cherries.

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