Eel Spots in Japan

  • Ogino
    3 Reviews
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Aichi Pref. Okazakishi Idashinmachi 3-8
    A Japanese restaurant located close to Ida Park, Idashin-machi, Okazaki City. The restaurant serves Isshiki eel broiled over high quality ubame oak charcoal from Wakayama and slathered with a secret recipe sauce which has been added on to and replenished since the establishment first opened. The restaurant also offers dishes made with Mikawa seafood and Hatcho miso. Providing a la carte dishes, banquet courses, and kaiseki course cuisine for celebrations and memorials, the restaurant is able to meet a wide variety of dining needs.

    ひつまぶし、きしめん、味噌カツ、手羽先などのコース料理をいただきました。 いまいちでした。 団体(15人)なので仕方ないのでしようが、カツも冷めてました。 ひつまぶしの鰻は国産とのことですが、小さいからか美味しさがよくわかりませんでした。 出汁茶漬けのダシもいまいちです。 出てきてお店の前に、予約客で満席とありました。 自分で選んだわけではないですが、チョイスミスかもしれません。

  • Bincho Main Restaurant
    19 Reviews
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Aichi Pref. Niwagunoguchichou Shimoguchi 5-176-1
    A hitsumabushi eel rice restaurant standing along National Route 41 in Shimo-oguchi, Oguchi Town, Niwa County. The restaurant serves Bincho Hitsumabushi select eel grilled over high grade ubame charcoal, slathered in a secret recipe sauce, and served over rice. The establishment also offers kaiseki course meals and gozen meals. The Ni Unagi Bo Sushi, pressed sushi made with eel stewed in the restaurant's secret recipe sauce, is also popular.

    とても美味しかったです。 注文を受けてくれた男性店員の応対も良かったです。 席の案内、会計の女性の接客は残念でした。隣と密接な席を案内されたので座敷を希望したら露骨に嫌な顔され、最後の会計時もほぼ無愛想で無言。割引き券使ったけど、無言なので有効なのかどうかもわかりませんでした。 一般人にとってはプチ贅沢なお店なので、残念な接客の店員さんはなんとかして欲しです。 その旨の意見をお店の直サイトに出した...

  • Unazen
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Aichi Pref. Nagoyashi Nakamura-ku Meiekiminami 1-17-26
    A hitsumabushi eel rice restaurant standing along Hirokoji Dori Avenue in Meiekiminami, Nakamura Ward, Nagoya City. The restaurant's Kanto-style hitsumabushi eel is grilled with a secret recipe soy-based sauce and, unlike what is commonly seen, is not cut into small pieces but is rather served whole over rice. In addition to eel dishes, the restaurant also offers soft-shelled turtle dishes (advance reservation required), sashimi, and dishes made with Nagoya Cochin chicken.
  • Unagi Kiya
    35 Reviews
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Aichi Pref. Nagoyashi Higashi-ku Higashisotoborichou 11
    An eel restaurant located near the Nagoya City Archives in Higashisotobori-cho, Higashi Ward, Nagoya City. This long-standing establishment was founded in the late Edo period and serves hitsumabushi made with eel grilled over high grade charcoal and slathered with a select sauce. The restaurant is only open at night on Saturdays and during this time an advanced reservation is required.

    何時行っても、混んでいる、そんなに安価ではないひつまぶしであるが、他にも選択はあるが、ひつまぶしがお薦めである。 外国人の観光客と思われるお客さまもちらほら。名古屋城の外堀に面した立地も趣きがあって良いと思います。Its crowded, not so cheap, but there are other options, but its Hitumabushi;eel & soup...

  • Suminobo (Mishima Taisha Restaurant)
    31 Reviews
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Shizuoka Pref. Mishimashi Taishachou 18-1
    This restaurant specializing in eel cuisine Located in front of Mishima Taisha Shrine. Rich in natural water from the Kakitagawa Spring Group that is selected as one of Japan's 100 best springs, they soak eel in the water for a week in order to remove any excess oil and unpleasant odor before cooking it. In addition to their carefully-crafted eel cuisine, they also offer delicious a la carte items, noodle dishes, and donburi (rice bowls).

    値段は確かに高いですが、それでも三島神社界隈で根強い人気を誇るうなぎ料理を堪能することが出来るレストランです。 店内はそれほど広くなく、カウンター席とテーブル席で20席もありません。そのため特に昼食時は店外に行列が出来る程です。店の周囲には日差し除けが少なく歩道も狭いため、夏場の暑い日に店外で待つ際は注意が必要です。スタッフは一様にハキハキとした声で元気よく接客対応してくれます。 給仕された鰻丼は...

  • Numazu Unayoshi
    16 Reviews
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Shizuoka Pref. Numadushi Shimokanuki Funoguchi 1712-3
    Broiled eel specialists in Numazu City. This restaurant has carefully maintained the same flavor since they first opened, first steaming the eel without sauce, then grilling it with a sweet soy-based sauce, rotating it countless times. Different sized portions in eel rice boxes are available as well as desert options. Other dishes beyond broiled eel are also available including eruption white steamed unseasoned eel, grilled liver and more.

    うな重と同じ値段のうなぎちらし。サービスデーで少し安いので初めて食べてみました。 まずは,熱くない(さめている)のにびっくり。 うなぎの味より海苔やネギの味が強いし,うなぎの見た目もなんだかなあの感じ。 どこかのサービスランチでも食べているような気分,味でした。 折角思い切って食べにきたのに, マスク付けないで派手に席をしていたおばさんの客もいたので,すぐに店を出て, とぼとぼと帰りました。 普段...

  • Kappo Numazu Bondool
    8 Reviews
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Shizuoka Pref. Numadushi Ooka 2870-2
    This kaiseki cuisine is located in Numazu City, Shizuoka Prefecture. Guests can enjoy seasonal kaiseki cuisine created with fresh seafood caught in Suruga Bay off the coast of Numazu. They also offer less formal items such as kaisendon, which feature rice topped with plentiful helpings of sashimi, as well as a full range of eel dishes, including such as unaju (broiled eel on rice) and unagi seiro (steamed eel on rice).


  • Kanerin Unagi Restaurant
    44 Reviews
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Shizuoka Pref. Hamamatsushi Chuo-ku Irinochou 731
    This long-standing eel restaurant in Hamamatsu City, Shizuoka Prefecture, has been open for 65 years. Their eel coated with secret sauce then carefully grilled over high quality binchotan charcoal is famous among the locals. Their menu covers many different eel dishes including the popular eel rice bowl, unseasoned eel, and eel wrapped in an omelet. This shop draws tourists and visitors from all over.

    浜松で鰻店と言えばココという高評価のお店なので期待が高すぎたのかもしれません 鰻は柔らかくいい鰻を使ってるとは思いますが焼き方が好みでありません タレがしょっぱ過ぎご飯がすすみません量も多すぎの上不味いお米です 予約して行ったので待ち時間は0でしたが注文してからかなり待たされました 並んでまでまた食べたいとは到底思えず 但し接客は良かったです 案内も注文時も会計も大変感じがよくお店も綺麗です...

  • Unagi Fujita (Hamamatsu Station Restaurant)
    100 Reviews
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Shizuoka Pref. Hamamatsushi Chuo-ku Sunayamachou 322 - 7 Hotel Soriso Hamamatsu 2F
    This restaurant specializing in eel cuisine is located near Hamamatsu Station in Sunayama-cho, Chuo-ku, Hamamatsu City. The restaurant offers a wide variety of eel dishes, such as their unaju, which feature a high-quality domestic eel grilled over white charcoal with a secret sauce that has been passed down for over 50 years served on a lacquer box of rice. The restaurant offers a variety of seating options ranging from counter and table seating to private rooms that hold up to 30 guests.

    Unagi was very good, probably as good as other shops. Came right before noon so dodged the lunch crowd. Had unagi and fried eel liver. Generally a good meal but the price is on the high side.

  • Unasumitei
    29 Reviews
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Shizuoka Pref. Hamamatsushi Chuo-ku Sunayamachou 354
    This unagi eel restaurant in Sunayama-cho, Chuo-ku, Hamamatsu City uses carefully selected eels which they grow for a year before adding their homemade sauce and then grilling them over high quality binchotan charcoal. Their popular three-tiered eel menu Unagi Mabushi has unagi don (eel rice bowl), mabushi don (bowl of rice covered with bite-sized eel), and unagi chazuke (eel rice bowl with tea poured over the top).

    たまたま浜松に来る用事があり ダメもとで昼はウナギを食べようかと 有名どころを当たってみたけれど案の定 予約は無理で 店頭の紙で順番とかが多く そのあとの予定を考えるととても無理。注文してからウナギを裂くような店も無理。探した挙句にやっとこの店を見つけた。とりあえずテーブル予約をお願いして やっと本場浜松にてウナギが食べられることになり 一安心。店は歴史も長く 炭火焼ということで期待して店に到着...

  • Unagi no Kantaro Shijimizuka Shop
    17 Reviews
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Shizuoka Pref. Hamamatsushi Chuo-ku Shijimiduka 2-2-2
    This unagi shop is located in 2-chome, Shijimizuka, Chuo-ku, Hamamatsu City. Live unagi is swimming in the shop's well water and prepared only when ordered, grilled up with charcoal and tare sauce made from organic, naturally-brewed soy sauce. The menu features unajyu and una don as well as ichimatsu jyu in which you can try kabayaki and shirayaki unagi.

    浜松の鰻屋さんでは1番好きです。 生きた鰻を注文事に捌くので臭みが無い。 関西焼きで白焼きはハッキリ鮮度が分かるので、ここ以外で関西焼きの白焼きは食べれません。 関東焼きで白焼き、自分は食べれません。 白焼き好きは行ってみれば分かりますよ。 生ビール飲みながらツマミにシッポ。 そして出て来る白焼きはたまりません。

  • Unagi Ishikawa
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Shizuoka Pref. Hamamatsushi Hamana-ku Inasachouinoya 1119-9
    This eel shop is located along Prefectural Route 303 in Iinoya, Inasa Town, Hamana-ku, Hamamatsu City. They provide Kansai-style eel grilled live over open flames. In addition to unajyu, the menu includes shira-yaki meal, and the mabushi chazuke with its spices and Japanese soup stock.
  • Shimizuya
    42 Reviews
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Shizuoka Pref. Hamamatsushi Hamana-ku Hosoechoukiga 238-2
    An eel shop located along Prefectural Route 49 in Kiga, Hosoe Town Hamana-ku, Hamamatsu City. The eel flavor has been preserved for three generations, carefully grilled to perfection based on keen awareness of each eel's characteristics, and served with a thick coating of tare sauce. Eel lunches and broiled eels are also available for take-out.

    浜名湖周辺を通った時に立ち寄りました。お店の場所は初めてだとちょっと判りにくい場所です。お店脇の線路沿いに駐車場はあります。 事前に調べた通り、店頭で注文して先払いしてから案内される方式。予め公式ホームページのメニューで注文を決めてから入店した方がスムーズです。支払にはPayPayも使えました。 待つことしばし、出てきたうな重は関東風。うなぎはふわっと、且つ皮はパリッと焼きあがっていて、焼き方...

  • Unagidokoro Katsumi (Mikkabi Interchange Direct Sales Store)
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Shizuoka Pref. Hamamatsushi Hamana-ku Mikkabichoutsuduki 1313-660
    This store specializing in eel cuisine is located on the side of Prefectural Route 85 in Tsuzuki, Mikkabi-cho, Hamana-ku, Hamamatsu City. They keep their large eels in well water for three days in order to reduce their smell. They then cut and trim each eel to order and grill it on an open flame with a homemade sauce that they have been adding to since the store opened. In addition to unaju (broiled eel on rice) and kabayaki (eel broiled with a soy-based sauce), the store also offers items such as mabushi-chazuke (eel over rice with stock poured on top) and shiroyaki (eel grilled without seasoning) set meals.
  • Omi-Imazu Nishitomo Main Shop
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Shiga Pref. Takashimashi Imaduchousumiyoshi 2-1-20
    An eel and river fish specialty store and restaurant located in 2 Chome Sumiyoshi Imazu-cho, Takashima City. The restaurant part of the facility serves hitsumabushi, eel rice bowls, unaju rice boxes, eel steamed seiromushi style, eel rice bowl and soba noodle sets, and kaiseki course cuisine and sashimi set meals made with river fish. The adjoining shop sells products like eel chazuke—plain-grilled eel stewed with Japanese pepper.
  • Unagi Rotir
    2 Reviews
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Oita Hita-shi Kuma 2-3-16


  • Grilled Eel Cooking Tokai Tei
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Miyagi Tome-shi Toyomamachi Teraike Kokonokamachi 46
  • U Na Kuri 5
    1 Reviews
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Tokyo Koto-ku Kitasuna 4-40-11


  • Shibuki
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Shizuoka Hamamatsu-shi Chuo-ku Kanzanjicho 2252-1
  • Kabayaki Kuniyoshi
    9 Reviews
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Kanagawa Naka-gun Oisomachi Oiso 1085

    もとは國吉屋という旅籠で200年以上の歴史があるお店です。うなぎ専門店になってからは三代目だそうです。初代総理大臣、伊藤博文も通ったそうです。天然に近い鰻を使って料理を提供しています。特選うな重とうな重は、全く別物だ祖王ですので、せっかくだから特選にしました。マスクメロン、車海老のお吸い物 香の物が付いた特選うなぎ重定食です。肝焼きは2本あります。辛口タレで弾力がしっかりあります。特選うな重は輪島...

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